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China: Brutal or Benign? Ellen Brown vs. Peter Myers! Plus: Gordon Duff on Soleimani murder & looming WW3

Listen HERE Ellen Brown rebuts the anti-China position Peter Myers articulated on my previous show. Peter Myer responds.  One key issue: Has China been making tremendous strides towards ecological sustainability, as Andre Vltchek and John Cobb argue?  We’ll reference Ellen’s latest article on the Green New Deal and how to finance it. Ellen says China’s mostly-public banking sector points the way toward a better and more sustainable way of doing business. She adds that China like all countries has corrupt elements and negative aspects, but that we shouldn’t let negatives dominate our perception of the country as a whole. Peter…


FFWN: Welcome to 2020: A multipolar world full of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories (like “Epstein didn’t kill himself” and “Israel is dragging US into war on Iran”)

PSAs 0) If everyone who knows Epstein didn’t kill himself gave a dollar to FFWN we could stop begging for several centuries! 1) PSA The Politics of Defense Spending: Science, Profits, and Endless Wars Live Video-Streamed Forum Tuesday, January 7, 2020 Tribute to Martyred Gen. Soleimani  1.1) Narcissist cretin Trump just murdered the greatest military hero of the 21st century 1.2) MAY GOD PUNISH THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR KILLING ONE OF THE BEST AND BRAVEST MEN ON EARTH WITH THE STRONGEST POSSIBLE PUNISHMENT, AMEN. 1.3) Gen. Soleimani World’s Most Accomplished Military Figure in Counter-Terrorism Welcome to the Multipolar…


Welcome to 2020! Baghdad Anti-US Uprising, Pros and Cons of the Rise of China

Listen HERE First 25 minutes: Jason Unruhe of Maoist Rebel News and yours truly join Iranian broadcaster Press TV to discuss the rebellion in Baghdad’s Green Zone, where protestors angered by the US killing more than 30 members of Iraq’s armed forces are threatening to break into the American Embassy. Don’t miss the passionate 9/11 truth rant at the end of the segment (if you like that sort of thing). Note: Jason Unruhe agrees with Peter Myers that China is now an oppressive capitalist imperialist power, not a socialist country. Second half hour: Australian NWO researcher Peter Myers discusses the…


Saudi Liberalization Includes “Secular Fun” for Beheading Victims

Dissociated Press Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Clown Prince Mr. Bone Saw (MBS) has unveiled a series of reforms designed to placate critics of Saudi Arabia’s human rights record. Speaking at yesterday’s press conference at the Monte Carlo Casino in Monaco, MBS vowed to bring “fun fun fun” to the medieval Wahhabi kingdom by allowing condemned dissidents to enjoy Western-style cinema, gambling, pornography, alcohol, sporting events, and stand-up comedy—before, during, and after their executions. “Let’s face it, public executions in Chop-Chop Square have traditionally been drab, dour, puritanical affairs,” MBS explained. “What fun is it to be beheaded under such dismal circumstances?…


2020s: “American Century” Finished, World Is Now Multipolar (with Prof. Anthony Hall)

Listen HERE In this, the second part of a special two-part interview with Globalization Studies Professor Anthony Hall, we focus on what may be the biggest topic of the 2020s: *The decline of US empire and emergence of a multipolar world; *specifically, the rise of Russia and China; *and the ongoing triumph of the Axis of Resistance in the Occupied Muslim East. For more information about the discussion, and tonight’s guest Tony Hall, check out Part 1 of this two-part interview.


Prof. Anthony Hall on the biggest stories of the decade: Part 1

Listen HERE In this first hour of a special two hour live interview, Globalization Studies professor AnthonyHall begins by describing his pivot from Native Studies to 9/11 and other controversial topics after the publication of EarthintoProperty in 2010. In the second half hour we discuss the degradation of the internet by social media and commercialization, and the rise of internet censorship and other forms of techo-tyranny—possibly the decade’s biggest story. Anthony Hall, Professor Emeritus of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge, has had quite a decade! After discovering that his friend and colleague Splitting-the-Sky was right about 9/11 being…


2019: The Year Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself (and other things that didn’t happen)

Watch today’s False Flag Weekly News above; click HERE for the list of stories we covered By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor What was the biggest story of 2019? I’d argue that the the biggest happening of 2019 was what DIDN’T happen: Epstein killing himself. Sometimes it seems that all news is bad news. But sometimes there is hidden good news: even worse things didn’thappen. Here are the biggest “didn’t happen” stories of the past year. What Didn’t Happen in 2019 People believing the official story of Epstein’s “suicide.” The Zionist-occupied USA launching all-out war on Iran. Climate change causing…


2019: The Year Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself

Watch FFWN live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern on PSAs 1) Dead Presidents Watch FFWN—Please Send Us Some 2) 2019’s Biggest Underreported Story? Sigal Mandelker vs. New Horizon 3) Tony Hall joins Kevin’s live radio show 8 to 10 pm Eastern tonight to cover biggest stories of the year—and the decade Conspiracy Stories 4) Gladio: the Story of a Conspiracy (Counterpunch Goes There!!) 5) The 12 Strongest Arguments That Douma Was A False Flag 6) The Strange Story of Daniel Lewin, the First Victim on 9/11 7) Newsweek Rehashes MSM Line on “Why People Believe in Conspiracy…


Censored Presbyterian Minister and Radio Host John Shuck on Why He’s Leaving KBOO-Portland and His Church

Listen HERE Presbyterian minister John Shuck is leaving his KBOO-Portland radio show “Beloved Community” and his church position. Apparently neither the radio station nor the church can handle the truth about 9/11 and related topics. John recently wrote me: Dear Dr. Barrett, A number of changes have happened to me. I am no longer pastor at my church. I was judged too radical opposing wars and their lies and saying too many good things about Islam.  Now I am done with KBOO too. Here is my last show that includes audio from you. I dedicated the show to you…


E. Michael Jones on the War on Christmas

Listen HERE Time for some seasonal interfaith dialogue: E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars, discusses “the war on Christmas.” Some questions to ponder: Is Fox News right about the “war on Christmas”? Should we all endorse the Church of the Open Borders revision of the nativity, with José and Maria as undocumented immigrants pursued by Trump/Herod? Are Jewish-Americans traumatized by growing up thinking that Dr. Seuss’s archetypal Christmas villain, the Grinch, is Jewish? (Even though JewOrNotJew says he’s not.) Is it true that nearly 30% of respondents say Santa Claus should transition to female — or just become gender-neutral?…

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