Guest commentator Adam Green of KnowMoreNews! Watch live 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help FFWN Speak Biowar Truth to Power Corona Facts of Nature We Must Accept 2) Crucial Facts About Covid-19 3) Richard D. Wolff: Viruses like Covid-19 are a part of nature we must accept. But Capitalism-2020 must be destroyed Corona Collapse 4) Congress, Trump and the Fed Are Creating the Biggest Economic Bubble in World History 5) Top economist: The 1930s Depression was ‘Great.’ This one might be greater 6) FOOD SHUTDOWN: Farmers Told to “QUIT FARMING” While Coronavirus…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
I Like Icke—Here’s Why
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor My friend and colleague Ian Greenhalgh recently outraged many readers with David Icke – Disinfo Agent or Just an Idiot? Ian’s headline followed the template I established a few years ago with Is Alex Jones a Complete Idiot? When several friends emailed similar questions about Ian himself, I answered: “He’s neither an idiot nor an agent, he just likes to pick fights with more famous and more radical ‘conspiracy theorists’ and stir the pot. (Like I did with the Alex Jones article.)I think he sincerely believes what he’s saying. It is quite possible that China will win…
FULL ARTICLEBiowar Expert Dr. Meryl Nass: Lancet’s “COVID-19 Is NOT a Bioweapon” Is a Ludicrous Fraud
Listen HERE Dr. Meryl Nass is a world-class bioweapons expert. She recently published a must-read article: Why are some of the US’ top scientists making a specious argument about the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2? It seems that the usual-suspect Lancet authors who were trotted out to dismiss the “bioweapon conspiracy theory” are the same kind of so-called scientists as the NIST “experts” who assured us that WTC-7 miraculously disappeared at free-fall into its own footprint due to minor office fires. Q: Why are five dubious, germ-warfare-linked, cover-up specialist scientists telling us this could not possibly be a bioweapon, and yet obviously…
FULL ARTICLERIP John Prine: Here’s His Posthumous Release of New Coronavirus Song
Woke up locked down this morning, things were lookin’ bad Seem like isolation was the only friend I had Coronavirus headlines stared me down… and won And it was twelve o’clock before I realized That I was havin’ no fun But fortunately I have the key to escape this tyranny And you may see me tonight with an illegal smile Sneaking out of the house with no mask in high style Won’t you please tell the man I didn’t kill anyone No I’m just tryin’ to have me some fun
FULL ARTICLEWahid Azal: Coronavirus, Spirituality, & Politics: Shia/Sufi/Muslim Perspectives (Part 2)
Listen HERE More Shia/Sufi perspectives, this time featuring a Shia Sufi! Wahid Azal makes his debut appearance on Truth Jihad Radio discussing his critique of “Shills, Spooks, and Sufis in Service of Empire,” and the larger question of the political dimensions of religion in general and Sufi Islam in particular. Wahid Azal (BAs, MA, BL) is a recent widower and is an independent scholar specializing in the historiography and philologies of Islamic esoteric and occult texts. He has been described as a practicing Islamic Theurgist (white sorcerer) within contemporary global occulture. He is also the foremost Western authority on the post-Islamic…
FULL ARTICLECoronavirus, Spirituality, & Politics: Shia/Sufi/Muslim Perspectives Pt. 1: Andrew Israel & Charles Upton
Listen HERE First half hour: Andrew Israel (Muhammad Al Mahdi) reverted to Shia Islam from Judaism last Ramadan. As the Anglo-Zionist war on the “Shia crescent” (a.k.a. the Axis of Resistance) intensifies, even in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, this might be a good time to check in with him… Next half hour: Charles Upton discusses his new article “A Sufi Response to the Coronavirus.” A poet, author, and activist who has published numerous books on Sufism, metaphysics, and other topics, he is currently a leading proponent of the Covenants Initiative.
Broadcasts Saturdays live 11 to noon Eastern. BAD NEWS: This week Kevin’s YouTube channel was frozen by insane censors. GOOD NEWS: It was restored right before the show! BAD NEWS: OUR BROADCAST WAS INTERRUPTED, RESULTING IN TWO SEPARATE VIDEOS (SEE ABOVE). Guest commentator: J. Michael Springmann PSAs 1) Free Speech in a Time of Crisis—Support FFWN! 2) Youtube Bans 9/11 Physics Debate, Freezes Kevin’s Channel—Then Reverses Itself Saturday Morning 3) Trump and his Zionist masters want to destroy Iran: Former US diplomat‘Trump-and-his-Zionist-masters-want-to-destroy-Iran’ US Biowar 4) 2020 Coronavirus = 2001 Anthrax: “ALL ROADS LEAD TO DARK WINTER” 5) Facing…
FULL ARTICLELive Radio: Coronavirus, Spirituality, & Politics: Shia/Sufi/Muslim Perspectives
Broadcasts live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First half hour: Andrew Israel (Muhammad Al Mahdi) reverted to Shia Islam from Judaism last Ramadan. As the Anglo-Zionist war on the “Shia crescent” (a.k.a. the Axis of Resistance) intensifies, even in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, this might be a good time to check in with him… Next half hour: Charles Upton discusses his new article “A Sufi Response to the Coronavirus.” A poet, author, and activist who has published numerous books on Sufism, metaphysics, and other topics, he is currently a leading proponent of the Covenants Initiative. Second hour:…
FULL ARTICLERichard Gage AIA, Roland Angle, and Wayne Coste on WTC-7 Study & New 9/11 Demolition Theory
Listen HERE First half hour: Richard Gage, AIA, and civil engineer Roland Angle discuss the newly-issued University of Alaska report showing that the only possible explanation for the observed collapse of WTC-7 on 9/11 is the simultaneous failure of every column in the building—in other words, a controlled demolition. Just like your lying eyes already told you, and your government strenuously and guiltily denied. Please take five minutes and email this announcement to your members of Congress and to share it widely via email and social media. The full announcement for you to read and share is here. Information for your…
FULL ARTICLEBarbara Honegger Covid-19-9/11, E. Michael Jones on coronavirus culture war
Listen HERE First 30 minutes: Barbara Honegger discusses her new article “Here We Go Again: 9/11, Coronavirus and Another ‘New Pearl Harbor’.” In this interview she also references her 2008 article “The Scarlet A: Links between the Anthrax Attacks and 9/11.” Barbara worked as Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School, DoD’s premiere science, technology and national security affairs graduate research university. She is also a former White House Policy Analyst and Special Assistant to the Assistant to the President in the first Reagan Administration. Honegger is the author of the 9/11 expose “The Pentagon Attack Papers” and the book OCTOBER SURPRISE (Tudor,…