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FFWN: 9/11 death cult anniversary: pseudo-religion of MSM zombie lemmings

PSAs 1) Strip off the blindfolds! Share and support FFWN 2) Lobby YOUR congress-critter to support the Bobby McIlvaine Act 9/11 Anniversary 3) Coming Sept 10-11 9/11 Truth Live Streams of SF/DC/NYC events! 4) New-“The Demolition of Truth-Psychologists Examine 9/11” Directors cut War on Syria 5) Trump warns Assad against ‘reckless’ attack on Syria’s Idlib 6) Armageddon in Idlib 7) Report on IDF funding Syrian rebels pulled on request of ‘army’s censor’ – Jerusalem Post to RT War on Russia 8) Leader of self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic killed in E. Ukraine blast 9) PM points to Putin as Russian pair…


Saudis recognize women’s right to be beheaded

Riyadh, “Saudi” Arabia Dissociated Press In a major breakthrough for women’s rights in the desert kingdom, Clown Prince Bin Salman (BS) has issued an edict proclaiming that henceforth women will have full and equal rights to be beheaded. “There is no place in a modern, air-conditioned country like ours for archaic relics of the medieval past,” BS announced at a press conference beside the gallows in Chop-Chop Square in downtown Riyadh. “For too long we have discriminated against peaceful female dissidents. Are not their heads worth every bit as much as those of their male counterparts? Beginning today, a woman…


Linh Dinh on “Genitalia as Social Constructs”: USA has gone crazy, Vietnam still somewhat sane

Listen HERE Linh Dinh used to be one of America’s best up-and-coming writers. Now he is one of Vietnam’s best! Why would someone with Linh’s talent leave the USA? Doesn’t the brain drain usually flow the other way? In this interview Linh explains why he left, and expresses pity for those of us stuck in the belly of the American beast. Our discussion also touches on Linh’s provocative, politically-incorrect article “Genitalia as Social Constructs.”


“Debate” on Saudi war crimes in Yemen

In this edition of The Debate, Press TV interviews Kevin Barrett, author and Middle East expert from Madison and Naseer al-Omari, writer and political commentator from New York on Saudi war crimes in Yemen. The discussion centered round UN investigators’ report that says Saudi Arabia and allies may have committed war crimes in Yemen.


US government-wide cover-up of Saudi complicity in 9/11 revealed in new book

Watch False Flag Weekly News cover this explosive story! Press TV The authors of a new explosive book on 9/11 have revealed a US government-wide cover-up of Saudi complicity in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, claiming that the CIA and Saudi Arabia conspired to keep 9/11 details secret. In The Watchdogs Didn’t Bark: The CIA, NSA, and the Crimes of the War on Terror, John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski dismissed the official story that 9/11 was merely “a failure to connect the dots.” They wrote several accounts from former US intelligence officials who revealed how American agencies ignored intelligence…


Saudi Arabia enjoys US, Israel backing on Yemen atrocities: Expert

Press TV The United Nations is incapable of pressuring Saudi Arabia to end its military aggression on Yemen as the kingdom has the the support from the United States and Israel, says an analyst. “The UN is more or less being dragged into this, telling a little bit of truth about the horrific massacres that have been going on in Yemen,” Kevin Barrett, American scholar and author, told Press TV in an interview on Thursday. “This country has essentially been decimated by Saudi bombing of civilian infrastructure designed to punish the population for essentially wanting to stay independent.” “This war…


Ian Henshall: Will this be the year 9/11 “re-opens?”

Listen HERE Guest: Ian Henshall, author of 9/11 Revealed: The New Evidence, wonders whether the factional war between the pro- and anti-Trump forces could lead to the reopening of 9/11…perhaps when Trump uses it as a “nuclear option” against those trying to bring him down. (Brennan and Mueller are both leading suspects in the 9/11 coverup.) Below is Ian’s latest newsletter. — 30 August 2018 to Reinvestigate 9/11 contacts list, to be removed simply hit reply and type remove. BBC LEAFLETING SEPTEMBER 11 9/11 TRUTH: MORE PROGRESS 9/11 TRUTH AT GREEN GATHERING 9/11 ACADEMIC NETWORK ACTIVE ——————————– BBC LEAFLETING SEPTEMBER…


E. Michael Jones on why the Pope should resign; Brian Ruhe continues the conversation on religion and sexuality

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio. First hour: E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars magazine, argues that Pope Francis ought to become the second pope in a little over five years to resign. Such calls for the Pope’s resignation have followed the release of a letter by Archbishop Vigano accusing Francis of removing papal sanctions imposed by his predecessor, Benedict, against credibly-accused sexual predator and ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick—despite knowing about McCarrick’s wide-ranging depradations. (Vigano says he forcefully told Francis about McCarrick’s history of wide-ranging sexual abuse, and even handed Francis a detailed dossier…and yet Francis essentially rehabilitated…


FFWN: Never Forget 9/11 (was an inside job)

Thank you to our donors who made this show possible! PSAs: Countdown: 11 days from 17th 9/11 anniversary 1) Never Forget 9/11 (was an inside job)…and help FFWN keep shouting it from the rooftops! 2) Coming Sept 10-11 (3) 9/11 Truth Live Streams of SF/DC/NYC events! 3) Join or start a candlelight vigil in front of YOUR local courthouse on 9/11/18! 9/11 Truth Emerging? 4) CIA AND SAUDI ARABIA CONSPIRED TO KEEP 9/11 DETAILS SECRET, NEW BOOK SAYS 5) Here are the details: 9/11 A Mossad-PNAC Operation 6) Ex-mayor’s “Israel did 9/11″ post puts new pressure on…


Saudi-led coalition denounces UN report regarding strikes on Yemen

Press TV The Saudi-led coalition condemns a UN report that says airstrikes by Riyadh and its allies in Yemen may amount to war crimes. The coalition said the UN report has misconstrued the facts of the conflict. It also denied the UN accusations the coalition is refusing to cooperate or provide information to the U-N experts. On Tuesday, the U-N experts’ report said the Saudi-led bombardment has caused the most direct civilian casualties. The latest air raids in Yemen have killed a large number of civilians most of them children.

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