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Fatna Bellouchi on Her New “Spiritual Cookbook”; Richie Allen & Kevin Barrett Discuss Kyle Rittenhouse & COVID Jabs

Listen HERE First half hour: Fatna Bellouchi passionately disagrees with people like Anthony Fauci and Mona Shaikh as she discusses her brand-new Moroccan Cooking for Diabetics: A Spiritual Journey into the Soul of Nutrition: “Morocco has developed one of the world’s greatest and most unique cuisines. But few realize that Moroccan food can be adapted to prevent, mitigate, or even cure diabetes and other ‘diseases of civilization.’ This book offers bright, soulful recipes for diabetics and anyone else who wants both optimum health AND delicious food…” Fatna Bellouchi has taught Moroccan cooking at various coops and health food stores. She is…


FFWN: Top Stories of 2021! with Ron Unz, Cat McGuire, Alan Sabrosky, Mike Springmann, Matthew Ehret

Instead of broadcasting live on Saturday Dec. 25, FFWN presents this special year-end series on the top stories of 2021. Ron Unz: Collapse of Covid Origins Coverup Was the Biggest Story of 2021 1) Our Covid-19 Catastrophe EBook 2) Origin of Covid — Following the Clues Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan? 3) The Lab-Leak Hypothesis For decades, scientists have been hot-wiring viruses in hopes of preventing a pandemic, not causing one. But what if …? 4) RFK Jr. as America’s #1 HIV/AIDS Denier and the Sounds of Media Silence 5) Ron Unz…


Islamic Scholars Jowad al-Ansari and Alamdar Zaidi Discuss the End Times with Convert Andrew Israel

Listen HERE Part 2 of a two-hour “interfaith eschatology” show (listen to Part 1) Ahl ul-Bayt (Shia) Muslim scholars Alamdar Zaidi  and Jowad Al-Ansari are joined by American Shia convert Andrew Israel to discuss their understanding of the End Times. The Jafari (Shia) school of Islamic thought puts great emphasis on the End Times and eagerly awaits the return of the 12th Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi, who will battle the Antichrist (Dajjal) paving the way for the return of Christ. Alamdar Zaidi is an author and translator of books by leading Islamic scholars. An engineer by training, he began studying the Qur’an and the…


Dr. Peter Chojnowski on Fatima Apparitions Conspiracy

Listen HERE Eschatologists from many religious traditions agree that we are approaching the End Times—what Muslims call Akhir-uz-zaman.   Tonight’s show is dedicated to Fatima—the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) whose name, by Divine synchronicity, was given to the village in Portugal where the apparition of the Holy Virgin appeared in 1917, offering the Three Secrets of Fatima to three young Portuguese shepherds. One of them, Lucia Santos (Sister Lucy), later became embroiled in the controversy over the Vatican’s alleged suppression of the too-terrible-to-be-revealed Third Secret of Fatima. A few years ago I speculated about the deeper meaning…


LIVE RADIO! Dr. Peter Chojnowski on Fatima Apparitions Conspiracy; Islamic Scholars Jowad al-Ansari and Alamdar Zaidi Discuss the End Times with Convert Andrew Israel

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Eschatologists from many religious traditions agree that we are approaching the End Times—what Muslims call Akhir-uz-zaman. Christians and Muslims both await the return of Jesus, the one true Messiah; while Jews (who despise Christ) await their radically different Messiah, a military conquerer who will subjugate the goyim and rule the world from a rebuilt blood sacrifice temple in Jerusalem. Tonight’s show is dedicated to Fatima—the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him) whose name, by Divine synchronicity, was given to the village in Portugal where the apparition of the…


Ron Unz: MSM Hit Piece on RFK Jr. Is “The Dog That Didn’t Bark”

Half the book is “AIDS denial”—yet the hit piece won’t go there. Why not? Listen HERE Ron Unz responded to the AP’s 4,000-word hit piece against RFK Jr. just hours after its publication. He noticed a very strange omission: “Almost half of the entire book under attack—around 200 pages—is devoted to the presenting and promoting the astonishing claim that everything we have been told about HIV/AIDS for more than 35 years probably amounts to a hoax…Yet not a single word of this astonishing situation appears in the long AP article, that attacks Kennedy on almost all other possible grounds, fair…


FFWN: Delta+Omicron = MediaControl (Are They Gaslighting Us?)

With guest commenter E. Michael Jones Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above.  We are NOT broadcasting on my YouTube channel  this week due to censorship. PSA 1) Help FFWN stay ahead of the curve Delta+Omicron = MediaControl 2) They are mocking the people who believe the false narrative (“delta omicron” anagram for “media control”)  3) RFK Jr. as America’s #1 HIV/AIDS Denier and the Sounds of Media Silence 3.5) Ron Unz: MSM Hit Piece on RFK Jr. Is “The Dog That Didn’t Bark” 4) RFK Jr’s Heroic Resistance…


Jamie Macphail on “9/11: Unravelling the Lies”

Listen and read the transcript HERE Jamie Macphail’s book 9/11: Unraveling the Lies is a terrific resource for newcomers to the controversies around 9/11—and also for us old-timers who occasionally need to refresh our memories. As the author puts it, the book is “A comprehensive and up to date analysis summarized into one volume to provide an overview for both convinced skeptics and those inclined to believe the official account.” A transcript of the interview is available at my Substack page.


Thaddeus Kozinski on “What Plato can Teach us about Covid 19”

Listen HERE Philosophy and humanities teacher  Thaddeus Kozinski, author of Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos, discusses his new essays “What Plato can Teach us about Covid 19” and “Covid 19: The Warning.” Kozinski writes: “The last eighteen months is perhaps the demonstrative proof that Plato was right…” How so? As Plato knew, “the vast majority of us need a polis as well as a Church, one that unites us, not in the isolated and isolating ‘pursuit of happiness,’ but in the communal enjoyment of happiness, in the knowledge, love, and celebration of the Good in…


Ex-Cultist Radhia Gleis on BuddhaField Cult /Trump Cult

Listen HERE Radhia Gleis discusses her award-winning new book “THE FOLLOWERS: ‘Holy Hell’ and the Disciples of Narcissistic Leaders: How My Years in a Notorious Cult Parallel Today’s Cultural Mania.” The autobiographical volume describes the author’s 25 years in the BuddhaField cult led by Jaime “Michel” Gomez, an apparent narcissistic sociopath and homosexual predator-cum-hypnotherapist with a flair for plagiarizing spiritual books and trying out their tricks on unsuspecting seekers. (And as the Firesign Theater reminds us, there’s a seeker born every minute!) Taking up where Will Allen’s documentary Holy Hell left off, Gleis systematically compares Jaime Gomez’s BuddhaField with Donald Trump’s…

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