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Obama humiliates Muslims at Ramadan iftar

When Ron Dermer stood before Obama’s Muslim guests, this is what they saw
On Monday, President Barack Obama invited American Muslim leaders to an iftar (fast-breaking dinner) at the White House. 

The invitation was a trap.

Obama ambushed the Muslim invitees by unleashing Israel’s viciously racist ambassador, Ron Dermer, as the first speaker at the event. Dermer has famously said that Arabs and Muslims have “a cultural tendency towards belligerency” that is “deeply imbedded in the culture of the Arab world and its foremost religion.” He even celebrated “the refusal of commuters on a Minneapolis flight to fly until three Arab passengers were removed from the plane” merely because they were Arab.

Imagine a 1980s-era South African ambassador saying that blacks have “a cultural tendency towards belligerency” and celebrating racist whites who refused to fly on the same plane as blacks. Such a demented bigot would have been put on the next plane back to South Africa – even by the right-wing Reagan Administration.

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