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Farrakhan compares Trump to Satan — Satan demands apology

Dissociated Press Responding to a report that Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan had compared him to Donald Trump, Satan has issued an angry statement demanding an apology. At a heavily-attended press conference (hell is full of journalists who are forced to attend press conferences for all eternity) the Prince of Evil inveighed against Farrakhan for making an unfair and hurtful comparison. “I am the world’s greatest liar,” the Devil sneered. “Just because Trump lies all the time, he’s like me? Give me a break! Trump is the world’s second worst liar, almost as bad as his buddy Bin Salman. He…


Ian Greenhalgh: “Trump vs. Soros”: Everything you know is wrong!

Listen HERE Hey Trump fans! Before you vote or cheer for for Republicans in the midterms, do some homework on the respective careers of Donald Trump and George Soros. Yes, one of them is working for the, er, “elders of Zion”…but which one? Veterans Today editor Ian Greenhalgh argues (and I don’t think he’s entirely wrong) that everything “they” accuse Soros of doing is precisely what “they” themselves ARE doing! In other words, the anti-Soros propaganda machine is owned and operated by the criminal associates of a certain Benyamin “Bibi” Netanyahu…i.e. the people who did 9/11. And Trump has been…


Trump nukes Honduran military base in retaliation for “invasion”

“It was our base? Oops!” Dissociated Press Obeying an order issued by Commander-in-Chief Donald J. Trump, the United States Air Force has used a nuclear weapon to destroy Honduras’ biggest military installation. At 7:31:06 this morning, Base Aerea Soto Cano in Comayagua, Honduras was instantly incinerated by a B83 thermonuclear weapon set to its maximum yield of 1.2 megatons dropped by a USAF B1A Lancer as ordered by President Trump in his first official act of the day. Trump then called a press conference and explained: “A short time ago, an American aeroplane dropped one bomb on Comayagua and destroyed its…


Ilia Rashad Muhammad “Exposing the War Against Islam”; Henry Herskovitz reflects on synagogue shooting, RD Steele briefly joins us

Broadcast LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio then archived HERE First hour: Ilia Rashad Muhammad is a public educator, author, researcher, and student of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, who is regularly attacked by such organizations as the ADL for making irreverent statements concerning Jews and Zionism. Recently the Honorable Minister quipped “I am not anti-Semite, I am anti-Termite” inciting an orgy of recriminations from Chelsea Clinton among others. (Read the NOI Research Group response “Termite Is Exactly Right” Pt. 1 and Pt. 2.) Ilia Rashad Muhammad says he looks forward to discussing “the NOI’s general controversy with powerful…


FFWN: Mainstream issues “Frantic Denunciations of the False Flag Concept”

World’s biggest event happens—Western media barely notices 1) Arbaeen: The world’s biggest event PSA 2) Help FFWN push false flag meme mainstream! Pipe Bombs Send “False Flag” Meme Mainstream 3) Pipe Bombs: Frantic Denunciations of the False Flag Concept 4) ‘I thought he looked like a shooter’: Why someone snapped pictures of Cesar Sayoc’s van days ago 5) Michael Moore Shares Footage of Serial Bomb Suspect Cut From Fahrenheit 11/9 “11 Dead Jews in Pittsburgh” Pushes Khashoggi and Saudi Crimes Out of the Headlines 6) Active shooter drill planned for Thursday night in Squirrel Hill, Darlington…


Why Bibi LOVES the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre

If It Didn’t Exist, He Would Have Had to Invent It By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor When Bibi Netanyahu first heard the tragic news from America, he was asked his reaction. Bibi smirked and barked out: “It’s very good!” Then a faint light of awareness dawned in his beady little pig eyes: an understanding of how bad that sounded. So he caught himself and said: “Uh…well, it isn’t good…but it’s good for Israel!” That was Bibi’s reaction to 9/11. But it also represents his likely response to the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre. Netanyahu is a gangster. “Israel” is a global…


U.S. senators demand end to Saudi nuclear talks

“Elect me and you’ll find out who really did 9/11,” Trump promised on the campaign trail. He then broadly hinted that the Saudis were the real culprits. Today, Trump is trying to hand the Saudis a nuclear weapons program. Why is Trump OK with allowing the world’s two most recklessly irresponsible regimes—Likud Israel and Bin Salman’s House of Saud—to possess or develop nuclear weapons? Shouldn’t the US goal be a nuclear-free Middle East? Is the Trump-Kushner tilt toward the Saudi-Likud axis of evil mainly about business interests? Are we letting small-time gangsters dictate policy…even if it risks World War III?…


Arbaeen: The world’s biggest event

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Today is Arbaeen, the annual commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson. During the past decade an estimated twenty to thirty million people (with outlier estimates closer to fifty million) have been making the pilgrimage to Karbala each year. Wikipedia’s list of “largest peaceful gatherings” is dominated by recent Arbaeen pilgrimages. It seems rather miraculous that Iraq—the nation most devastated by the 9/11-triggered Zionist-incited scorched-earth operations—should be hosting a pilgrimage five to ten times as big as the much better known canonical Muslim Pilgrimage, the Hajj. The Saudis, with all…


Nick Kollerstrom on False Flags Over Europe; Ibrahim Soudy on Khashoggi reverberations

Listen HERE First half hour: History of Science Ph.D. Nick Kollerstrom discusses his new book False Flags over Europe: A Modern History of State-Fabricated Terror. (It’s a revised European version of Chronicles of False Flag Terror published by Moon Rock Books.) Below is the table of contents. Second half hour: Structural engineer Dr. Ibrahim Soudy PhD PE SE P.Eng.—one of the best-qualified members of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth— discusses the Khashoggi murder scandal and its implications for the future of the Muslim East.


Discussing travels with Eric Walberg; Rolf Lindgren and Greg Felton wonder whether pipe bombs are false flag

Listen HERE First hour: Geopolitical analyst Eric Walberg, author of The Canada-Israel Nexus, From Postmodernism to Postsecularism, Islamic Resistance to Imperialism, and Postmodern Imperialism, discusses his recent travel article “Pilgrimmage to Christian Island.” Second hour: Republican Party activist Rolf Lindgren argues that the rash of pipe bombs sent to Democrats and Trump opponents has all the earmarks of a false flag. Halfway through the hour, red-pilled ex-mainstream Canadian journalist Greg Felton joins us to agree that the pipe bomb affair doesn’t quite pass the smell test—but also to strongly disagree with Rolf’s pro-Trump views.

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