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LIVE RADIO! Edward Curtin on Zelikow’s 9/11 & COVID commissions, Meryl Nass on anti-vaccine petition to FDA

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Edward Curtin discusses Ron Unz’s argument that COVID was deliberately unleashed by neocons in a biowar attack on China and Iran, as well as Ed’s recent article “Second Stage Terror Wars,” which begins: “It is well known that the endless U.S. war on terror was overtly launched following the mass murders of September 11, 2001 and the linked anthrax attacks….It is less well known that the executive director of the U.S. cover story – the fictional 9/11 Commission Report – was Philip Zelikow, who controlled and shaped…


Grant Handley on Self-Spreading Vaccines and Other Strokes of Genius

Listen HERE Bay Area entrepreneur Grant Handley discusses Great Reset issues including a somewhat disturbing document from the Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Entitled “Technologies to Address Global Catastrophic Biological Risks,” the document advocates: “Networks of land-, sea-, and air-based drones autonomously conducting environmental surveillance would be one way to help fill gaps in monitoring of the environment for biological disruption to important ecosystems and bioterrorism events.” “Synthetic biology…with novel gene editing and other biotechnologies, bacteria can be altered for industrial production of many kinds of molecules and proteins.” “Self- spreading vaccines are…


Zeshan Shahbaz on Vaccines & Islam; UN Consultant Whistleblower Mary Otto-Chang on the Great Reset

Listen HERE First half hour: Zeshan Shahbaz is a correspondent with The Ummah Times: Decolonizing Minds Islamic News and Analysis platform. Zeshan was interrupted by my internet outage last week, so tonight he finishes his discussion of why Muslims and others should be skeptical about COVID vaccines. He recommends: Declarations and public endorsements/acknowledgement of the status of Vaccines by various Ulema organizations: Second half hour: Mary Otto-Chang, Founder and Director of ALIANZACLIMATE and former consultant to the the UN and other organizations, discusses her concerns about the “Great Reset.”


LIVE RADIO! Zeshan Shahbaz on Vaccines & Islam; UN Consultant Whistleblower Mary Otto-Chang on the Great Reset; Grant Handley on Self-Spreading Vaccines and Other Strokes of Genius

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First half hour: Zeshan Shahbaz is a correspondent with The Ummah Times: Decolonizing Minds Islamic News and Analysis platform. Zeshan was interrupted by my internet outage last week, so tonight he finishes his discussion of why Muslims and others should be skeptical about COVID vaccines. He recommentds: Declarations and public endorsements/acknowledgement of the status of Vaccines by various Ulema organizations: Second half: hour: Mary Otto-Chang, Founder and Director of ALIANZACLIMATE and former consultant to the the UN and other organizations, discusses her concerns about the “Great Reset.” Canadian born, Mary Otto-Chang…


Zeshan Shahbaz vs. Khutbah-Vax, Gideon Polya on Quds Day, Rolf Lindgren on “Vaxxed for Trump”

Listen HERE First guest: Zeshan Shahbaz pushes back against the National Khutbah Campaign to Increase Vaccine Confidence, which is pressuring all Muslim imams across Canada to deliver pro-vax khutbahs (sermons). He writes: “This heretical organization CMCTF ought to be investigated and its money trail exposed for publicly promoting this haraam intervention….Can you please share the following to as many fellow Muslims and other Imams as possible: Declarations and public endorsements/acknowledgement of the Haraam nature of Vaccines by various Ulema organizations.”   Zeshan Shahbaz is a correspondent with The Ummah Times which is an Islamic news and analysis platform. Unfortunately I was…


FFWN to YouTube: “Vax THIS!”

 Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays —watch live above (no longer broadcasting on censorship-infested YouTube) Guest host Cat McGuire PSAs 1) Help FFWN beat the censors! 2) Covid-19 is US biowar – Watch two smoking gun live streamed webinars on No Lies Radio COVID Origin  3) Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November (2019): Sources Unz Review erased from Google, FB over this story: 4) Exclusive Investigation: Separating rumor from fact on Covid-19’s origin Censored! 5) False Flag Weekly News Censored by Youtube…for Attacking Censorship! 6) Censors Confuse Facts with Interpretations (Kevin in AFP) 7) ACLU…


FFWN: “US Troops Leave Afghanistan by 9/11” Is ANOTHER Big Lie

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays —watch live above or at Guest host John Shuck PSAs 1) Help FFWN indoctrinate unicorns! 2) Hundreds of activists send Building 7 film to congressional reps 9/11 3) US says troops to leave Afghanistan by 11 September  4) But that’s another big lie 5) He Was Convicted of a Bombing Plot. Was It a Setup?  Police Shootings 6) ACLU & others blast medical expert testifying Floyd died of cardiac arrest, point to lawsuit against him in ‘eerily similar’ case 7) Daunte Wright was facing attempted robbery case…


FFWN: “This Website Has Been Seized”

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays —watch live above or at PSA 1) Help FFWN avoid getting “seized”! Global War on Freedom (GWOF) 2) American Herald deplatformed AGAIN from the Internet by order of the FBI 3) UK: Political Judge Sentences Woman to Jail for Calling Holocaust A “Cash Cow” 4) Russia fines Twitter for not taking down (CIA propaganda) calling (for children) to protest then Twitter Deletes Dozens of Russian Accounts for “Undermining Faith in NATO” War on “Conspiracy Theories” 5) Why COVID-19 conspiracy theories persist 6) How to talk to…


Attorney Thomas Willcutts Says False Flag Plots Always Have Fallback “Plan B”

Listen HERE Thomas Willcutts, an attorney who specializes in going after banksters, says false flag plots often feature a fallback Plan B. He writes: “Listening to Geert Vanden Bossche, I was struck by his response to the question posed to him in the interview – ‘Did governments really have any choice but to deploy their experimental vaccines – where being seen to do nothing is not a practical alternative for a government?’  Vanden Bossche’s response to that question, invoking the hippocratic oath of ‘do no harm,’ completely ignored curative treatments available, which provide the best reasoning for not deploying an…


FFWN: Whence COVID? Why Is It Hitting Some Countries Harder than Others? (with John Hankey)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays —watch live above or at With John Hankey, director of the documentary  COVID-19 Inside Job PSAs 1) Help FFWN stand up for our right to breathe a word of truth…and just plain breathe 2) Newly discovered eyewitness account puts NIST in a corner on WTC 7 explosions Colorado False Flag? 3) Suspect in Colorado grocery store shooting faces 10 counts of murder, police say 4) Boulder Smells Like Another False Flag 5) Newsweek equates QAnon “nobody died” disinfo with term “false flag” 6) Mainstream Media Exposed Coordinating Identical Mass…

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