Broadcast here August 28th 11 to noon Eastern then archived. All my shows are archived at my Patreon page – please consider subscribing! Are the 2017 extremism scares – false flag “threats against Jewish centers,” Charlottesville, etc. – part of a plot to censor the internet in preparation for war-on-Iran-for-Israel? Tom Mysiewicz – who worked in IT before it was fashionable, and later was hounded out of mainstream journalism by political censors – has an interesting take on Charlottesville: “As for the actual provocateur in Charlottesville, we are now hearing reports that his case is similar to the recent Varnell indictment. That alleged white nationalist/racist supposedly…
FULL ARTICLETag: zionism
Are We Becoming Western Money Slaves?
Most Recent Show: Peter Koenig: Are We Becoming Western Money Slaves?Show link Also check out: How and Why WWI Was Planned and Prolonged Saudi Regime on Very Shaky Ground Iran files complaint on US violations of nuclear deal * * * Another Recent Show: Charles Upton: Can Covenants Initiative save the world? Show link Also check out: An Offering of the Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad to the Christians of the World in the Twenty-First Century US Empire Collapsing – With or Without World War III? * * * Another Recent Show: Revisionist historian Michael Hoffman; Part 2 of…
FULL ARTICLEArchitect/attorney David Noble: “I have explained to Trump that Israel did 9/11…”
Broadcast here July 17th, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe…and listen to this show RIGHT NOW! David Noble David Noble is an attorney – and a retired architect who belongs to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. He is also a notable member of the Republican Party of Orange County, California. In this interview, David Noble discusses his series of letters to President Donald Trump concerning the events of September 11th, 2001. In those letters, Noble lays out the evidence that 9/11 was a neocon-Zionist coup d’etat executed primarily on behalf of the state of Israel.…
FULL ARTICLEWill National Post print my response to “Holocaust denier” libel? UPDATE: ATTACKED BY JDL TERRORISTS?
UPDATE: The good news is that the National Post has updated their story to reflect what I sent them (see below). The bad news is that I just got back from Quds day in Chicago and Toronto to find my car’s brakes are completely gone – the pedal sinks to the floor with no resistance. I left the car on a street that is totally deserted on the weekend, near a Park-and-Ride (which was full). The brakes worked fine when I parked there to catch the bus to Chicago Friday afternoon. I don’t know whether my brakes were sabotaged, or…
FULL ARTICLEThe chutzpah!! B’nai B’rith falsely claims they have been “reaching out” to me
emailed to daniel.koren@bnaibrith.caDear Daniel Koren You write, concerning your efforts to defame me and prevent me from speaking in Canada: We have on several occasions attempted to engage Mr. Barrett in conversation on how his views are terribly misinformed, misguided and incorrect, but he is not interested in such a dialogue. I just left you a telephone message at 416 633 6224 x 172 pointing out that I have never been contacted by anyone “reaching out” from B’nai B’rith. On the contrary, I was the one who repeatedly “reached out” to B’nai B’rith during August of 2015, leaving many telephone messages…
FULL ARTICLEBrendon O’Connell on Israeli Talpiot program and 9/11 – and much more
This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, June 16th at – click on Studio B – then gets archived about 24 hours later. For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – Click HERE! Australian activist Brendon O’Connell was arrested and jailed in 2009, and imprisoned until 2014 for supposedly making “anti-Semitic” statements in a public confrontation with a Zionist. Physically abused in prison – at one point his arm was broken – Brendon has not curtailed his hard-hitting commentary and is currently living in…
FULL ARTICLEDebating “free speech persecutee” Alfred Schaefer on Judaism vs. Zionism, white nationalism
Broadcast here June 7th, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe…and listen to this show RIGHT NOW! Last fall, Alfred Schaefer – a Canadian living in Germany – was raided by German police because somebody in power doesn’t like his political ideas. They stole his computer and his papers, and haven’t yet returned them. Further legal proceedings and penalties, perhaps even prison, are a distinct possibility, given such precedents as the recent arrest of Horst Mahler.I don’t like some of Alfred’s political ideas either. But rather than try to silence him, I prefer to argue with him.Police crackdowns on free…
FULL ARTICLEJeremy Rothe-Kushel’s letter to Left Forum Board
Sent to the Left Forum Board: Jeremy Rothe-Kushel is sitting in for Professor Anthony Hall as co-host of False Flag Weekly News today. To the Left Forum, Is it the case that the Left Forum has deliberatively come down on the historical side of “Never again…Unless the ongoing holocaust is against Arab &/or Muslim semitic peoples and their mainstream worldview & majority understandings of the racist, fraudulent, scapegoat terrorism targeted at them by a garrison Jewish warfare state & its aligned fascist thugs in the ‘West?’ So, the mass slaughter of thousands of Semitic men, women…
FULL ARTICLEFormer World Bank economist Peter Koenig on “Slavehood 2017”
Broadcast here May 15th, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe…and listen to this show RIGHT NOW! Click HERE. Economist Peter Koenig used to work for the World Bank. Now he’s an independent journalist blowing the whistle on the New World Order banksters’ efforts to expand the US-Zionist empire into a global slave plantation. Peter’s new article “Slavehood 2017: Social Chaos and Global Warfare” explains: “Today we have become all slaves; slaves to the powers of mafia bankster of finance; slaves to the Western lie-propaganda; to the lobbies and their giant all dominating corporations – to the…
FULL ARTICLEM.S. King of Tomato Bubble: Everything you know is wrong!
Broadcast here May 10th, 11 to noon Eastern then archived. For less than a dollar a week you can subscribe…and listen to this show RIGHT NOW! Click HERE. Banned by Amazon! But available here M.S. “Mike” King of is the author of more than ten books challenging conventional political wisdom. One of them, The Bad War, was banned by Amazon last month due to its politically-incorrect three-page treatment of the holocaust. (I urged him to re-publish an “Amazon Edition” with those three pages blank as a statement of protest.) Was Eisenhower really an arch-globalist, maybe even a closet commie? Was World War Parts 1 and 2…