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Tuesday’s guest: Gordon Duff of Veterans Today

Tuesday, November 16th, 9-11 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Guest: Gordon Duff, Marine Combat veteran and editor, Veterans Today – the most widely read – and most fearless – veterans publication in the USA! Gordon will follow up on my interview with Gen. Hamid Gul, who argued that the 9/11 inside job and the bogus “war on terror” are part of a Zionist/financier attempt to destroy the USA. Gordon develops this argument: In Motion: The Plot to Destroy the United States. (They’ve already destroyed our values, our freedom, and…


TSA Tips for Travelers: Or, How to Stop Worrying and Love Letting Us Touch Your Junk

[Note: TruthJihad blog always attempts to prevent a fair and balanced view of issues related to the War on Terror. In order to do so, we occasionally invite contributions from those whose views we would ordinarily oppose. Today, due to widespread public rage against TSA groping and naked body scanners, we felt obliged to invite the TSA to respond.] TSA Tips for Travelers: Or, How to Stop Worrying and Love Letting Us Touch Your Junk Guest blog post by Vora Rephilia, Assistant Pubic Relations Officer, Transportation Security Administration Greetings, travelers! We at the Transportation Security Administration are dedicated to making…


A call for We Are Change and all other courageous activists to SUPPORT OPT-OUT DAY…

…by going to your nearest airport on Opt-Out Day, Wednesday November 24th, and engaging in civil information activism…even if you aren’t traveling! (Or ESPECIALLY if you aren’t traveling – because you, unlike the poor folks getting scanned and groped, won’t have a flight to miss!) How? Just stand near where people line up to go through the checkpoint, being careful not to physically obstruct anyone, and talk to travelers about Opt-Out Day, naked body scanners, and “enhanced pat-downs” that amount to sexual assaults. Ask people to Opt Out of the naked body scanners, and to insist that the TSA sexual…


Barbara Honegger’s brand-new updated Pentagon Attack Papers!

Barbara Honegger will be my guest this Saturday, November 20th on Truth Jihad Radio. Here is her newly revised edition of The Pentagon Attack Papers featuring new material including interviews with former Terror Czar Richard Clarke and other high-level officials. -KB    THE PENTAGON ATTACK PAPERS Updated November 2010 by Barbara Honegger Appendix to THE TERROR CONSPIRACY (Second Ed.) by Jim Marrs  Barbara Honegger, M.S. is Senior Military Affairs Journalist with the Naval Postgraduate School (1995-present), DoD’s graduate science, technology, national security and homeland security university…. Click here to read The Pentagon Attack Papers: Updated November 2010  * * *…


Geraldo-educator Tony Szamboti, Pentagon attack expert Barbara Honegger on Truth Jihad Radio

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 11/13/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Tony Szamboti returns! Tony had to leave early last week and rush across town to join an amazing Geraldo Rivera WTC-7 episode at the Fox News studio. Tony Szamboti authored the peer-reviewed Journal of 9/11 Studies paper “The Sustainability of the Controlled Demolition Hypothesis for the Destruction of the Twin Towers.” He will be critiquing the Harrit-Rancourt debate and explaining why the Towers must have been demolished with explosives. Tony Szamboti is a…


New POWER OF TRUTH Radio Network picks up steam!

A brand-new network devoted to promoting the best of alternative radio is on the air! Check out Power of Truth Radio, where you can find my shows streaming twice a day, along with several other shows that together represent much of the best that alternative radio has to offer. Curious about what the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims really think – and why the mainstream media won’t tell you? Power of Truth Radio  features the best in Muslim-hosted English language radio with Hesham Tillawi, Imam W.D. Mohammed, Syed Saboor, “Live from Gaza with Yusef al-Helan,” “Understanding the Qur’an,” and of course…


What You Can’t Say on Geraldo

Geraldo: Has he rescinded the digitis impudicus he once flashed at the “nutjobs” who support 9/11 truth? At first glance, Geraldo’s 9/11 show with Bob McIlvaine and Tony Szamboti was mind-boggling. Never before has mainstream network TV put such a favorable spin on 9/11 truth. Even at second glance it’s still pretty mind-boggling. Congratulations to everyone involved – Bob and Tony (who performed brilliantly), the NYCcan and BuildingWhat folks, and behind them the whole truth movement. (I will be welcoming Tony Szamboti to Truth Jihad Radio next Saturday, Nov. 20th, 5 to 7 pm Central, live on After the…


Ken O’Keefe interview from last June replays this Tuesday

Eid Mubarak! Tuesday, November 16th, 9-11 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… NoLiesRadio is unable to do a live broadcast this week. (Next week we’ll be back live with Gordon Duff of Veterans Today). So for this show we will be replaying Ken O’Keefe’s scintillating interview from last June, in honor of his continuing attempts to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza. Ken and the Road to Hope convoy folks were kidnapped last week and taken to Greece, where the Greek commandos in the picture initially pretended to treat them as…


Tony Szamboti does Truth Jihad Radio, Geraldo in the same night!

Tony Szamboti had a good excuse for leaving Truth Jihad Radio thirty minutes ahead of schedule last night: He was booked, along with pro-truth family member Bob McIlvaine, on Geraldo’s Fox News show! No problem – I brought on Muad’Dib’s colleague Rob from Ireland to talk about the recent travesty of justice at the Irish Supreme Court.  In Case you haven’t heard, Muad’Dib is incarcerated and awaiting extradition for the “crime” of mailing his 7/7 truth DVD 7/7 Ripple Effect. My interview last night with Tony Szamboti, featuring Tony’s critique of Denis Rancourt’s anti-Twin-Towers-demolition case, will soon be archived here.…



You can listen to my 2009 interview with Muad’Dib here, and follow his case here.  Also, you can listen to today’s conversation between Jim Fetzer and Muad’Dib’s friend Rob here.  -KB MUAD’DIB ARRESTED AND HELD FOR DEPORTATION Guest blog by Jim Fetzer In a stunning development, Ireland’s highest court ruled in favor of the extradition of Muad’Dib, who produced “7/7 Ripple Effect“, to England to stand trial for attempting to corrupt the judicial system.  The charge is in fact quite absurd, since Muad’Dib simply sent copies of his DVD to the court in England in an attempt to preclude the…

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