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Jeremy Rothe-Kushel’s letter to Left Forum Board

Sent to the Left Forum Board:  Jeremy Rothe-Kushel is sitting in for Professor Anthony Hall as co-host of False Flag Weekly News today. To the Left Forum, Is it the case that the Left Forum has deliberatively come down on the historical side of “Never again…Unless the ongoing holocaust is against Arab &/or Muslim semitic peoples and their mainstream worldview & majority understandings of the racist, fraudulent, scapegoat terrorism targeted at them by a garrison Jewish warfare state & its aligned fascist thugs in the ‘West?’ So, the mass slaughter of thousands of Semitic men, women…


Insider Barry Lanza spills secrets: 9/11 foreknowledge, Western-freemasonic coup attempts against Iran, and more!

Broadcast here May 17th, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe…and listen to this show RIGHT NOW! Barry Lanza Barry Lanza has worked for several of the world’s most powerful institutions, including the Federal Reserve, and has held numerous security clearances. For details on Barry’s background, check out my article: Insider spills secrets: Western-freemasonic coup attempts against Iran In this interview Barry offers an insider’s perspective on how power really works, and gives behind-the-scenes details on several issues including: *The projection of global power by the freemasons, Rothschilds, state of Israel. *The significance of this Friday’s…


Paul Fitzerald and Elizabeth Gould on “History of Neocon Takeover of the USA”

This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, May 12th at – click on Studio B – then gets archived about 24 hours later.  For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – Click HERE! Or if you prefer, PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com. First hour: Elizabeth Gould and Paul Fitzgerald discuss their terrific new three-part article “The History of the Neocon Takeover of the USA.”     What precisely is neoconservatism, and how did it come to power? Most of the…


How Spencer Sunshine, left gatekeeper from Political Research Associates, got 9/11 truth banned from the Left Forum

Spencer Sunshine: Left Gatekeeper Below is the full text of a leaked letter sent by Spencer Sunshine of Political Research Associates to the  Left Forum board. The letter, presumably along with pressure from Sunshine’s powerful sponsors, resulted in the cancelation of three panels that had been scheduled for this year’s Left Forum to be held June 2-4. Here is the beginning of the email announcing the cancelation of the panels: On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 4:18 PM, FROM Left Forum panels <> wrote: Unfortunately, we are writing to inform you that your panels  A) Panel Title: 9/11 Truth: Ground…


Former World Bank economist Peter Koenig on “Slavehood 2017”

Broadcast here May 15th, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe…and listen to this show RIGHT NOW!  Click HERE.  Economist Peter Koenig used to work for the World Bank. Now he’s an independent journalist blowing the whistle on the New World Order banksters’ efforts to expand the US-Zionist empire into a global slave plantation. Peter’s new article “Slavehood 2017: Social Chaos and Global Warfare” explains: “Today we have become all slaves; slaves to the powers of mafia bankster of finance; slaves to the Western lie-propaganda; to the lobbies and their giant all dominating corporations – to the…


M.S. King of Tomato Bubble: Everything you know is wrong!

Broadcast here May 10th, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe…and listen to this show RIGHT NOW!  Click HERE.  Banned by Amazon! But available here M.S. “Mike” King of is the author of more than ten books challenging conventional political wisdom. One of them, The Bad War, was banned by Amazon last month due to its politically-incorrect three-page treatment of the holocaust. (I urged him to re-publish an “Amazon Edition” with those three pages blank as a statement of protest.) Was Eisenhower really an arch-globalist, maybe even a closet commie? Was World War Parts 1 and 2…


Paul Craig Roberts: 9/11, terminal corruption destroyed America

Broadcast here May 8th, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe…and listen to this show RIGHT NOW!  Click HERE.  First 40 minutes: Paul Craig Roberts says 9/11 Destroyed America. But, he adds, 9/11 was just one mega-symptom of the cancerous spread of corruption that has made American democracy a Dead Man Walking run by a criminally insane elite. Paul Craig Roberts, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy, has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. Dr. Roberts has worked for many top universities and think tanks, has been an editor at the Wall…


Dwain Deets on 9/11 science; “Truther for Trump” Rick Shaddock says “chill out and meditate”

This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, May 5th at – click on Studio B – then gets archived about 24 hours later.  For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – Click HERE! Or if you prefer, PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com. Dwain Deets (on the left) alongside Barbara Honegger, Matt Sullivan, and me First hour: Dwain Deets is a retired NASA engineer and member of the 9/11 Consensus Panel. Tonight we will discuss scientific issues of 9/11 including…


I hereby REFUTE Gilad Atzmon!

Yet nobody will even try to refute him. What’s wrong with these people?! Don’t miss Gilad Atzmon’s jazz jam with Abandon Control, livestreaming TONIGHT, Monday, May 1, 7:30 to 11 p.m. at and their FB page. By Kevin Barrett, I love and respect Gilad Atzmon. I consider him one of the most important thinkers of our time. And I am going to KICK HIS ASS when we debate tomorrow night, Tuesday May 2nd, starting around 6:30 p.m. in the Rathskeller of the University of Wisconsin Memorial Union. (Parking available HERE.) Please note that this was originally an “official” event…


Dave Lindorff on N. Korea crisis; Mazin Qumsiyeh from Palestine discusses hunger strike, now becoming general strike

Broadcast here May 3rd, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe…and listen to this show RIGHT NOW!  Click HERE.  Journalist and China expert Dave Lindorff First hour: Dave Lindorff is a careful and credible journalist with the courage to report the facts he discovers, even when it comes to such controversial issues as false flag terror. (His work on the Boston Marathon false flag bombing is superb.) Dave also has a background in Chinese Studies. He speaks fluent Chinese and has spent extensive time in Asia. So who better to discuss the current crisis involving the US,…

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