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Poet-Scholar Tom Breidenbach on Vaccine Letter to Family & Friends

Listen HERE Poet, academician, and 9/11 truth advocate Tom Breidenbach recently penned “A Letter to my Family and Friends” that begins:  “I know many of you have taken the Covid-19 vaccines. I do not wish to alarm you, yet my conscience compels me to share with you concerns about the vaccines that have been voiced by prominent scientists and doctors as well as by journalists and researchers…” (Read the rest at Tom’s new Substack.) Tom Breidenbach has analyzed 9/11 as a human sacrifice, developed that analysis in twin books of poetry, and elaborated on the insights of literary anthropologist René…


LIVE RADIO! Poet-Scholar Tom Breidenbach on Vaccine Letter to Family & Friends; Comedian Mona Shaikh on Hollywood/Pakistan Culture Clash & the Rise of the Desi Girls

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Poet, academician, and 9/11 truth advocate Tom Breidenbach recently penned “A Letter to my Family and Friends” that begins:  “I know many of you have taken the Covid-19 vaccines. I do not wish to alarm you, yet my conscience compels me to share with you concerns about the vaccines that have been voiced by prominent scientists and doctors as well as by journalists and researchers…” (Read the rest at Tom’s new Substack.) Tom Breidenbach has analyzed 9/11 as a human sacrifice, developed that analysis in twin books…


Peter Janney: How the CIA killed JFK, Mary Meyer, and world peace (audio and transcript)

Listen HERE Guest: Peter Janney, author of Mary’s Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace. Mary’s Mosaic is the best-written of all the JFK assassination books I’ve read. It provides unparalleled insights into the depths of several larger-than-life characters involved in this amazing Shakespearean drama: John F. Kennedy: A shallow womanizer who suffered from debilitating illnesses and chronic severe pain, JFK’s character flaws stemmed from deeply troubled relationships with his parents…until he miraculously grew into his role as the greatest President America was never allowed to have, thanks in…


FFWN: Busting Out of Lockdown (with E. Michael Jones)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #3) PSA 1) Help FFWN Bust the Info-Lockdown! Medical Mis(sing)Iinformation 2) More people died in the key clinical trial for Pfizer’s Covid vaccine than the company publicly reported  2.5) FDA wants 55 years to process FOIA request over vaccine data 3) NPR’s Petra Mayer, 46, Dies of Pulmonary Embolism  Rittenhouse Circus 4) Kyle Rittenhouse (“NOTORIOUS GUN-TOTING TEEN”) Acquitted in Bombshell End to Vigilante Murder Trial 5) Kyle Rittenhouse | Murder…


Michael Hudson’s “Super Imperialism” explains how Wall Street plunders the world

Listen HERE Michael Hudson’s Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire takes up where Economic Hit Man John Perkins leaves off. Hudson’s book offers a historical overview of how the US empire covertly exacts tribute from the world. But the era of Super Imperialism may be coming to an end, as the subjugated and exploited nations, led by China, band together to escape dollar hegemony. Will Main Street Americans, crushed beneath the collapsing dollar, turn against their bankster overlords? Will the Empire lash out in its death spasms, potentially inciting World War 3? We have certainly been cursed to…


Meryl Nass Updates Us on COVID/Vaccine Research

Listen HERE Biological warfare scholar Meryl Nass, M.D. returns to update us on her research on COVID-19 related issues, including vaccine efficacy and side effects, alternative treatments, and much more. What does Dr. Nass think about Aaron Rodgers’ claim that it’s his body, his choice? Why are the majority of COVID deaths in Vermont vaccinated people, while in Texas it’s the opposite? Is the “WARP speed” vaccinate-kids program medically justified?


Dave Lindorff on US Making Nuclear War More Likely; Jim Fetzer Remembers John Stadtmiller

Listen HERE First half hour: Dave Lindorff discusses “The US is Set to Make Nuclear War More Likely“: “The US is about to move towards a far more likely first use of nuclear weapons, with word that the Air Force has ‘completed flight testing’ of the cost-and-performance-plagued F35A Lightning fighter, all units of which are being ‘upgraded’ to carry thermonuclear weapons. “What this means, as explained in a new article in Popular Mechanics, is that the world’s most costly weapons program (at $1.7 trillion), a fifth-generation fighter, supposedly ‘invisible’  to radar (that actually cannot fight and is not invisible to advanced radars),…


LIVE RADIO! Dave Lindorff on US Making Nuclear War More Likely; Jim Fetzer Remembers John Stadtmiller; Meryl Nass Updates Us on COVID/Vaccine Research

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First half hour: Dave Lindorff discusses “The US is Set to Make Nuclear War More Likely“: “The US is about to move towards a far more likely first use of nuclear weapons, with word that the Air Force has “completed flight testing” of the cost-and-performance-plagued F35A Lightning fighter, all units of which are being ‘upgraded’ to carry thermonuclear weapons. “What this means, as explained in a new article in Popular Mechanics, is that the world’s most costly weapons program (at $1.7 trillion), a fifth-generation fighter, supposedly “invisible”  to radar (that actually cannot…


FFWN: Support Bodily Autonomy! (with Swami Beyondanonda)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #5) Guest host: Swami/Steve of WakeUpLaughing PSA 1) Help FFWN support bodily autonomy! “Medical Misinformation” 2) ‘Trump counties’ had over 3 times more COVID deaths than ‘Biden counties’ in October according to a new report 3) Higher Vaccination Rates = Slightly More COVID (68 countries and 2947 US counties) 4) CDC Hits New Lows With Two Manipulated Studies 5) Highly-vaccinated Vermont has more COVID-19 cases than ever. Why is…

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