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Jonathan Revusky, Linh Dinh, and Yours Truly on Internet Censorship

Listen HERE FFWN recently reported on: “NYT devotes top of front page to propagandizing for YouTube censorship” First half hour: Jonathan Revusky takes a nuanced and ambivalent view. He suggests that defamatory big lies reported by various racist/nationalist types (like the supposed “Muslim rape army,” the alleged Cologne mass sexual assaults, “no-go zones,” and so on) are so bad that maybe we shouldn’t be too outraged if the purveyors get deplatformed. Second half hour: Linh Dinh generally agrees with yours truly that anything that remotely qualifies as non-criminal political speech is protected by the First Amendment, that internet platforms are today’s…


FFWN: Risible Anti-Iran False Flags: Does Anybody Actually BELIEVE Pompeo?

Broadcasts live Fridays 11 to noon Central on – then archived above. PSA 1) Help FFWN beat the internet censors—and keep Kevin out of the T-shirt business! “Persian Gulf of Tonkin Incidents”  2) US Spy Drone Downed by Iran’s Home-Made Short-Range Missile Defense System 2.5) “Global Hawks can hold SEVEN (7) shipping containers of cocaine!” -WIRED 3) Trump Almost Started a War With Iran on Thursday Night 4) Iran rejects Reuters report on receiving Trump’s message via Oman 5) Trump’s Iran tweet could have caused a deadly miscalculation: Trump’s “mistake” comment wasn’t what you thought it meant.…


Threatened by YouTube Censorship, I Go Into the T-Shirt Business

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor What do you do when an internet oligarch destroys everything you’ve been working for, obliterates more than a decade of your hard work, and deprives you of the ability to make a living—all because that oligarch disapproves of your free political speech that is explicitly protected in all public places, including today’s digital town square, by the First Amendment? Obviously that oligarch deserves to be executed for treason. The First Amendment is the heart of our Constitution, and traitors to the Bill of Rights are the worst treasonous scum imaginable. But since I am…


Iran rolls up CIA spy network

Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence says it has uncovered and busted the largest US cyber-espionage network in the world, which was run by the CIA. The ministry’s counter-espionage director said a considerable number of spies working for the CIA were arrested. The top intelligence official described the discovery as a serious blow to Washington. He added that the US spy services use cyber space to make connections with their agents in Iran and other countries. The official said Washington is constantly pressing ahead with such measures along with its economic and intelligence war against Iran and many other countries. In an…


9/11 Truth Teller Mohamed Morsi Martyred by Crypto-Jew al-Sisi

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Was Egypt’s real president, Mohamed Morsi, poisoned? Or did he finally succumb to the nonstop torture and abuse he has suffered during six years of imprisonment? Either way, the man was martyred. And the monster who did it, al-Sisi, is grinning and gloating and raising a toast with his master Bibi Netanyahu. In September 2013 I published an exposé of who al-Sisi really is. Its original title was: “Al-Sisi’s a Jew, Egypt Is Israeli-Occupied Territory.” After complaints from the ADL, the headline was changed…barely. But the content was not. That story had half a…


FFWN: Another False Flag to Start a War with Iran?

0) Help FFWN bust down YouTube’s jailhouse walls! 1) Pompeo Says Intelligence Points to Iran in Tanker Attack in Gulf of Oman 2) Two Oil Tankers Attacked in the Middle East, Stoking Fears of Conflict 3) MIDDLE EAST Iran calls tanker explosions ‘suspicious’ as global concern grows 4) Iran says it rescued 44 sailors after 2 tankers were ‘reportedly attacked’ in Gulf of Oman War on Free Speech and Democracy 5) Hundreds of thousands attend protest in Hong Kong over extradition bill 6) Pompeo tells Jewish leaders he will ‘push back’ against Britain’s Corbyn…


Oman tankers attacked: Yet another false flag?

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor and Mohammad Marandi, Professor, University of Tehran Who’s messing with the Persian Gulf oil trade? Pompeo’s blaming Iran. Is Bolton trying to gin up a war before he’s kicked out the door? -KB PressTV-US blames Iran for tanker attacks in Sea of Oman The Trump administration has blamed Iran for attacks on two oil tankers in the Sea of Oman without providing any evidence to back up the accusation. On Thursday morning, Iranian rescuers rushed to the assistance of the two oil tankers in the Sea of Oman, transferring all of their 44 crew…


Palestinian Genocide Has Killed 2.2 Million

For honest reporting on the Palestinian genocide and other issues, watch False Flag Weekly News above with guest host Alan Sabrosky—click HERE for the story links By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor In his article New Evidence Proves Israel Attacked USS Liberty With Orders to Kill 294 Americans (reprinted today at Global Research) Aaron Nelson writes: “Fresh evidence presented in an exclusive Al Jazeera investigation into the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty that killed 34 Americans proves the incident was not a mistake. Since 1967 the ‘official story‘ has been that Israel simply misidentified the American ship as Egyptian for several hours. Israel apologized to the…


Karl Golovin: “I asked JCS chief Gen. Dunford about false flags…and he gave a pretty good answer!”

Listen HERE Retired US Customs Agent Karl Golovin lives in Alexandria, Virginia—and regularly visits DC area think tank events to ask the speakers hard questions. Sometimes he gets interesting answers. As I wrote in my recent article “BREAKING! America’s highest-ranking military officer wary of anti-Iran false flag“: “It isn’t every day that America’s top military man gets a question referencing Dr. Alan ‘Israel Did 9/11’ Sabrosky AND Operation Northwoods. And it’s even more unusual when he acknowledges that he knows about that stuff—and is on the lookout for a (presumably neocon-Zionist/Saudi) false flag to lure the US into war with…


UAE, Norway, Saudi Arabia say state actor was behind Fujairah attacks

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor “The United Arab Emirates has told the United Nations Security Council that last month’s attacks on four tankers off its coast were likely carried out by a state actor.” But which state actor? Bolton/Pompeo/Netanyahu/BinSalman say Iran. But what would Iran gain? Isn’t it more likely a false flag provocation? And which “state actor” specializes in false flag provocations?

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