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Randy Short on Shootings, Verdicts, Injections, and His New Books with Roger Stone

Listen HERE Pastor and human rights activist Dr. Randy Short discusses the Rittenhouse/Arbery shootings and verdicts; the COVID-19 pandemic and associated injections; the Waukesha SUV attack; and his new books (co-authored with Roger Stone) Slavery’s Mastery: The Impact of Religious Slavery Revealed and Spartacus: The Real Corey Booker Story. Randy Short is not just a co-author, but also a spiritual advisor to newly religious Roger Stone, who has been subpoenaed to testify to the House committee investigating January 6th. MSM coverage has been hysterical in both senses of the word: “The select panel on Monday subpoenaed known conspiracy theorist and radio…


LIVE RADIO! Randy Short on Shootings, Verdicts, Injections, and His New Books with Roger Stone; AK Dewdney on Truth Movement vs. Deep State (Who’s Winning?)

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Pastor and human rights activist Dr. Randy Short discusses the Rittenhouse/Arbery shootings and verdicts; the COVID-19 pandemic and associated injections; the Waukesha SUV attack; and his new books (co-authored with Roger Stone) Slavery’s Mastery: The Impact of Religious Slavery Revealed and Spartacus: The Real Corey Booker Story. Randy Short is not just a co-author, but also a spiritual advisor to newly religious Roger Stone, who has been subpoenaed to testify to the House committee investigating January 6th. MSM coverage has been hysterical in both senses of the word:…


FFWN: Bill Gates Apologizes for Smallpox, NYT Insists Epstein DID Kill Himself

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above. Normally there is also a shorter version on my YouTube channel  — but not this week, due to YouTube censorship. So we will be free to discuss medical issues honestly throughout the show! PSAs 1) Help FFWN Ridicule Billionaires with Weird Hobbies Censored Debate on Medical Issues 2) Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age 3) Vaccine ‘dramatically’ increases heart risk, says new study 4) California Man Pressured to Take Covid Vax Dies,…


Bill Gates Apologizes for Smallpox Vial in his Refrigerator

Dissociated Press Emerging disease magnate Bill Gates has issued a heartfelt apology for keeping a vial of smallpox virus in his refrigerator. At a press conference held at the spaceport on the roof of his 300-acre Seattle mansion, Gates explained that he simply likes to collect things, especially rare and dangerous diseases, and that he never intended to uncork the vial and unleash the scourge—at least not unless his bioweapon/vaccine depopulation efforts fail. The smallpox vial was discovered by one of Gates’ maids while she was cleaning the filthy, mold-encrusted refrigerator. A tearful Gates, trying his best to sob exactly…


Comedian Mona Shaikh: Antivaxxers to the Gas Chambers? No, COVID Itself Is the Final Solution! (full interview)

Meow! Surely you’re joking, Mona! Listen HERE I invited Mona Shaykh, a leading “woke” comedian and self-professed “naughty Muslim,” for what I thought would be a friendly conversation. After all, we’re both American Muslims, we both have an offbeat sense of humor (check out my satire), we both sympathize with underdogs and oppressed folks, and we’re both committed to telling in-your-face truth exactly the way we see it, social niceties be *#@*ed. My wife warned me: “What kind of Muslim is this? She’s flashing her body around, spewing her potty mouth, exploiting her background for cheap laughs, selling tasteless woke…


Poet-Scholar Tom Breidenbach on Vaccine Letter to Family & Friends

Listen HERE Poet, academician, and 9/11 truth advocate Tom Breidenbach recently penned “A Letter to my Family and Friends” that begins:  “I know many of you have taken the Covid-19 vaccines. I do not wish to alarm you, yet my conscience compels me to share with you concerns about the vaccines that have been voiced by prominent scientists and doctors as well as by journalists and researchers…” (Read the rest at Tom’s new Substack.) Tom Breidenbach has analyzed 9/11 as a human sacrifice, developed that analysis in twin books of poetry, and elaborated on the insights of literary anthropologist René…


LIVE RADIO! Poet-Scholar Tom Breidenbach on Vaccine Letter to Family & Friends; Comedian Mona Shaikh on Hollywood/Pakistan Culture Clash & the Rise of the Desi Girls

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Poet, academician, and 9/11 truth advocate Tom Breidenbach recently penned “A Letter to my Family and Friends” that begins:  “I know many of you have taken the Covid-19 vaccines. I do not wish to alarm you, yet my conscience compels me to share with you concerns about the vaccines that have been voiced by prominent scientists and doctors as well as by journalists and researchers…” (Read the rest at Tom’s new Substack.) Tom Breidenbach has analyzed 9/11 as a human sacrifice, developed that analysis in twin books…


Peter Janney: How the CIA killed JFK, Mary Meyer, and world peace (audio and transcript)

Listen HERE Guest: Peter Janney, author of Mary’s Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace. Mary’s Mosaic is the best-written of all the JFK assassination books I’ve read. It provides unparalleled insights into the depths of several larger-than-life characters involved in this amazing Shakespearean drama: John F. Kennedy: A shallow womanizer who suffered from debilitating illnesses and chronic severe pain, JFK’s character flaws stemmed from deeply troubled relationships with his parents…until he miraculously grew into his role as the greatest President America was never allowed to have, thanks in…


FFWN: Busting Out of Lockdown (with E. Michael Jones)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #3) PSA 1) Help FFWN Bust the Info-Lockdown! Medical Mis(sing)Iinformation 2) More people died in the key clinical trial for Pfizer’s Covid vaccine than the company publicly reported  2.5) FDA wants 55 years to process FOIA request over vaccine data 3) NPR’s Petra Mayer, 46, Dies of Pulmonary Embolism  Rittenhouse Circus 4) Kyle Rittenhouse (“NOTORIOUS GUN-TOTING TEEN”) Acquitted in Bombshell End to Vigilante Murder Trial 5) Kyle Rittenhouse | Murder…


Michael Hudson’s “Super Imperialism” explains how Wall Street plunders the world

Listen HERE Michael Hudson’s Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire takes up where Economic Hit Man John Perkins leaves off. Hudson’s book offers a historical overview of how the US empire covertly exacts tribute from the world. But the era of Super Imperialism may be coming to an end, as the subjugated and exploited nations, led by China, band together to escape dollar hegemony. Will Main Street Americans, crushed beneath the collapsing dollar, turn against their bankster overlords? Will the Empire lash out in its death spasms, potentially inciting World War 3? We have certainly been cursed to…

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