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Terrorism, Hell! Test the First Responders for Witchcraft!

Guest blog post by Cott N. Mather, Under-Assistant Public Relations Executive, Department of Homeland Security Did you know that the 9/11 health bill requires sick first responders to have their names run through the FBI’s terrorism watch list before they can receive treatment? Checking out sick 9/11 first responders for terrorism was a good start.  But we Homeland Security professionals know that this bill does not go nearly far enough. To fully secure our homeland against its implacable enemies, we need to find out whether any of these supposedly heroic first responders are actually witches in disguise. To that end,…


Middle Western extremist terrorist caught in false-flag lies

You can’t make this stuff up! I mean, seriously, I am flabbergasted. More proof that in the age of neoconservatism, satire is superfluous: Carlos F. Lam, false-flag terror fan and shamelessly “flabbergasted” liar As I reported a few days ago, Carlos Lam, a Republican activist and prosecutor from Indiana, resigned last Thursday after revelations that he had emailed Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker urging Walker to stage an act of false-flag terrorism. Now the Green Bay Press-Gazette is reporting the hilarious details of the “flabbergasted” Lam’s lies when initially confronted about his email: Reached Tuesday by phone at the number listed…


Susan Lindauer, Four Arrows on TJ Radio

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 3/7/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Ex-CIA asset & 9/11-Iraq whistleblower Susan Lindauer, author of Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq. As part of a CIA team dealing with the fallout of the Lockerbie bombing, Lindauer knows from personal experience that Col. Qaddafi was framed and that the real story involved CIA drug-runners killing CIA whistleblowers. We’ll discuss the Lockerbie case, which I haven’t discussed in detail with…


Wisconsin Governor admits to plotting false-flag terror; media averts eyes

Did you know that the Governor of Wisconsin has admitted that he and his advisors “thought about” launching a false-flag terror attack against the people of Wisconsin – and decided not to only because he wasn’t sure it would achieve his political objectives? False-flag terror is the oldest and arguably most powerful trick in the book of governments. By stirring up trouble and spreading fear, rulers trick the people into begging them – the rulers – for security at any price. Whether you are a state governor or the President of the United States or a tinpot dictator like Mubarak,…


Diplomat & novelist Hal Fleming, Islam-econ expert Dr. Mohammad Malkawi on TJ Radio

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 2/9/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Neither of these guests is yet listed at PatriotsQuestion911. Will that change after today’s broadcast? Tune in and find out! First hour: Novelist Hal Fleming has been a senior official with the State Department, the Peace Corps, UNICEF, and the US Mission to the United Nations. He is the author of The Brides’ Fair, a well-realized thriller set in Morocco juxtaposing members of the US diplomatic community with Middle Atlas Berbers and the obligatory terrorists…


A Call to Jihad

* * * Who is so blind?(from Dick Eastman) Who is so blind not to notice that Muslim/populist/Egyptians are all for peace and it is the pro-Zionist Israel-US controlled Mubarak — taker of US Jew awarded US taxpayer  financed weapons — who kills and throws bombs to provoke?  The ones the Jews* back are doing the killing  — the Moslems are giving us the best demonstration of Christlike forbearance since Mahatma Gandhi!!!!   We must notice that!  We must respond to that —  we must reclaim the American idealism that the Jews have destroyed and recognize the goodness of the Egyptian…


Monday: John Loftus, John Kozy on TJ Radio!

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 1/24/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Nazi-hunting ex-federal prosecutor and bestselling author John Loftus, author, America’s Nazi Secret, an updated and uncensored version of his earlier bestseller, The Belarus Secret. Loftus has done more than anyone to expose US intelligence obstruction of justice and lying to Congress regarding their recruitment of Nazi war criminal assets. Now he claims that US intelligence has also recruited and protected “Arab terrorists.” He says it’s “time for (the US Dept. of) Justice to…


Osama endorses Obama’s “kill Americans” plan: “Waste ’em all and let God sort ’em out!”

February 5th 2010Undisclosed location northeast of western South Waziristan (AP) Supporters of President Obama were shocked and dismayed yesterday by a Washington Post report that the President has embraced Bush’s policy of killing US citizens allegedly involved in terrorist actions abroad. But it now appears that Obama has received enthusiastic support from an unexpected source: Osama Bin Laden himself. In a new audiotape delivered by bearded courier to, the reclusive al-Qaeda leader is heard enthusiastically endorsing Obama’s “kill Americans” policy. Here is a translation of Bin Laden’s statement. In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. All praise…


Ask a former Islamic terrorist

During my recent debate with evangelical Islamophobe Walid Shoebat (listen here)  I noticed that he responds to all questions with pretty much the same set of stock answers. When asked about the Illuminati, the differences between the different monotheistic scriptures, or the definition of terrorism in general, Shoebat’s answer was always the same: “Blah blah blah Islamic terrorism.” Since Shoebat and his handlers are making so much money off this schtick, they might as well start an advice column. (Apologies to the Onion.) Ask a Former Islamic TerroristA new advice column I’m ghostwriting for Walid Shoebat Dear Former Islamic Terrorist,I…


Showdown with Shoebat!

I debated Walid Shoebat, self-styled “ex-Muslim-terrorist” turned Evangelical Islamophobe, on the Power Hour with Joyce Riley today.  Listen  here. Walid’s schtick is beyond belief in more ways than one. Imagine what would happen if a Christian convert from Judaism went on a PR blitz with millions of dollars backing him, spreading imaginary stories about having slurped up Christian babies’ blood back when he was Jewish. Would he get away with it? If not, why is Shoebat getting away with spreading blood libels against Muslims? Jonathan Swift, where are you when we need you? Walid Shoebat’s Evil Twin: We Jews Want…

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