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Omar Khadr, child-soldier hero, returns home!

Omar Khadr is going home to Canada from Guantánamo    The Toronto-born man who got to Guantánamo as a teenager was en route to more prison time in his native Canada as of 4:30 a.m. Saturday under a 2010 plea deal, a U.S. military source tells The Miami Herald… * * * Omar Khadr, the heroic child-soldier who nearly sacrificed his life fighting against the criminal invasion of Afghanistan, is finally returning to his native Canada – but in chains, rather than decked out with the medals he deserves. At age 15, Khadr fought valiantly against the war criminals who, brainwashed…


Finian Cunningham, Alan Hart: an anglo/Irish dynamic duo!

Fri.  9/28/12, 3-5 pm Central,American Freedom Radio  (archived here.)  First hour: Finian Cunningham‘s latest article is on the recent official US endorsement of the terrorist group MEK. He is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in journalism. He specializes in Middle East and East Africa issues and appears regularly on Press TV and Russia Today as well as this show. Finian was expelled from Bahrain in June 2011 for his critical journalism in which he highlighted many human rights violations by the…


Does Israel want war with Iran to keep a lid on 9/11? Let’s ask Christopher Bollyn!

Tuesday, September 25th, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Central (9-11 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Christopher Bollyn, author of Solving 9/11 – the best book on the Israeli-Zionist role in 9/11, and one of the most important books on the 9/11 truth bookshelf. My article “Israel Seeks War with Iran to Keep a Lid on 9/11” has gone viral – it’s the most-read article on both Press TV and Veterans Today.  Christopher Bollyn writes: “I think your latest article about Netanyahu and Iran is very good.  It is a good place to begin the…


2 great candidates! Election fraud expert Bob Fitrakis, presidential candidate Merlin Miller

 Mon.  9/24/12, 3-5 pm Central,American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Why vote for sell-outs, traitors, and creeps…when people like Bob Fitrakis and Merlin Miller are running? As Jesse Ventura says, the lesser evil is still evil! First hour: Ohio Political Science Professor Bob Fitrakis, who is currently running for Congress, is one of America’s greatest gadfly journalists and election fraud experts. His recent article, co-authored with Harvey Wasserman, is Will the GOP Steal America’s 2012 Election? It begins: The Republican Party could steal the 2012 US Presidential election with relative ease.  Six basic factors make this year’s theft a possibility:1. The…


Islamophobic NY subway ad improved!

(read this at my newly revamped website) My rant about the Islamophobic NY subway ads went viral and got 3,000 hits in one day. Since there is no way in hell that the 9/11-complicit mobbed-up Zionist courts in New York are going to allow comparable anti-Jewish ads equal time with the anti-Muslim ads, this is a violation of the First Amendment’s decree that all religions must be treated equally. When unconstitutional acts occur, extreme measures are called for. Blowing up the NY subway system and/or killing everyone responsible for putting up the Islamophobic ads (which is what the terrorist Jewish…


Lieberman: Iran declares cyber-war on banksters!

“Holy Joe” Lieberman explains who really runs America Joe Lieberman is a traitor not only to the Democratic Party, but to the USA. I don’t care that he bailed out on the Democrats despite getting the nod as Gore’s running mate in 2000. The real problem is that he bailed out on the USA long, long ago… (read the rest at my newly-revamped website !)


Grant Smith describes Israel’s death-grip on America’s neck

Fri. 9/21/12, 3-5 pm Central,American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Two full hours with Grant Smith, exposing the Israeli lobby’s iron grip on America! Terrorism (false-flag and otherwise), assassination, nuclear blackmail, spying with almost complete impunity…the Israelis have squashed the USA under their bootheel using every vicious, underhanded, illegal technique imaginable. Our Constitution is gone, our economy is kaput, and still the Israelis push us to start yet another war…a war that could finally finish us off.  Speaking of which: Is Netanyahu is pushing for war with Iran in order to keep the lid on 9/11 as I recently suggested? Grant…


Grant Smith describes Israel’s death-grip on America’s neck

Fri. 9/21/12, 3-5 pm Central,American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Two full hours with Grant Smith, exposing the Israeli lobby’s iron grip on America! Terrorism (false-flag and otherwise), assassination, nuclear blackmail, spying with almost complete impunity…the Israelis have squashed the USA under their bootheel using every vicious, underhanded, illegal technique imaginable. Our Constitution is gone, our economy is kaput, and still the Israelis push us to start yet another war…a war that could finally finish us off.  Speaking of which: Is Netanyahu is pushing for war with Iran in order to keep the lid on 9/11 as I recently suggested? Grant…


Top ten anti-Semitic NY subway ads

Bigotry against Muslims, and Jews, is nothing new. But when the city of New York starts putting insanely bigoted ads in the subways, pleading that they are helpless and cannot refuse…well, we’re halfway to an “Escape from New York” zombie apocalypse. Here is the New York Times story on the bigoted subway ads:Ad Calling Jihad ‘Savage’ Is Set to Appear in Subway  By MATT FLEGENHEIMER  September 18, 2012        As violent and sometimes deadly protests consume much of the Muslim world in response to an American-made video mocking the Prophet Muhammad, New Yorkers will soon encounter another potentially inflammatory rendering of Islam:…


Two-hour whistleblowers special with Gwenyth Todd and Susan Lindauer!

Tuesday, September 18th, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Central (9-11 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Two full hours, commercial free with no breaks, featuring the two most recent & dangerous American whistleblowers, Gwenyth Todd and Susan Lindauer! Both of these brave women have tried to stop false-flag operations and wars, and had their lives run over by the neocon 9/11 perps and warmongers in retaliation. This show couldn’t be more timely, since those same neocon Zionist 9/11 perps are currently trying to drag the US into war with Iran – and manufacturing fake “crises” like…

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