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Double standards?! Who, US? (Plus, my Press TV interview archive)

Here’s my latest interview on Press TV. Scroll down to find links for previous Press TV interviews. -KB US seeks to dominate world through double standards: Analyst Press TV has conducted an interview with Kevin Barrett, author and Islamic studies expert, Madison about US double standards in supporting a pledge to hunt down global terrorism, but actually supporting terrorist gangs and working with them to topple independent or sovereign governments. The following is an approximate transcription of the interview. Press TV: We were discussing the role of the US and its Arab allies in fueling the unrest in Syria. Kofi…


Imran Hosein: Arab Spring a Zionist psy-op?

Tuesday, July 10th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Islamic scholar Imran Hosein, a leading Islamic eschatologist and one of the first and most important Muslim supporters of 9/11 truth. Is the Zionist global banking elite intentionally destroying the USA in order to replace it with a new world hegemon: a Zionist empire based in Occupied Palestine? Is the Arab Spring a Zionist psy-op designed to pave the way for a big Mideast war, or even a nuclear World War III? Do the Zionists actually WANT an “islamist” takeover…


My latest Press TV interview: “US slave of Likud Zionism”

Watch my latest (very brief) Press TV interview: slave of extremist Likud Zionism in Mideast: American author An American author and Islamic studies expert says the United States is the slave of the cause of the extremist Likud Zionism that seeks to destabilize the entire Middle East, Press TV reports. Kevin Barrett said in an interview with Press TV on Saturday that Washington and its allies have “all rallied to the cause of extremist Likud Zionism trying to destabilize the entire region.” “I think the Likudniks want to plunge the Middle East into a big war, which would allow…


Turkish TV commentator Ceylan Özbudak: Peace is possible!

Tuesday, July 3rd, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast).  Guest: Ceylan Özbudak is a 30 year old Middle East peace activist and expert in Middle East politics and anti-Darwinist,  anti-materialist activism. She is a commentator on A9 TV Channel,  a satellite TV channel based in Istanbul,  Turkey. She is also hosts the “Building Bridges” Show on the American WTPN Network  ( reaching millions of people.  Show topics: The Arab Spring, tensions between Turkey and Syria, interfaith peacemaking, Darwinism as a destructive ideology, and Netanyahu’s push for war on Iran.


Press TV: Diverse opinions, free speech

I caught the flu in Vancouver, had a long and uncomfortable train ride back to Wisconsin, and just returned to solid food by way of a single banana. Wish me luck. Anyway, if I looked slightly queasy in yesterday’s Press TV interview, it wasn’t just a reaction to what I was hearing from Lawrence Korb, a “senior fellow and director of national security studies at the Council on Foreign Relations” and former “holder of the Maurice Greenberg Chair.”  (Maurice “Hank” Greenberg is one of the leading 9/11 suspects.) Though I was the one with the flu, it was Korb spewing…


What is Really Happening in Syria?

Watch this brand-new Press TV interview on Syria Shortly after reports of the Houla massacre – all blaming the Syrian government – started blanketing the corporate media, Press TV asked me for a response.  I replied:  It is so easy for people to rush to judgment in these situations and go with their first impressions based on their prejudices and I think that we have seen a lot of that with the conflict in Syria and we have seen it with other areas as well and in Syria, it is just so hard to know exactly what is going on…


Mavi Marmara 2nd anniversary interview with passenger Iara Lee

Tuesday, May 29th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Brazilian native Iara Lee, Director of Cultures Of Resistance has been a Middle-East-based activist since 2003. In May 2010,  Iara was a passenger on the MV Mavi Marmara,  a passenger vessel in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla which was attacked in international waters by the Israeli navy,  leading to the murder of nine humanitarian aid workers. Among the many people who recorded the events on that ship,  her crew was able to successfully hide and retain most of the raid footage, …


Singer Johnny Punish; Webster Tarpley just back from Syria!

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 11/28/11, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Veteran punk rock singer-guitarist Johnny Punish writes for Veterans Today, runs a global media company, and has just come out with a great 9/11 truth song. Second hour: Author-journalist Webster Tarpley, one of the most erudite and articulate political analysts of our time, has just returned from Syria. He says what’s happening there is completely unlike what’s being reported in the mainstream media, including al-Jazeera. Note: Senator Mike Gravel, just back from Iran, will…


Jonathan Azaziah on Norway & Syria; Jim Fetzer responds to Anthony Lawson

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 8/17/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Jonathan Azaziah is the author of Massacre In Norway: Mossad Strikes Again Under ‘Lone Gunman’ Cover: “It is now known that Anders Behring Breivik traveled to the Zionist entity several times before the July 22nd operation. What isn’t known is what Breivik’s reasons were for traveling to Zionist-governed historic Palestine, but based on the evidence presented in the previous section, it is of the strongest likelihood that Breivik made pilgrimage to the occupied…

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