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Nick Bryant on Franklin Scandal & Jeffrey Epstein: “Demand Justice for Epstein’s Victims!”

Listen HERE Please sign the petition Stop the cover-up. Demand justice for Jeffrey Epstein’s victims. Nick Bryant, author of The Franklin Scandal, is one of the world’s leading investigative journalists on elite pedophile networks—a topic that has gone mainstream in the wake of Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide.” Three weeks prior to Epstein not hanging himself last August 10th, Vanity Fair published a piece on Bryant’s nearly decade-long Epstein investigation: “Bryant first got his hands on a copy of the black book in 2012, after the feds caught Epstein’s former house manager trying to peddle it for $50,000….Three years later, when Epstein was…


FFWN: Will Corona Kill Millions & Crater the World Economy?

Broadcasts live THURSDAY, February 27, 8 to 9 pm Eastern on PSA  1) Help FFWN Uncover False Flags Corona: Threat or Menace? 2) Stock Market HAMMERED 1900 Points in 2 Days! 3) Corona Will Kill Millions & Crater the World Economy -Anatoly Karlin 4) Ian Henshall on BBC: Coronavirus Scare Stories are “Rubbish” 5) US economy a gigantic bubble & coronavirus could be the pin, Peter Schiff tells Boom Bust 6) Coronavirus may have leaked from China’s highest biosafety lab 7) No Weapon Left Behind: the American Hybrid War on China  -Pepe Escobar Bernie Surge 8) Matt Brooks: Bernie victory would…


Sanders commits political heresy by questioning military-industrial complex: Scholar

Press TV Leading US Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has committed a political heresy by questioning the huge giveaways to the military-industrial complex and wealthy individuals and corporations, American scholar Dr. Kevin Barrett says. Sanders on Monday criticized the US government for its massive military spending and tax breaks for wealthy individuals and corporations while eliminating social benefits for low-income and middle class families. He proposed spending $1.5 trillion over 10 years to create a universal child care and early education system, to be funded by taxing the wealthiest Americans. The proposal is the latest by the frontrunner Democratic candidate that…


Steve Brown on the Corporatist Coup at Pacifica

Listen HERE Steve Brown has been involved with debates at the Pacifica network for many years. He writes that Pacifica members are now being “asked to vote for new bylaws that will allow Pacifica’s stations to be sold and the network to be broken up.” He describes this as a coup by “corporatists” who are trying to seize centralized control of the valuable but debt-ridden network…even as they censor such non-mainstream voices as Bonnie Faulkner and Gary Null. Below is his email. * Dear Friend of WBAI and Pacifica– If you are a Pacifica member, you will soon receive (today…


Bloomberg: “Bernie Sanders Is a Hateful Anti-MBTQ Bigot!”

Dissociated Press Reacting to Bernie Sanders’ blowout in the Nevada caucuses, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has upped the ante, accusing the Democratic frontrunner of “hateful anti-MBTQ bigotry.” “As a proud member of the most victimized and oppressed group in America, the Millionaires, Billionaires, Trillionaires, and Quadrillionaires—what we like to call the MBTQ community—I am appalled by Bernie Sanders’ shameful hate-filled slurs against one of America’s most vulnerable groups,” Bloomberg intones in a new ad that is being repeatedly force-fed to every American man, woman, child, and household pet thanks to Bloomberg’s recent $500 million dollar ad buy. “Bernie Sanders…


Historian Michael Hoffman Gets Hate Mail from Hitler Supporters

Archived HERE First hour: Michael Hoffman , author of the new book Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People, recently elicited over 600 comments with his Unz Review post mourning the victims of the firebomb holocaust of Dresden. (Read “The People Who Were Burned to Ashes on Ash Wednesday.”) A fair number of comments espoused a pro-Hitler position. The uproar continued as Hoffman received hate mail objecting to his strong disagreements with the neo-Nazi current. In this interview Michael Hoffman explains: “I recognize that there are plenty of decent people who are confused, or have been spoonfed disinformation—and some of my fellow revisionists…


FFWN: Trump Pardons 9/11 Suspect Kerik & Epstein Associate Milken

PSAs 1—Help FFWN Push Back Against the 9/11 Perps! 2—Judge Says KCPD Detective Had Probable Cause to Arrest Man Asking Question at Library NYC Corruption & 9/11 3—Trump Pardons 9/11 Suspect Bernie Kerik 4—Trump Not Only Pardoned 9/11 Suspect Kerik but Epstein Associate Milken Too 5—Kerik/Giuliani Associate Larry Ray Indicted on Sex Trafficking 6—Background on Bernie Kerik 7—NYC Taxpayers Spending Millions on Cyber Center with Controversial Ties to Israeli Intelligence Election 8—A fight over Jewish identity is going to determine America’s future 9—Bernie Sanders Ad Touts Him As ‘First Jewish President,’…


Ian Henshall on BBC: Coronavirus Scare Stories are “Rubbish”

Listen HERE Ian Henshall of, author of 9/11: The New Evidence,  unwittingly found himself with a front row seat at the coronavirus-panic media carnival: “By a stroke of chance my next door neighbour is the guy who accidentally infected people here in the UK with the corona virus. This has meant that there are lots of newshounds from the MSM hanging around in the street outside with an agenda to create panic. “They were talking about ‘panic in Brighton.’ But the only panic was coming from the Daily Mail correspondent. (See screenshots below. -KB) I thought the important thing…


U.S.-backed ‘peace process’ in Afghanistan is a charade: Balkan Post interviews Kevin Barrett

“The U.S. will ultimately have to admit defeat and leave Afghanistan,” Kevin Barrett said in an interview with the Balkans Post, adding, “But the current ‘troop reduction’ is an election-year ploy by Trump.” Balkans Post Balkans Post: More than 18 years have passed since the United States invaded Afghanistan. What goals and strategies has the U.S. pursued in Afghanistan? Has the U.S. been successful? Kevin Barrett: The U.S. originally claimed it was invading Afghanistan to eliminate al-Qaeda’s base of operations there, and to remove the supposedly al-Qaeda-supporting Taliban government from power. But this pretext was a lie. The Taliban had…

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