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E. Michael Jones: My translator may be thrown in jail

Listen HERE E. Michael Jones, a leading Catholic intellectual and editor of Culture Wars, discusses white nationalism, the perils of screaming “hey “asshole!” at a biker rally, and the likelihood of the Slovakian publisher of Jones’ The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit going to jail. We also discuss Dr. Jones’ review of Pete Buttigieg’s campaign autobiography, which is now available on Amazon Kindle. (Will Buttigieg be our first gay president?!) And we engage in some, er, interfaith dialogue about New Horizon conferences in Iran and how Allah works in mysterious ways. Specifically: Are the censors highlighting the very truths they are trying to hide?…


Iran-based New Horizon NGO appeals Treasury Department sanctions—Treasury foresees “lengthy process”

Sheldon Adelson owns Trump’s Iran policy. Adelson’s henchmen Pompeo and Bolton are mandating maximum USG pressure on Iran. So the Treasury Department has cooked up a flimsy case against the Iranian NGO New Horizon, which has sponsored annual conferences in which I’ve been a regular participant since 2013. It’s obvious that New Horizon conferences are not designed for recruiting spies. The invitees are intellectuals and public figures, not the kind of people who would have classified information. It’s equally obvious that Adelson/Netanyahu’s real gripe against New Horizon is the conference’s willingness to provide a forum for anti-Zionist intellectuals. All of…


FFWN: Censorship battle keeps heating up!

PSA   1) Beat censorship—support FFWN 2) And join our email list so you’ll know where to watch us: email or go to Censorship Outrages 3) YouTube does not allow the questioning of inconsistencies in the official New Zealand attack narrative or of any potential false flag 4) YouTube edits video descriptions to oppose the assertions made by the video’s author. 5) 60 Minutes: “The Worst Part of Losing Your Child in a Mass Shooting Is People Calling It a False Flag”  (5:57 – 6:56) 6) Alex Jones Claims ‘Psychosis’ Made Him Believe Sandy Hook Was a Hoax 7) Academic Corruption,…


Dr. Jacqueline Taylor Basker: Witness to brutalization of Palestinians—and WTC demolition prep?

Listen HERE Dr. Jacqueline Casale Taylor Basker is a Visiting Professor of Islamic Heritage, Preservation and Conservation at the German-Jordan University, Amman, Jordan. In summer, 2001, she was working on the 95th floor of the South Tower of the World Trade Center, where she and other workers at Fiduciary Trust witnessed the comings and goings of mysterious “ghost visitors” doing unspecified work in areas that had been cordoned off. In this interview we discuss those experiences and much more, including her experiences in Occupied Palestine, her paintings inspired by those experiences, and the role of sacred art and architecture. Below is her…


Trump’s belief that Golan Heights belongs to Israel is ‘delusion’: Scholar

US President Donald Trump’s belief that the occupied Golan Heights belongs to Israel is a “delusion” and underscores the US leader’s mental instability, an American scholar and political commentator says.  Trump signed a proclamation on Monday recognizing Israeli “sovereignty” over the Syrian territory of Golan Heights, triggering a global outcry. Trump signed the decree at the start of a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House. “Trump’s belief that the Golan Heights belongs to Israel is very much a delusion, sort of like [Venezuelan opposition leader] Juan Guaido’s belief that he is the president of Venezula,”…


Andrew Blair: The Holocaust is NOT a hoax!

Archived HERE First twenty minutes: Monologue on the downside of technological progress while attempting  to make contact with scheduled guest Andrew Blair, using a new updated-and-ruined-by-Microsoft version of Skype. Next 35 minutes: Andrew Blair carries forward my recent discussion with Joel Simpson on Holocaust controversies.  Andrew writes: “Though I am still agnostic on much of the history I do have a definite opinion on whether the story of the holocaust should be called a ‘hoax.’ It should not be, because that implies deliberate deception. Nor should it be called a ‘lie’ because that implies intent to deceive. People who believe…


Palestine Great March of Return Anniversary special!

Listen HERE First 20 minutes: Palestinian blogger and activist Maisoon Rice joins us to discuss the amazing history of Palestinian resistance. References: “Quora Answer: What Have Palestinians Ever Given the World?” Chris Hedges “Gaza Diary” “One year on from protests, Gaza civilians’ devastating injuries highlight urgent need for arms embargo on Israel” “Al-Quds is not Jerusalem, A Contribution to Correcting Palestine’s History” and  “Imaginative Palestine: Land of Torah in Ancient Yemen” (two volumes) in Arabic. Confirmed by two Yemeni historians in VT article Next 10 minutes: Kevin discusses the Israel lobby’s dominance of US politics with Marzieh Hashemi on Press TV,…


They are coming for False Flag Weekly News

Broadcast Fridays 11 to noon Eastern live on — then archived above PSA 1) Make America not Israel great again—defend the 1st Amendment—support FFWN FFWN Under Attack 2) They are coming for FFWN 3) Alan “Israel Did 9/11” Sabrosky: Most Censored Man in America AIPAC and Its Benjamins 4) Netanyahu jokes with Trump about corruption probe: ‘I hope they don’t open an investigation on us’ 5) Bibi’s false flag “Hamas rocket attack”: Kevin Barrett vs. Maxine Dovere 6) House Dems ignore base, battle Trump for Israel’s approval with anti-boycott law as AIPAC looms 7) Third rail no…


Whistleblowing architectural photographer Tom-Scott Gordon: White elephant WTC Towers slated for illegal demolition by 1989

Tom-Scott Gordon is an architectural photographer who worked for Emory Roth and Associates in a late-1980s project that documented the problems (corroding bolts, asbestos, etc.) that mandated the demolition of the Twin Towers by no later than 2007. Legal piecemeal demolition would have cost billions. So Rudy Giuliani among other co-conspirators actively or passively facilitated the 2001 murderously illegal explosive demolitions that were falsely blamed on Israel’s enemies—a geopolitical master stroke by way of “urban renewal by other means.” See: Tom-Scott Gordon’s memo to President Trump In this interview Tom-Scott Gordon recounts how he unwittingly participated in the pre-demolition documentation project…


Bibi’s false flag “Hamas rocket attack”: Kevin Barrett vs. Maxine Dovere

Press TV A rocket attack from the Gaza Strip has hit deep inside Tel Aviv, causing property damage and injuries. This comes on top of another 2 rockets that hit Tel Aviv just recently. Although no one has claimed responsibility for the most recent attack, Israel blames Hamas. In this edition of the debate, we’ll look at why at the timing of the attacks, especially coming at the crucial election time in Israel. Palestinians say the attacks are in response to Israel’s airstrikes.

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