Truth Party founder Sander Hicks arrived in Wisconsin just in time to help stop the police from clearing protesters out of the state capitol. After a spirited and well-attended event at the Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center, followed by refreshments at The Weary Traveler, Sander & Co. arrived at the State Capitol shortly after the 4 pm police deadline for protesters to leave the building, which had been occupied for two weeks. As we got there, hundreds of protesters inside were refusing to leave, and a crowd outside shouted, honked and bullhorned its support. Sander later apparently managed to penetrate security and…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Wed. March 2nd: Eric Walberg from Cairo, Ed Thompson from Wisconsin
Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 2/28/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.First hour: Canadian journalist Eric Walberg reporting from Cairo, epicenter of the ongoing Egyptian revolution! Eric Walberg’s recent article Egypt/Turkey-Israel: ‘A clean break’ foresees a new era in the Middle East: “It is not Israel backed by the distant US that inherits the Ottoman mantle of hegemony in the Middle East, but some combination of Turkey and Egypt…” Eric Walberg writes for the leading Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram Weekly and is the author of the forthcoming Postmodern…
FULL ARTICLEWisconsin Governor admits to plotting false-flag terror; media averts eyes
Did you know that the Governor of Wisconsin has admitted that he and his advisors “thought about” launching a false-flag terror attack against the people of Wisconsin – and decided not to only because he wasn’t sure it would achieve his political objectives? False-flag terror is the oldest and arguably most powerful trick in the book of governments. By stirring up trouble and spreading fear, rulers trick the people into begging them – the rulers – for security at any price. Whether you are a state governor or the President of the United States or a tinpot dictator like Mubarak,…
FULL ARTICLEJames Petras, Barbara Honegger on TJ Radio today
Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 2/28/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. February 28th is an American day of infamy – the anniversary of the events that led to the Ruby Ridge and Waco mass slaughters of Americans by the government that had sworn to protect them. Today on Truth Jihad Radio, we welcome two of the most important people working to expose federal government corruption in the USA – James Petras and Barbara Honegger. First hour: James Petras, the leading scholarly critic of Zionist power in…
FULL ARTICLESeminar in REVOLUTION coming to Madison, WI this Sunday!
Thursday, Feb. 24th – For Immediate Release Contact: Kevin Barrett, kbarrett(at)merr(dot)comEric Sayward, We Are Change-WisconsinSander Hicks (available for interviews) Truth Party founder Sander Hicks to join Wisconsin Revolution seminar this Sunday, Feb. 27th! Is the unrest in Europe, the revolutions in the Arab world, and now the Wisconsin Revolution the beginning of a global “truth revolution” sparked by the new digital media exposing previously untouchable issues? Legendary New York City publisher, bookstore owner, author and activist Sander Hicks will lead a seminar on “Digital-Age Revolution: DIY Media, Red Pill Issues” this Sunday, February 27th, 1 to 3 pm at the…
FULL ARTICLEFriday 2/25: Anthrax expert Barry Kissin discusses recent revelations
Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 2/23/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Kevin has to pray/at a masjid far away/so a very special re-run/will brighten up your day! Second hour: Kevin returns from the masjid to interview Barry Kissin, author of The Truth About the Anthrax Attack and Its Cover-Up. A leading expert on the 2001 anthrax attack, which even US authorities admit was a false-flag event designed to incite Islamophobia, Barry Kissin will analyze the recent National Academy of Science report casting doubt on…
FULL ARTICLEWed. 2/23: Interfaith Dialogue with Raymond Schwab, Sander Hicks
Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 2/23/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Raymond Schwab, a student of Evangelical Judaism and a practitioner of Evangelical Christianity, says those nasty Muslims make life difficult for Christians – especially missionaries – in Muslim countries…and tests Kevin’s patience by saying terrible things about the Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) and the Qur’an. Kevin blasts Christian/European imperialism and colonialism, and prays for Raymond’s forgiveness, especially since Raymond has walked the walk for 9/11 truth.Second hour: Sander Hicks, a Christian in the Catholic…
FULL ARTICLEThey Hate Our Meaning: Explaining the West’s Suicidal Embrace of Islamophobia
“Why don’t we hang ourselves?” “With what?” –Waiting for Godot “The demonstrators filling the streets in Cairo, Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers, Manama, Sana and Tehran give every indication of dreaming dreams not entirely dissimilar from our own. Rather than rejecting modernity, as radical Islamists such as Osama bin Laden have urged, these protesters want a bigger slice of what modernity has to offer. Though not guaranteeing harmonious coexistence, this convergence of aspirations does suggest that a cosmic clash of civilizations is avoidable.” – Andrew Bacevich Bacevich, a conservative turned critic of American imperial folly, offers instructive insight into the limits of…
FULL ARTICLETuesday NoLiesRadio specials: Niels Harrit AND Matthias Chang!
Tuesday, Feb. 22nd: Two shows with special guests Niels Harrit and Matthias Chang! 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Niels Harrit, lead author of the “loaded gun” nanothermite paper finding evidence of unexploded nanothermite chips in World Trade Center dust. Niels is currently touring Canada; tonight he will be speaking in Edmonton, Alberta! (Tour info here.) 7-8 p.m. Pacific (10 to 11 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… celebrated Malaysian political analyst Matthias Chang, author of Future FastForward and other…
FULL ARTICLEYouTube: 9/11 Truth: Was Mossad in Charge? Kevin Barrett, Dimitri Khalezov and Gordon Duff Discuss
Thanks to Ed Rynearson of for audio, and John from Veterans Today for video. Interview recorded Friday 2/18/2011.