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West’s Iran Nuclear Issue Meltdown: Kevin Barrett vs. Michael Lane

Press TV Michael Lane, founder of the American Institute for Foreign Policy, debates Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett on Trump’s Iran nuclear issue meltdown. “This edition is about Iran’s nuclear program and the complications caused by US’s breach of the agreement and Europeans’ inability to honor their promises. Iran has every right now to reduce its own commitments under the deal as it is planning to do so.”


FFWN: Happy 4th of July—here come the tanks!

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to  noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help FFWN read the papers so you don’t have to! Happy 4th—Here Come the Tanks! 2) Tanks, fighters at Trump’s July 4th celebration but taxpayer cost not being disclosed Trump’s stirring speech about troops storming the airports during American Revolution 9/11 Justice? 3) Lawyers’ Committee to File Mandamus Petition as U.S. Attorney Declines to Disclose Status of 9/11 Grand Jury Proceeding 4) Flashback to last November: Ed Asner, Lawyers Committee celebrate a step toward 9/11 justice 5) “Incredible never-before-seen images of the Ground Zero clean-up operation discovered in a worker’s…


Richie Allen interviews me on Malaysia & New World Order

Listen HERE First six minutes: Monologue on my recent trip to Malaysia. Final 45 minutes: Richie Allen interviews me on the trip, as well as related topics. Was it just a coincidence that after Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s war crimes tribunals convicted Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz of war crimes, and Israel of genocide, Malaysian planes started mysteriously falling out of the sky? Are the Western war criminals trying to foist a bizarre gender ideology on the world? Should Muslims and Christians be working together to end the orchestrated “clash of civilizations” and preserve their authentic traditional religious values?


Zarif: Iran exceeding limits based on measures announced in response to US withdrawal

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, and Paul Larudee The “Iran nuclear issue” is completely phony. There is no Iranian nuclear weapons program, and even if there were, it would only be a deterrent against Israel’s 400+ nukes, which target every city in Europe and the Middle East. The whole issue is a Zionist-manufactured diversion. The real reason the Zionists hate Iran is simple: Iran’s government reflects the will of its people, and the people of the region, who support the Palestinian Resistance.


FFWN: Did Iran spare 30+ US lives to avert war?

PSA 1) Help FFWN expose big lies—like Kushner’s “peace plan” War on Iran 2) Insider-Account: How Iran Decided To Down A US Drone & Avert War By Sparing A Spy Plane 3) U.S. struck Iranian military computers after downing of drone 4) Zarif Highlights More Evidence of Conspiracy against Iran 5) $300 oil? US war with Iran spells catastrophe for global economy, expert tells RT War on Russia 6) Russia warns of repeat of 1962 Cuban missile crisis 7) Russia Has Bolstered Iran’s Air Defenses With Technical Advisers Russia vs.(?) Israel 8) ‘Unacceptable’ to lump Iran together with ISIS as Middle…


Alfred Webre on “terraforming by predatory AI”; Michelle Kimball on Islamic approaches to war and peace

Listen HERE Today’s show features interviews with two academicians who attended the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunals organized by Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. It was broadcast live from the City Center Hotel lobby in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 8 to 10 a.m. Saturday, June 29, 2019 (Malaysia time and date). First hour: Is Earth being terraformed by a predatory AI? Yale-educated international lawyer Alfred Webre says yes. He argues that the internet was created not by DARPA but by a plasma-based AI life form (what we Muslims call the jinn)…that your “smart phone” is designed to turn you into…


Scientist Daud Batchelor and activist Brendon O’Connell discuss Zionist power

Listen HERE Zionist power is global in reach. Here in Malaysia, much of the intelligentsia is “red pilled” on the subject. But down under in Australia (as in the rest of the West) mainstream media and other institutions of power are increasingly dominated by ever-more-extreme forms of Likud Zionism…and the population is mostly fast asleep. Today’s show features interviews with two anti-Zionist Australians who are intimately familiar with Malaysia: geologist Daud Batchelor and activist-filmmaker Brendon O’Connell, who exposes what may be the biggest long-term Zionist threat: infiltration of the global and especially US high technology and security sectors. First hour: Daud…


Malaysian journal: In which I study eschatology, eat durian, and lecture on anti-Semitism

Watch False Flag Weekly News above, click HERE for links to the stories we covered  by Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, reporting from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The world’s biggest toothpaste factory explodes. Like lava from a volcano, a river of burning molten toothpaste floods into an open sewer, mixing with week-old rotting filth. Take a deep whiff of that sewer. Mmmmmm! Smells like durian! I was initiated into durian, the world’s tastiest and stinkiest  fruit, by Sheikh Imran Hosein, the world’s leading Islamic eschatologist (and possibly the world’s most important living Islamic scholar). When he lectures in Malaysia, the sheikh likes…


Sheikh Imran Hosein: “We Are Living in the End Times”

Listen HERE Sheikh Imran Hosein is not just the world’s leading Islamic eschatologist; he may well be the most important Islamic scholar working in English today. (If you disagree, please direct me to whoever is doing more important work!) In this interview, recorded in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia after Jumuah prayers on June 21, 2019 (Shawwal 18, 1440) Sheikh Imran explains how we know we are living in the End Times (akhir uz-zaman). He discusses the nature and timeline of the Antichrist (Dajjal) and his relation with Zionism; explains which Jews and Christians today are following God and which are following…


Will Trump visit Tehran for “Victory over DAESH” Parade?

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Trump is being led by the nose. The neocons are dragging him into war with Iran. Such a war would likely blow up the Middle East, cost thousands of American lives and trillions of dollars, and ruin Trump’s re-election chances. In a worst case scenario, it could turn into World War III. There is zero chance the Iranians will back down. Their role model is Imam Hussein. They are not afraid of dying for a just cause. And what cause could be more just than defending ones own country from an aggressor? There is…

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