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9/11 perp Giuliani joins terrorists to attack Rouhani

Press TV “One of Netanyahu’s minions, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, appeared to be just as panicked as Netanyahu by Rouhani’s “charm offensive” and its promise of peace. Giuliani spoke at a rally organized by the terrorist group Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) outside the UN in protest of Rouhani’s visit. The former New York mayor and 9/11 suspect, speaking to the terrorist group, charged that President Rouhani was involved in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires, Argentina. “The irony of suspected 9/11 terrorist Giuliani, speaking to one of the world’s most reviled terrorist groups, charging the moderate…


US Army whistleblower Doug Rokke, French engineer and historian Dr. Laurent Guyénot

Wed.  9/25/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Depleted Uranium expert and US Army whistleblower Dr. Doug Rokke, who served as a member of the 3rd U.S. Army Medical Command’s Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) teaching, medical response, and special operations team, the 3rd U.S. Army captured equipment project team, and with the 3rd U.S. Army Depleted Uranium Assessment team during Gulf War 1(Operation Desert Storm). He was the U.S. Army’s Depleted Uranium Project director from 1994 – 1995. Dr. Rokke serves or has served as an advisor with the U.S. Centers of Disease Control; U.S.…


New truth-telling TV show – Dynamic Duo Weekly News Round-up

Just sent out this announcement: Greetings, Today in just a few minutes, you can catch the live debut episode of a new internet TV show:  the Dynamic Duo Weekly News Round-up.  Jim Fetzer and I will comment on this week’s news – from a perspective you’ll never see on mainstream TV.  Tune in live at 10 a.m. Central (or watch the archive later): are some of the recent headline stories we’ll be discussing: *A senior United Nations official who deals directly with Syrian affairs has told Al-Akhbar that the Syrian government had no involvement in the alleged Ghouta chemical…


New interview with Dave Gahary of AFP Radio

AFP PODCAST: Million American March Against Fear Wrap-Up Dr. Kevin Barrett provides a wrap-up to the Million American March Against Fear in Washington, D.C. held on September 11, 2013.  Kevin discusses the propaganda spewed from the mainstream media, specifically Fox News, the group’s confrontations with the biker gang Hells Angels, and plans for future events, in this informative interview (7:25). – See more at: Listen to the podcast:…Dave…I was just joking about the Hell’s Angels!)


Art Olivier of “Operation Terror”, Dan Johnson of PANDA breaks some news

Mon.  9/23/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Art Olivier, writer and producer of the feature film Operation Terror – which he will screen live in Berkeley October 19th! One of America’s notable Libertarians, Art was Dick Cheney’s opponent in the 2000 election (Art was the Libertarian VP candidate). Unfortunately the wrong guy won. Art also challenged Arnold Schwarzenegger for Governor of California, and has served as mayor of Bellflower, California. Second hour: Dan Johnson of , arch-foe of the NDAA – the law that shreds the Constitution by making the whole USA a battlefield…


Two great new guests on Truth Jihad Radio – Andrew Krieg and David Griscom!

Fri.  9/20/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Andrew Krieg of the Justice-Integrity Project is the author of the new book Presidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and Their Masters. See:  Krieg’s analysis of how power really works in American politics – including the CIA takeover of the presidency that began with the Agency’s insertion of Bush Sr. into the White House – is a perfect follow-up to Peter Phillips’ discussion of the global power elite on Wednesday’s show. Second hour: David Griscom, Ph.D. is a research physicist who worked for 33 years at the Naval Research…


John Morgan on the assassination of Princess Diana

Monday, September 23rd, 11 to noon Central, (archived here). Note the new time slot. This show will be exclusively available to subscribers to beginning Friday afternoon. An Australian investigative writer with a diploma in journalism, John Morgan has been researching the events surrounding the deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed since 2005. After studying the Paget report when it was published in December 2006, he realised that the £4 million report which took three years to produce was littered with inaccuracies and poorly drawn conclusions. The 2007 book, Cover-up of a Royal Murder, was the…


Bandar, Prince of Terrorists

Bandar’s response to this article Is Saudi Intelligence chief Bandar bin Sultan – affectionately known to his Bush crime family colleagues as “Bandar Bush” – the real operational head of al-CIAduh? Read my Press TV article: Bandar Bin Sultan: Prince of Terrorists  


Why stop at niqab? Ban ALL female clothing!

by C. Baer Bush, Undersecretary of Undress, Project for a Nude American Century (PNAC) Several European countries have banned the niqab – the face-veil that a small minority of Muslim women wear to signify their spirituality. These bans do not go far enough. Civilized societies must also ban the hijab, which many Muslim women use to conceal their hair. But even banning the hijab would not solve the problem. Under a niqab/hijab ban, Muslim women would keep trying to follow the Qur’an’s injunction to dress modestly – and hide many other important parts of their bodies. The only solution: Outlaw…

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