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M.S. King of Tomato Bubble: Everything you know is wrong!

Broadcast here May 10th, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe…and listen to this show RIGHT NOW!  Click HERE. 

Banned by Amazon! But available here

M.S. “Mike” King of is the author of more than ten books challenging conventional political wisdom. One of them, The Bad War, was banned by Amazon last month due to its politically-incorrect three-page treatment of the holocaust. (I urged him to re-publish an “Amazon Edition” with those three pages blank as a statement of protest.)

Was Eisenhower really an arch-globalist, maybe even a closet commie? Was World War Parts 1 and 2 just two phases of the same war – and were the Germans really the good guys? Is the Rothschild-backed New World Order well on the way to realizing its dream of a planetary dictatorship? Who really runs big media – and for how long have they been running it? Did the same Zionist media cartel that dragged the US into World War I cover up 9/11 more than eight decades later?

To some, these questions sound preposterous. To others, not so much. Personally, I’m in the latter category. How about you?

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