Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Today, May 13th, is the 105th anniversary of the “Miracle of Fatima”—the topic of the khutbah I gave a few hours ago. To commemorate the occasion, two leading Catholic experts join me for an interfaith discussion of the meaning of the most celebrated miracle of the modern age. First hour: Gary Giuffre, author of the forthcoming The Plot Against the Pope and Grave Reasons of State: The Atomic Bomb and the Eclipse of the True Vicar of Christ, is the foremost proponent of the Siri thesis that the Vatican was…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
FFWN: Pushing Back Against the Empire of Lies (with J. Michael Springmann)
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSAs 1) Help FFWN Stand with the Truth 2) Twitter Censors “Uncle Adolf stands with Ukraine” Tweet 3) RIP Elias Davidsson, Researcher-Author on 9/11 and Other False Flags UkroNazis 4) Ukraine’s Zelensky shares image of soldier with Nazi insignia 5) The Rise of the New Normal Reich 6) UkroNazis’ human shields’ testimony suppressed by MSM 7) CIA cathedral desecrator UkroNazi sympathizer & “pussy rioter” flees Russia—Russians breathe sigh of relief UkroBucks 8) Biden Wanted $33B More…
FULL ARTICLELinh Dinh on Globetrotting Through the Scamdemic
Listen HERE Expatriate American writer-photographer Linh Dinh fled Vietnam shortly before the first big lockdown and spent the rest of the scamdemic flitting from country to country, one step ahead of the brain police. Laos…Cairo…Alexandria…Aswan…Tirana…Cape Town…Klos….Swakopmund…Rehoboth…Windhoek…these are just some of the places Linh has immortalized in his “Postcards from the End of [the] America[n Empire]” (pictures here and articles here). Now that he’s back in a time zone compatible with my live radio show, it’s time for Linh to resume his duties as the Roving Global Correspondent for Truth Jihad Radio. In this interview we discuss some of the many…
FULL ARTICLEThaddeus Kozinski: “Foucault Told the Truth”
Listen HERE Prof. Thaddeus Kozinski says “Foucault Told the Truth.” Subhead: “About the Kingdom of Darkness.” The essay begins: “Michel Foucault was committed to the ‘truth’ that discourse is nothing but the surreptitiously coercive use of power, and the more hidden the power, the more effective the coercion. The power hiding behind claims to truth is so all-pervasive and effective that the very person who speaks and listens to discourse is itself its product and mouthpiece.” Kozinski argues that Foucault’s words apply in spades to the scamdemic era: “2020 was the inauguration of the global institutionalization of the corruption of discourse,…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Thaddeus Kozinski: “Foucault Told the Truth”; Linh Dinh on Globetrotting Through the Scamdemic
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Prof. Thaddeus Kozinski says “Foucault Told the Truth.” Subhead: “About the Kingdom of Darkness.” The essay begins: “Michel Foucault was committed to the ‘truth’ that discourse is nothing but the surreptitiously coercive use of power, and the more hidden the power, the more effective the coercion. The power hiding behind claims to truth is so all-pervasive and effective that the very person who speaks and listens to discourse is itself its product and mouthpiece.” Kozinski argues that Foucault’s words apply in spades to the scamdemic era: “2020 was…
FULL ARTICLEDHS Disinformation Squad: “Do NOT Watch False Flag Weekly News!” (with Cat Mcguire)
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSAs 1) The Orders (to Support FFWN) Still Stand 2) RIP Norman Mineta: Exposed Cheney’s 9/11 Stand-Down “Disinformation”/Censorship 3) WaPo: “Ignore DHS’s Disinformation Squad! Move Along, Nothing to See Here!” 4) Twitter’s ‘chief censor’ making $17M per year could be fired by Elon Musk 5) PayPal’s IndyMedia Wipeout 6) Repairman who revealed Hunter Biden laptop sues Schiff CNN Politico and the Daily Beast 7) 2000 Mules film premier Culture Wars: CyberDystopia vs. “New Right” 8) Meta…
FULL ARTICLEDiscussing Mideast, Ukraine, & More with Press TV and Richie Allen
Listen HERE First 25 minutes: Audio of my Press TV interview (with Brian Terrell) “Saudis ‘Normalize’ Their Betrayal of Palestine.” Final half hour: Legendary alternative radio host Richie Allen interviews me on the Ukraine war and more.
FULL ARTICLEJosh Mitteldorf Proves We’re Not Living in a Simulation
Listen HERE Anti-aging scientist Josh Mitteldorf returns to Truth Jihad Radio to offer “Proof We Are Not Living in a Simulation (see Nick Bostrum’s famous essay) and discuss the amazing fact that “The Universe Seems Fine-Tuned for Life.” If we answer those cosmic questions quickly we’ll move on to questions about quantum physics and mind-brain relationships. Josh Mitteldorf writes: I The Universe seems fine-tuned for life The fundamental equations of physics have constants in them that physicists take as a given. They just happen to be what they are. For example in E=mc2, the E is any measured quantity of energy and…
FULL ARTICLEWilliam Willers & Dr. David King on Mask Psychosis & COVIDystopia
Listen HERE William Willers, a retired University of Wisconsin biology professor who supported my 9/11 truth academic freedom struggle, returns to Truth Jihad Radio to discuss a new article that he’s having trouble getting published in Wisconsin MSM. It begins: “Who Is Ryan Westergaard? “The short answer is that Dr. Westergaard, a public official, is Wisconsin’s Chief Medical Officer and State Epidemiologist. As such, he is in a position to advise the Governor on matters of public policy relating to health. From this position of influence, he has made it clear in multiple appearances that he represents ’science’ relating to…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Wm. Willers & Dr. David King on Mask Psychosis & COVIDystopia; Josh Mitteldorf Proves We’re Not Living in a Simulation
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: William Willers, a retired University of Wisconsin biology professor who supported my 9/11 truth academic freedom struggle, returns to Truth Jihad Radio to discuss a new article that he’s having trouble getting published in Wisconsin MSM. It begins: “Who Is Ryan Westergaard? “The short answer is that Dr. Westergaard, a public official, is Wisconsin’s Chief Medical Officer and State Epidemiologist. As such, he is in a position to advise the Governor on matters of public policy relating to health. From this position of influence, he has made…