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Labeeb Uqdah and Rashid Dawud on BLM and Islam

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Labeeb Uqdah and Rashid Dawud are long time activists focused on the African-American and Muslim communities. Labeeb writes:

“Rashid Dawud’s  roots are in Mississippi and Detroit. I was born in New Orleans, and have lived in Los Angeles since 1963.

“We met at Cal State Northridge in 1975.  In 1985 we published Hijrah Magazine, and later published a newspaper called The LA Maghreb which came into being after an officer-involved shooting of an African American Muslim bus driver named Yusuf Bilal.

“Rashid’s reversion or entry to Islam was through the door of orthodox Sunni Islam. My beginnings were more heterodox starting with Nation of Islam from 1973 until the death of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad in 1975, and was a member of the community led by his son WD Mohammed  in 1975.”

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