Watch False Flag Weekly News above, and click HERE for links to the stories By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Our top FFWN story this week was the war on “conspiracy theories.” (Read my new Unz Review article “Why the War on Conspiracy Theories Is Bad Public Policy.”) Alan Sabrosky was the scheduled FFWN commentator this week. But less than 24 hours before the live broadcast, he says, “my internet basically died. When my email from Comcast finally connected, I got a huge slew of 300 messages that I had deleted last summer. When I would try to log in, it…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Interview with EA Daily (Russia) on US Empire, Venezuela, Syria
The Russian outlet EA Daily just published their interview with me. Below is the English version. –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor 1 – After the USA ’s intervention in the affairs Venezuela, can we say “the USA returned to the Monroe Doctrine” ? The USA never departed from the Monroe Doctrine, according to which it arrogated to itself the right to rule the Western Hemisphere. Instead, it expanded it to include the Eastern Hemisphere as well. Applying the self-evidently absurd notion of “American exceptionalism” the USA has appointed itself the sole superpower and permanent global hegemon dedicated to protecting the…
FULL ARTICLERandy Short on Marzieh and; Eric Zuesse on Venezuela
Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Randy Short joins the Truth Jihad to celebrate the return of Marzieh Hashemi to Tehran…and to discuss, a “bi-partisan, interracial, interfaith, and a nationwide collection of Americans who want to protect and preserve faith, family, freedom, traditional values, and to counter the movement to legalize pedophilia.” The Gone Too Far Movement specifically targets Equality Act H.R. 2282, which it calls “a dangerous, irresponsible, outlandish, morally perverse, and socially deleterious legislation. The Equality Act poses a direct threat to religious freedom and the dignity of Blacks and women by…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Youtube hiding “conspiracy videos”?
Broadcasts live Friday 11 to noon Eastern on – then archived above PSA 1) Help keep FFWN findable! War on Truth 2) YouTube Moves to Make Conspiracy Videos Harder to Find 3) Murdered on 9/11 — NYC’s only unsolved killing the day the twin towers fell 4) World Trade Center leases booming, famed developer Larry Silverstein says War on alternative (i.e. truthful) media 5) Press TV anchor Marzieh Hashemi arrives in Tehran after 10 day detention in US 6) Pro-Israel Group Launches Vicious Attack on ICIT Director War on Venezuela 7) US hits Venezuela’s state-owned oil company with…
FULL ARTICLEPress TV anchor Marzieh Hashemi arrives in Tehran after 10 day detention in U S
Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor I join fellow commentators Stephen Lendman and Ruhi Rizvi as Press TV welcomes illegally-detained American international news anchor Marzieh Hashemi back to Tehran. Warning: very strong comments here about the former USA’s 9/11-instigated Constitution-shredding party.
FULL ARTICLEEric Margolis: The world is a huge mess!
Listen HERE Can journalists with competence and integrity get published in the mainstream? It does happen occasionally. A prime example is Eric Margolis, whose official bio reads: “Eric S. Margolis is an award-winning, internationally syndicated columnist. His articles have appeared in the New York Times, the International Herald Tribune the Los Angeles Times, Times of London, the Gulf Times, the Khaleej Times, Nation – Pakistan, Hurriyet, – Turkey, Sun Times Malaysia and other news sites in Asia. “He is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post, Lew Rockwell. He appears as an expert on foreign affairs on CNN, BBC, France…
FULL ARTICLEUltra-Zionist Howard Schultz presidential bid: A ploy to re-elect Trump?
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor It’s a cold world out there. My home town of Lone Rock, Wisconsin is expecting subzero temperatures till Friday. Tomorrow night we’re heading for –36f (= –38c). But it could be worse. I could be living in Astanah, Kazakhstan—which makes Lone Rock look like a tropical paradise. In 2008 I was flown to Washington DC and put up at a trendy hotel on the Kazakh taxpayers’ dime. It was an interview junket. My prospective employer: the University of Kazakhstan. Long story short: They didn’t hire me. Maybe I shouldn’t have talked so much about…
FULL ARTICLEAndré Vltchek on Empire’s war on Venezuela…and much more
Listen HERE André Vltcheck is traveling from his home base in Lebanon to the dangerous battlegrounds of Latin America, where Venezuela has been targeted by yet another coup attempt: “This is not another ordinary coup like those the Empire has perpetrated all over Latin America. Almost every country in Latin America, from the Dominican Republic to the southern cone of South America, has suffered from some sort of coup perpetrated by the United States, always based on the Monroe Doctrine that says the US has the right to control and intervene anywhere in the Western Hemisphere. So basically any nation…
FULL ARTICLEKevin MacDonald on persecution of dissidents; Abdul Arif Muhammad on Marzieh Hashemi abduction; “Fearlessness Teacher” R. Michael Fisher on Nick Sandmann-Nathan Phillips standoff
Listen HERE First hour: Prof. Kevin MacDonald, (U. of California-Long Beach) like me, is a born-and-bred Wisconsin white boy educated at UW-Madison. Like me, he is one of the most notorious intellectual troublemakers ever to emerge from that august institution. Heck, we even have the same first name! Aside from that, we’re quite different. I’m a left-anarchist-leaning Muslim, while he’s the intellectual godfather of (gasp) white nationalism! Can we actually hold a civil conversation? Heck, yes! Though I have a radically different worldview from his, I respect the integrity and coherence of his work, which seems driven by an honest…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Marzieh free, Venezuela under attack
PSA 1) Help FFWN push back against the police state Marzieh Hashemi’s ordeal—Pompeo & Bolton pushing attack on Iran? 2) Marzieh Hashemi released! 3) Local MSM publishes Kevin’s op-ed on Marzieh 4) US issues emergency cyber security directive as Iran-linked hackers strike during shutdown 5) Kevin & AFP wish Islamic Iran a happy 40th birthday Another hostage of Zionism: Alain Soral 6) Alain Soral sentenced to a year in prison for “anti-Semitism” Reopen Probes! 7) KENNEDY, KING FAMILIES TO CONGRESS: REOPEN PROBES 8) ‘They should rot in jail, not drink champagne’: Salvini calls…