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“Lawyers for Israel” censorship attempt quashed—victory for free speech

Click here to listen to my interview with Tony Gosling recorded prior to OFCOM’s decision Good news! Former BBC journalist Tony Gosling has won his battle with the Zionist censors. UK Lawyers for Israel had targeted his radio program, Politics This Week, in a complaint to OFCOM, the UK’s communications regulatory agency. The Zionist complaint against Tony alleged that his show is “being used for the propagation of conspiracy theories and extremist views.” Ofcom’s ruling in Tony’s favor is explained below.  – Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor UK Lawyers for Israel broadcasting regulator complaint against BCfm Politics show dismissed by Ofcom by…


“Al-Sisi’s a crypto-Jew!” My exposé (in Arabic) heading for 400K views

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The original headline was “Al-Sisi’s a Jew, Egypt Is Israeli-Occupied Territory.” As my article went viral, quickly rocketing into the tens of thousands of reads, some ADL-type activist(s) complained to VT management, which obligingly changed the headline to “Jewish Al-Sisi Runs Egypt; Now an Israeli-Occupied Territory.” (That should stem the anti-Semitism pandemic!) The article was well into the hundreds of thousands of reads when somehow the counter got reset. But never fear! Along came al-Sharq TV to translate the article into Arabic and put it on prime time television. So now the Arabic version…


Washington Loyalty to Israel (Press TV Debate)

Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, debates Maxine Dovere (again) Do many American politicians have mixed loyalty when it comes to which nation they should represent? One would think that they would represent the American people and be loyal to the United States. According to some American politicians who have seen national politics from the inside, the Israel lobby AIPAC is running the show and has bought the alleDogiance of many in Washington.


Barbara Honegger’s “Eyewitnesses for and Evidence of Explosives at the Pentagon”

Editor’s note: For more information on this topic you can watch Barbara Honegger’s presentation on YouTube, listen to her new interview on my radio show, and read a counter-argument by Denver Conference folks including recent interviewee David Chandler. –Kevin Barrett Eyewitnesses for and Evidence of Explosives at the Pentagon  Barbara Honegger, M.S.  Presentation to the International Hearings on The Events of September 11, 2001 Toronto, Canada Chapter 13 in The Toronto Hearings Report   Abstract  This paper presents compelling evidence that the central fact of the Pentagon attack on September 11, 2001, is the same as at the World Trade Center: inside-the-building explosives which no…


What have Palestinians ever given the world?

Watch False Flag Weekly News above, click HERE for a list of the stories we covered Why do we pay so much attention to Palestine vs. Zionism at False Flag Weekly News? A Zionist, desperate to excuse his participation in the genocide of the Palestinians, recently asked on Quora: What have Palestinians ever given the world? My answer (upvote it HERE): Palestinians have given the world something more precious than any technological innovation or social advance. They have given us the greatest example of resistance to genocide in all of human history. Never has there been such an amazing and…


Barbara Honegger on 9/11 Pentagon research and more

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio For more information about topics discussed in this show, see Barbara Honegger’s Toronto Hearings paper “Eyewitnesses for and Evidence of Explosives at the Pentagon” Barbara Honegger, MS, has served tours in the Ronald Reagan White House and at the Department of Justice. From 1995 to 2011 she was Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School, the top U.S. military science and technology graduate research university. She is the author of October Surprise on the Iran side of of the Iran/Contra scandal and has since 9/11 been among the leading…


FFWN: War on Ilhan Omar

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern on then archived above Thank you to FFWN’s supporters! NoLiesRadio’s crowdfunding campaign to pay for a new streaming server, the zoom software, and the wirecast software was successful. This will allow us to stream to Vimeo who will simultaneously re-stream to YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. Allan at NoLiesRadio is hoping to put this technology together by the March 15th show. PSAs 1) Thank you for backing FFWN—we’re upgrading next week 2) And a warm welcome to new FFWN commentator Helen Buyniski, author of “The Sorceror’s Apprentice Effect” War on Palestine 3)…


John Cobb and Andre Vltcheck discuss “China and Ecological Civilization”

Listen HERE John Cobb is one of the world’s most important thinkers. The leading light in process philosophy/theology, he has authored over 40 books and edited 16 more (including 9/11 and American Empire v.2, which I co-edited). Andre Vltchek is one of the world’s most important journalists. Long ago he left the Western “comfort zone” and never looked back, traveling incessantly, observing trenchantly, and reporting on places that the mainstream correspondents never get to or never really see. Since meeting John Cobb on a bus in North Korea, the leftist-atheist journalist and the eminent theologian have been engaging in a…


Ilhan Omar’s “Tropes” Are True — Kevin Barrett on Radio Islam South Africa

Ilhan Omar’s Tropes Are True Unz Review Some people just can’t handle the truth. Case in point: America’s Jewish Establishment and the Shabbat goys on their payroll, who are all squealing like stuck pigs in response to Rep. Ilhan Omar’s pointed remarks about Jewish-Zionist power. I wrote about Rep. Omar’s first (February 10) Twitter outrage in the new issue of Crescent Magazine: Ilhan Omar’s ‘all about the Benjamins’ tweet, and the media feeding frenzy that followed, unleashed an unprecedented exposé of Jewish-Zionist money power in America. (“Benjamins” refers to $100 bills; Omar borrowed the line from a hip-hop song by…


Barbara Honegger and Richard Gage AIA discuss 9/11 Grand Jury—and the evidence before it

Listen HERE Two leading lights of 9/11 research and activism—Barbara Honegger and Richard Gage AIA of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth—discuss the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry and the Grand Jury that is being empaneled to investigate unsolved crimes of September 11, 2001—especially the obvious controlled demolitions of the three World Trade Center high-rises. (Barbara, though not a lawyer, works with the Lawyers Committee; and Richard along with other architects and engineers is helping inform the Grand Jury about evidence proving the WTC high-rises were taken down not by plane crash induced fires, but by controlled demolitions with explosives.)…

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