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Extreme Radio Alert! Barrett v. Pintek

Last night on KDKA, Pittsburgh: My grueling hour-long slugfest with host Mike Pintek! They tell me it will be posted within a few hours at the Mike Pintek archive, If that doesn’t work, just go to and find Mike Pintek under the “On the Air” drop-down menu. More extreme radio: Today on Truth Jihad Radio, pm Central: Mike Palecek, author & should-be winner of the Kilgore Trout Award for great under-appreciated Midwestern social-commentary novelist. 6-7 pm Central: Dr. Richard Curtis, adjunct professor of philosophy at Seattle Central Community College and 9/11 truth supporter, arguing that I shouldn’t…


9/11 Pentagon “Jetliner Attack” Illusion Exposed

The Proof that 9/11 Was an Inside Job that Several Leading 9/11 Truth Sites Don’t Want You to See In his first 9/11 book The New Pearl Harbor (2004), David Ray Griffin wrote that if the government’s version of the “757 attack” on the Pentagon was not THE most obviously false part of the official story, it was at the very least tied for first place. (Presumably with Building 7.) Since then, Griffin has not changed his mind, and the vast majority of 9/11 truth-seekers agrees with him. Unfortunately, a tiny fringe element of truth-seekers (real and/or counterfeit) has been…


Media Covering “Questioning the War on Terror”

WKOW-TV, the ABC affiliate in Madison, Wisconsin, was the first mainstream outlet to cover my brand-new book shredding the whole “war on terror” zeitgeist. (See their coverage here.) Monday July 13th, I was on WORT-FM, one of the nation’s leading Pacifica affiliates, on Norm Stockwell’s “A Public Affair.” Tuesday, July 21st, I will be on WOCM, Ocean City, Maryland at 8:10 a.m. Central. Wednesday, July 22nd, tune in to WJON, St. Cloud, MN, 10:15 a.m. Central, and then on KDKA in Pittsburgh at 8:05 p.m. Central. Stay tuned to this page for updates.


7/7 radio special with Ian Henshall

Note: This show is archived at: Tuesday, July 7th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on Ian Henshall, author, 9/11 Revealed: The New Evidence; one of four national coordinators, As a leading figure of the U.K. truth movement, Ian Henshall will join me today on the fourth anniversary of the 7/7 London bombings to discuss the recent BBC-TV “Conspiracy Files” hatchet-job against the 7/7 truth movement. Kevin Barrett PS This just in from Ian Henshall: Hello all, I do not claim to be an expert on 7/7, but I think it is fair to say that few UK…


4th of July Madsen Report: High Treason at NSA

Former National Security Agency officer Wayne Madsen is reporting a sickening cover-up of high treason and mass murder. In a story headlined “NSA Security running amok to plug leaks about 9/11” Madsen writes: “WMR has learned that the National Security ‘Q’ Group, responsible for security, has grown to an immense security and counter-intelligence force, with an estimated one thousand government employees, contractors, and paid informants. NSA’s Security force is reportedly primarily tasked with plugging any leaks of classified or other information that points to U.S. government involvement with the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.” If anyone can find the…


Media-Studies Pundit Douglas Rushkoff, Once a Harsh Critic, Expresses Open-Minded Sympathy for 9/11 Truth

by Kevin Barrett 6/30/2009 Douglas Rushkoff got the idea for his new book Life, Inc., after he was mugged in his own neighborhood – twice. The first time, it was a real-world mugging in the streets. Then when he wrote about it on-line, he suffered a second, virtual mugging by angry neighbors afraid his report would hurt their property values. Rushkoff had a flash of insight: His neighbors were acting like corporations, not human beings. How did the corporatocracy get this far in its quest to possess the human soul? he wondered. Out of that question grew Life, Inc., a…


Thursday, June 25th Is Torture Accountability Action Day

from Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters : If, as the experts say, torture does not yield timely and accurate information, then why has the U.S. government been torturing so many people? U.S. Senator Carl Levin offers the most plausible answer: “The (CIA’s torture) techniques are based on tactics used by Chinese Communists against American soldiers during the Korean War for the purpose of eliciting false confessions for propaganda purposes…the person will say whatever he believes will stop the pain.” According to a Senate report on detainee abuse, “Rumsfeld, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and…


“Drought’s Crawling Reptile Army” in Occupied Iraq

As Iraq runs dry, a plague of snakes is unleashed“The Desert Horned Viper lurks in sand, only eyes, nostrils and horns above the surface…Swarms of snakes are attacking people and cattle in southern Iraq as the Euphrates and Tigris rivers dry up and the reptiles lose their natural habitat among the reed beds…six people have been killed and 13 poisoned…’People are terrified and are leaving their homes…We knew these snakes before, but now they are coming in huge numbers. They are attacking buffalo and cattle as well as people.’” to Zahf al-Jafaf I wrote this poem in mid-August of 2001,…


Journalistic Ethics Instructor McBride Had Affair with Police Chief She Wrote About

Jessica McBride makes her living teaching Journalistic Ethics. That didn’t stop her from ambush-interviewing me on behalf of Karl Rove and the Republican propaganda machine, who were looking for an academic whipping-boy to discourage professors from expressing 9/11 skepticism. At the time, Jessica’s husband, District Attorney Paul Bucher, was running for State Attorney General, and the Republicans wanted to make political points by bashing the University. This was my first-ever mainstream radio interview on the topic of 9/11 truth: The interview made me famous. The next morning, Steve Nass issued a press release calling for me to be fired…


William Pepper: Spanish Court Targets Bush Regime for War Crimes Bust

At the invitation of the Spanish court investigating U.S. war crimes, William Pepper wrote an extensive brief on why they should target top Bush officials, not just their lawyers. It appears they have taken his advice–get ready for Nuremburg II, which, Pepper told me, will be far more important than Nuremburg I. Learn about the impending prosecution of the Bush regime, and why you need to donate NOW to the NY 9/11 Ballot Initiative! Listen to today’s amazing Fair and Balanced show. Also, don’t forget: AE911Truth TRUTH TOUR 2009 Architect Richard Gage and AE911Truth are on tour bringing truth to…

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