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What You Can’t Say on Geraldo

Geraldo: Has he rescinded the digitis impudicus he once flashed at the “nutjobs” who support 9/11 truth? At first glance, Geraldo’s 9/11 show with Bob McIlvaine and Tony Szamboti was mind-boggling. Never before has mainstream network TV put such a favorable spin on 9/11 truth. Even at second glance it’s still pretty mind-boggling. Congratulations to everyone involved – Bob and Tony (who performed brilliantly), the NYCcan and BuildingWhat folks, and behind them the whole truth movement. (I will be welcoming Tony Szamboti to Truth Jihad Radio next Saturday, Nov. 20th, 5 to 7 pm Central, live on After the…


Calling the Cops on Dialogue

Martin, a pro-9/11-truth libertarian from Southern California, recently sent me the following story: Rice University Jewish Studies Professor calls police over youtube 9/11 video A Houston man who sent a Rice University professor a youtube link via e-mail in October was contacted by police investigators shortly thereafter. The video, entitled ‘History They Don’t Teach You in School’, was e-mailed to Rice University Jewish Studies professor Rabbi Shira Lander, Ph.D, after the man had seen fliers advertising her Jewish studies anti-semitism class.  [full article here ] Always seeking a “teachable moment” and a good radio show, I emailed the Rabbi: Dear…


US, Arab World Both Need Revolutions

Virtually the entire Arab world – the historic heartland of Islam – is under US-Zionist occupation…while the US itself is under Zionist-financier occupation. The people of the US and the Arab world ought to rise up, together, and overthrow the regimes occupying their countries and targeting them for destruction. Unfortunately, many Arabs, and most Americans, are in denial. I spend most of my time trying to wake up Americans; but as a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, I am also interested in the Arab world. When I watch al-Jazeera, I see bought-and-paid-for Arab talking heads bemoaning the Iranian influence in Iraq and espousing…


Jews Must Root Out Radical Jewish Extremists from their Communities

The Jewish-dominated corporate mainstream media often admonishes us that we Muslims have a duty to root out radical Muslim extremists from our communities. The problem is, I don’t know any radical Muslim extremists. All of the Muslims I know are kind, polite, timid souls who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Oops, I take that back — my irrepressible co-host on the Garden of Truth TV show, Abdullah Champeon, can be kind but is rarely polite or timid. It requires no stretch of the imagination to envision Abdullah harming a fly, though I am sure he would only do it in self…


Senior BBC Mideast Correspondent: “Here’s what may have REALLY happened on 9/11”!

McFarland, WI 5/26/2010 Breaking his self-imposed rule against talking about 9/11, former Senior BBC Mideast Correspondent and author  Alan Hart described what he thinks may have really happened on that fateful day on yesterday’s Kevin Barrett show. Hart, who got to know Yasser Arafat and Golda Meir while serving as a Security Council-briefed Mideast peace negotiator, said that he has been assured by a top-level demolitions/engineering expert who wishes to remain anonymous that the three World Trade Center skyscrapers were destroyed by controlled demolitions, not plane crashes and fires. (For the names of more than 1000 experts willing to go…


Ahmadinejad plugs Truth Jihad

The lackeys of Zio-American imperialism may be reading Lolita in Tehran…but President Ahmadinejad has better taste. He’s engrossed in Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie by Kevin Barrett, the world’s most notorious Muslim 9/11 truth author and radio host. “When I called 9/11 a big lie, I got the idea from Dr. Barrett,” the Iranian president explained. “This hilarious book rips the pants off the 9/11 conspiracy and exposes its private parts to the whole world. And besides, it is good practicing for my English.” A spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Culture quickly interrupted and…

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