This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, October 6th at – click on Studio A – then gets archived about 24 hours later. For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – Click HERE! First hour: Greg Ford, US army whistleblower, discusses 9/11 and other war crimes. In June 2003, Sgt. Frank “Greg” Ford – a counterintelligence agent serving in Iraq – requested an investigation into incidents of torture and abuse of detainees he had witnessed:“According to Ford, his teammates, three counterintelligence…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Ex-CIA Robert David Steele on Las Vegas false flag; Nick Kollerstrom Ph.D. on London false flags
Broadcast here October 9th 11 to noon Eastern then archived. All my shows are archived at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this show going! First half hour: Was the Las Vegas shooting a false flag? Ex-CIA Clandestine Services Officer Robert David Steele of #UNRIG says “yes.” He hypothesizes that a US government drill (non-lethal) was hijacked by an Israel-linked element of organized crime and turned into a real mass shooting – a “hybrid” event. The purpose: (1) Ramp up the post-9/11 police state, and push through more mass surveillance and gun control; (2) Punish Trump for backing off the war on Syria; (3) Stage…
FULL ARTICLEAdrian Krieg on Invasions – are “they” out to destroy Western Civilization?
Broadcast here October 4th 11 to noon Eastern then archived. All my shows are archived at my Patreon page – please subscribe and keep this show going! Adrian Krieg has written a book called Invasions: Their Documented Historical Relevance. He thinks mass immigration to the West is part of a plot to weaken the targeted nations, indeed to “destroy Western civilization and Christianity.” But he does not come off as a hater. On the contrary, he sounds reasonable and erudite. Dr. Krieg even takes a fairly balanced view of Islam – and unlike the run-of-the-mill ignorant bigots spouting off at Fox, Breitbart, and Infowars, he actually…
FULL ARTICLEChristopher Bollyn on The War on Terror; Barry Kissin responds
Most Recent Show: Barry Kissin responds to Christopher BollynShow link (Bollyn interview at ) New False Flag Weekly News: UN inaction on Rohingya plight rooted in Islamophobia: Analyst * * * Andrew Blair on transparency the open society and academic freedom E. Michael Jones on “The Rise and Fall of the New Atheism” Show link Is our increasingly-automated society becoming SELF-SATIRIZING?! North Korea, Chad, Venezuela added to Trump’s banned states * * * Christopher Bollyn on “The War on Terror”: Graeme MacQueen on “9/11: The Pentagon’s B Movie” Show link False Flag Weekly News Trump NOT Iran Deal is the “embarrassment” * *…
FULL ARTICLEBarry Kissin responds to Christopher Bollyn; Rolf Lindgren says the media has lost credibility
This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, September 29th at – click on Studio B – then gets archived about 24 hours later. For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – Click HERE! First hour: Barry Kissin, attorney and author of “The Truth About the Anthrax Attacks,” responds to Christopher Bollyn’s appearance on last week’s show – and discusses his new article Critique of Christopher Bollyn and his Influence Upon the Truth Movement. Second hour: Truth Jihad Radio’s token Trump fan and favorite sparring partner…
FULL ARTICLEAndrew Blair on transparency, the open society, and academic freedom
Broadcast here October 2nd 11 to noon Eastern then archived. All my shows are archived at my Patreon page – please consider subscribing! Andrew Blair, Ph.D. has worked in academia and computer programming. Now retired, he is able to devote a significant amount of time to serving the public interest. A champion of the Open Society and a fan of philosopher John Stuart Mill, Dr. Blair is currently working to defend academic freedom—which is under attack at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, where professor Tony Hall has been targeted by a political witch hunt. In this interview we compare and contrast Andrew Blair’s philosophical position…
FULL ARTICLEE. Michael Jones on “The Rise and Fall of the New Atheism”
Broadcast here September 27th 11 to noon Eastern then archived. All my shows are archived at my Patreon page – please consider subscribing! E. Michael Jones, Editor of Culture Wars, is one of the world’s notable Catholic intellectuals. In this interview, based on his latest Culture Wars article, he traces the history of the “new atheists” Harris, Dennett, Dawkins, and Hitchens…and situates them in the context of the decline of Western civilization. Jones sees Darwin as the key figure who pushed the Western elite furthest down the path to atheism, by (wrongheadedly and deceptively) moving the “God argument” from metaphysics to biology. But even before Darwin,…
FULL ARTICLEChristopher Bollyn on “The War on Terror”: Graeme MacQueen on “9/11: The Pentagon’s B Movie”
This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, September 22nd at – click on Studio B – then gets archived about 24 hours later. For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – Click HERE! First hour: Journalist-author Christopher Bollyn, one of America’s leading 9/11 researchers, discusses his new book The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East. An excerpt: “Arnon Milchan, a senior Mossad operative who was later involved in the smuggling of nuclear trigger devices, made a film in…
FULL ARTICLEThe Saker admits “Trump is worse than Bush” – and breaks down the Anglo-Zionist Empire’s war on the world
Broadcast here September 25th 11 to noon Eastern then archived. All my shows are archived at my Patreon page – please consider subscribing! The Saker, one of the best-informed voices in the real alternative media, has a blog that averages around 1.5 million reads per month. A former high-level military analyst, his inside knowledge of Russia and its language and culture, and his equally well-informed perspective on the US and the West, give him a unique and compelling view of the geopolitical machinations of the Anglo-Zionist Empire and its global domination project…and the various Axes of Resistance. This interview was recorded shortly after Trump’s disgraceful tirade at…
FULL ARTICLEThe Saker admits “Trump is worse than Bush” – and breaks down the Anglo-Zionist Empire’s war on the world
Broadcast here September 25th 11 to noon Eastern then archived. All my shows are archived at my Patreon page – please consider subscribing! The Saker, one of the best-informed voices in the real alternative media, has a blog that averages around 1.5 million reads per month. A former high-level military analyst, his inside knowledge of Russia and its language and culture, and his equally well-informed perspective on the US and the West, give him a unique and compelling view of the geopolitical machinations of the Anglo-Zionist Empire and its global domination project…and the various Axes of Resistance. This interview was recorded shortly after Trump’s disgraceful tirade…