[Update! Jonathan Elinoff just posted photos of the “art students” camping out with tons of…what?…in boxes on the 90th floor of the North Tower during the run-up to 9/11. Watch the video here.] Great show today with Jeff Gates and Ellen Brown! The archive should be posted here soon. Next Saturday Jonathan Elinoff of CoreOfCorruption.com will join me for a full hour to further discuss the news he broke on my show today: Jonathan Elinoff calls into Kevin Barrett’s radio program to reveal a story he is breaking about art students who lived in tents on the 90th floor of…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Jeff Gates, Ellen Brown on Truth Jihad Radio tomorrow!
Saturday, October 10th, 5-7 pm Central, AmericanFreedomRadio… First hour: Jeff Gates, author, Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War. A former Senate Finance Committee counsel, Jeff Gates exposes the Jewish-Zionist-centered ashkenazi mob at the top of the global organized crime pyramid, both in the US (think Meyer Lansky and Larry Silverstein) and in Russia (six of the big seven organized crime bosses a.k.a. “the oligarchs” are Russian-Israeli dual citizens)…a mob that seems to have taken over U.S. foreign policy, and (in my opinion) appears to have been a key force behind the 9/11 false-flag attack. See…
FULL ARTICLEGuardian obituary for Keith Mothersson, interfaith 9/11 truth activist
I am very sorry that I never got a chance to meet Keith Mothersson in person. The Scottish representative of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth, and founder of All Faiths for 9/11 Truth, Keith one of the kindest yet feistiest people I’ve been privileged to know. (I wish all of the many feisty people in the 9/11 truth movement were as consistently kind as Keith! And that includes me, I suppose.) The Guardian’s obituary for Keith doesn’t really do justice to his passion for 9/11 truth, which is mentioned only in passing: “By then back living in Scotland, Keith…
FULL ARTICLEMichael Morrissey: Controlled Demolition as Limited Hangout
[We interrupt this blog with some breaking news: Muslim Marine Vet Truther Targeted in Massive DHS Raid. Muhammad Abdullah will be discussing this attempt to silence him tomorrow on Fair and Balanced–stay tuned to my radio schedule for details.]* * *Michael Morrissey: Controlled Demolition as Limited Hangout In my dialogue-gone wrong with Noam Chomsky, I was shocked when Chomsky argued that controlled demolition doesn’t mean anything, because that would just mean Bin Laden did the demolitions. Obviously nobody with a three-digit IQ, much less a four-digit one like Chomsky’s, could fail to realize that only high-level Western insiders would have…
FULL ARTICLEKHEN interview posted
Last week’s TruthQuest with Melodee interview posted here. Two full hours, no commercials! Warning, we got into some controversial stuff… And speaking of controversy…my, er, dialogue with Jim Fetzer, discussed in previous posts, referenced Jim’s disagreement with Michael Morrissey. For, Michael’s response to Jim, click here. By the way, in case anyone missed the point, I think Michael’s right about this.
FULL ARTICLEAnthrax Inside Job Expert Barry Kissin on F&B Tuesday 10/6
Anthrax expert Barry Kissin, who recently briefed Congressman Rush Holt, will join me on Fair and Balanced this Tuesday, October 6th, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern), on NoLiesRadio.org. The show will be archived a few hours after it’s over here. [Breaking news: Muhammed Abdullah, the Muslim Marine vet 9/11 activist who was recently raided by the DHS in reprisal for his truth-speaking, is planning to join us during the first fifteen minutes!] Barry Kissin is extremely well-informed, not to mention passionate, about the anthrax case, which even the US government has admitted was a…
FULL ARTICLEExclusive! Barry Kissin’s “anthrax inside job” briefing of Congressman Rush Holt
Lawyer and anthrax expert Barry Kissin, who will be my guest on Fair and Balanced this coming Tuesday October 6th, submitted a briefing on the anthrax case to Rep. Rush Holt yesterday. For the complete briefing, please visit: http://www.truthjihad.com/kissin.htm
FULL ARTICLEInternational Extravaganza! Adrian Salbuchi, Annie Machon on Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 10/3
Saturday 10/3 on Truth Jihad Radio, 5-7 pm Central on AmericanFreedomRadio.com… First hour: Adrian Salbuchi, Argentine anti-globalist economist. Check out his video lecture Zionism: A Key Factor in the New World Order Elite Power Network . Second hour: Annie Machon, organizer and presenter, Vers la Verité: International 9/11 Activist Gathering in Paris, to be held Saturday, 10/10/2009 at La Bellevilloise, 19-21 rue Boyer in Paris. I also hope to get a call-in or update on or from Muhammed Abdullah, the Pomona, California 9/11 truth activist whose freedom of speech was trampled earlier this year, and who seems to have just…
FULL ARTICLE“4,000 Jews Warned” ?! Jim Fetzer & I Talk It Out Over Lunch
In my previous post I opined that Jim Fetzer must be crazy to be drawing the conclusions he’s drawing, and using the language he’s using, concerning a certain Greek newspaper report of 22/23 September, 2001. That report, headlined “ISRAELI PRESS: We Saved 4,000 of Our Own and ARIEL SHARON” stated: “4,000 Jews who work [shifting to the next column] in the Twin Towers did not show up for work the day of the attack. Also the visit of Ariel Sharon to New York, who was going to attend a Zionist celebration that day, was canceled. In addition to that, 5…
FULL ARTICLE767 pilot Ralph Kolstad: Government’s 9/11 story is ridiculous: here’s why
Tuesday 9/29, on Fair and Balanced, 9 -10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on http://www.noliesradio.org … free on-demand archive here … Ralph Kolstad of Pilots for 9/11 Truth discusses the absurd impossibility of the claim that two incompetent, inexperienced pilots hit the World Trade Center Towers at 430 knots and 510 knots, respectively. Ralph and other experienced pilots say that 767s flown at those speeds close to sea level would be virtually impossible to control. In simulations, experienced pilots could not hit the WTC towers at anything close to those speeds. Additionally, Flight 175 (510 knots) would have…