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Preston James on “Takedown of the American public school system”

Broadcast here July 12th, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe…and listen to this show RIGHT NOW! 

Preston James, Ph.D. is one of America’s most provocative and controversial commentators. A former intel insider (details remain classified), Preston writes about the bizarre netherworld where intelligence agencies, organized crime, secret societies, and extraterrestrial and/or extradimensional entities overlap.

In his new article Take-down of the American Public School System and its Teachers Preston writes:

The take-down of the American public school systems – how it is being done now.
The American public school systems are being taken down one by one, with a progressive roll-out of a sophisticated Intel operation that is being implemented in the larger Urban public school systems.
Preparation for this operation has been set in place for many years with the progressive shift to Globalist curriculum and educational policies, followed by the installation of high-powered psychotronic emitters, which produced remote brain entrainment.
These Globalist educational policies that have been rolled out in the public schools, as well as in many institutions of the USG, now certainly form the crux of the Ruling Cabal’s six Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).
What are these Globalist values by which the US Public school systems have used to condition the minds of students to favor Globalism? 
They consist of:  political correctness, diversity, sex role confusion, narcissism, situational morality, group think, hysterical and nonsensical “zero-tolerance” policies, and dependency on the state to provide for their needs.
Mind-kontrol is the key to creating good Global citizens in school.

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