Jim Fetzer and Webster Tarpley are two of my favorite people. Not everyone can say that. In fact, quite a few 9/11 truthers wouldn’t put either Webster OR Jim in their “favorite people” category. Why not? Well, both are brash, egotistical geniuses. Each has complete confidence in his own analysis. Neither suffers fools gladly. Both are brilliant scholars AND first-rate extemporaneous speakers, a rare combination. Both have that aggressive speechifying style that is so rhetorically effective – far more effective than the more tentative styles of “careful” folks like David Ray Griffin and Richard Gage. (Even dimwits like Hannity and…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Vancouver Hearings organizer Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. structural engineer Ibrahim Soudy
Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 6/22/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Jim Fetzer, organizer of the just-completed Vancouver 9/11 Hearings. Second hour: Ibrahim Soudy, Ph.D., P.E., S.E., PEng. PM; Sr. Supervising Structural Engineer at a big firm. You don’t need all those credentials to know that the three World Trade Center skyscrapers were taken down in controlled demolitions…but they can’t hurt. Ibrahim Soudy is a member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
FULL ARTICLEPress TV: Diverse opinions, free speech
I caught the flu in Vancouver, had a long and uncomfortable train ride back to Wisconsin, and just returned to solid food by way of a single banana. Wish me luck. Anyway, if I looked slightly queasy in yesterday’s Press TV interview, it wasn’t just a reaction to what I was hearing from Lawrence Korb, a “senior fellow and director of national security studies at the Council on Foreign Relations” and former “holder of the Maurice Greenberg Chair.” (Maurice “Hank” Greenberg is one of the leading 9/11 suspects.) Though I was the one with the flu, it was Korb spewing…
FULL ARTICLEWatch the Vancouver Hearings! They’re happening right now….
WATCH the 911 Vancouver Hearings (LIVESTREAM) – Starts Friday, June 15th at 6PM PST ■The official account provided by the United States government is false■The search for truth requires that all possibilities be considered without prejudice■Theories must be compared on the basis of the relative probability of the evidence if they were true, where those with higher likelihoods thus defined are preferable to those with lower, where, when the evidence has “settled down”, the theory with the highest likelihood is “acceptable” in the tentative and fallible fashion of science WATCH LIVESTREAM Link: http://novalight.wordpress.com/2012/06/15/listen-to-the-911-vancouver-hearings-livestream/ THE 9/11 VANCOUVER HEARINGS:Expanding the boundaries…
FULL ARTICLEWatch the Vancouver Hearings! They’re happening right now….
WATCH the 911 Vancouver Hearings (LIVESTREAM) – Starts Friday, June 15th at 6PM PST ■The official account provided by the United States government is false■The search for truth requires that all possibilities be considered without prejudice■Theories must be compared on the basis of the relative probability of the evidence if they were true, where those with higher likelihoods thus defined are preferable to those with lower, where, when the evidence has “settled down”, the theory with the highest likelihood is “acceptable” in the tentative and fallible fashion of science WATCH LIVESTREAM Link: http://novalight.wordpress.com/2012/06/15/listen-to-the-911-vancouver-hearings-livestream/ THE 9/11 VANCOUVER HEARINGS:Expanding the boundaries…
FULL ARTICLETruth Jihad Radio takes a break for Vancouver Hearings
I’m not scheduling any live shows from June 11th to June 20th (though a surprise live show could happen). I’m traveling by train to the Vancouver Hearings to avoid the TSA naked body scanners. This coming weekend, June 15th to 17th, you can watch the Vancouver Hearings livestreamed via http://www.911vancouverhearings.com/
FULL ARTICLECanada goes broke throwing money at imaginary terror threat
Courtesy of Joshua Blakeney and Press TV: Joshua Blakeney reports on the creation of a new counter-terrorism squad in Alberta. The report features Dr. Kevin Barrett, Michelle Robinson and Aaron Doncaster. All three analysts concur that there is no statistically significant threat posed by terrorism.
FULL ARTICLERemember the USS Liberty!
First hour: Retired US Army Intelligence Officer Timothy Smith joins us to discuss the Israeli massacre of the USS Liberty crew on June 8th, 1967 – a botched false-flag operation. The aim was to kill the entire crew, sink the ship, blame Egypt, and use “a helpful wave of indignation” whipped up by the Zionist media to bring the US into the war against Egypt. Tim is National Vice President for the Board of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee: www.bordc.org Second hour: Tod Fletcher, a close working colleague of David Ray Griffin, will discuss new evidence presented by the…
FULL ARTICLESwami Beyondanonda meets corporate feudalism!
Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 6/4/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Swami Beyondanonda of Wake Up Laughing is “your one-stop spot for consciousness and comedy, for new age humor, political comedy and satire, healing laughter, new science and evolutionary up-wising.” Swami’s friend and manager Steve Bhaerman is may also put in an appearance. Both are 9/11-truth-savvy wise guys following the sage advice, “If you’re going to tell the truth, make it funny…or they’ll kill you.” Second hour: Dennis Marker, who has worked for Congress, the…
FULL ARTICLEWhat is Really Happening in Syria?
Watch this brand-new Press TV interview on Syria Shortly after reports of the Houla massacre – all blaming the Syrian government – started blanketing the corporate media, Press TV asked me for a response. I replied: It is so easy for people to rush to judgment in these situations and go with their first impressions based on their prejudices and I think that we have seen a lot of that with the conflict in Syria and we have seen it with other areas as well and in Syria, it is just so hard to know exactly what is going on…