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Ron Unz on Neocon Recklessness & COVID Origins

Why Can’t People Face the Evidence that COVID-19 Emerged from a Deliberate Bio-Attack? Listen HERE Ron Unz, publisher of the Unz Review, has just published hard copies of two outstanding books, Our Covid-19 Catastrophe: Was the Epidemic the Result of Biowarfare Blowback? and Encountering American Pravda: Essays in a Historical Counter-Narrative. Our interview begins with a roughly half-hour discussion of why the shockingly persuasive evidence that COVID emerged from a US bio-attack on China and Iran has largely been ignored (outside of a few alternative media shows like this one). If you are already familiar with that evidence, have listened…


Ron Unz: MSM Hit Piece on RFK Jr. Is “The Dog That Didn’t Bark”

Half the book is “AIDS denial”—yet the hit piece won’t go there. Why not? Listen HERE Ron Unz responded to the AP’s 4,000-word hit piece against RFK Jr. just hours after its publication. He noticed a very strange omission: “Almost half of the entire book under attack—around 200 pages—is devoted to the presenting and promoting the astonishing claim that everything we have been told about HIV/AIDS for more than 35 years probably amounts to a hoax…Yet not a single word of this astonishing situation appears in the long AP article, that attacks Kennedy on almost all other possible grounds, fair…


Ron Unz on “American Pravda: Remembering the Liberty”

Listen HERE Ron Unz is America’s most accomplished figure in alternative journalism. If you doubt that, read his American Pravda series, look at his webzine, and let me know if you find anything comparable. Ron’s latest American Pravda entry, “Remembering the Liberty,” admirably summarizes the best available information on Israel’s June 8, 1967 attack on the unarmed spy ship USS Liberty. Ron apparently agrees with me that the single most important book on the incident is Peter Hounam’s Operation Cyanide, which offers strong evidence that then-US-president Lyndon Johnson conspired with Israeli leaders to stage a false flag attack on the…


LIVE RADIO! Ron Unz on “American Pravda: Remembering the Liberty”; Rolf Lindgren on the Conspiracy to Turn Republicans into Conspiracy Theorists; Joel Hirschhorn on “Data Manipulation Pushed Pandemic”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Ron Unz is America’s most accomplished figure in alternative journalism. If you doubt that, read his American Pravda series, look at his webzine, and let me know if you find anything comparable. Ron’s latest American Pravda entry, “Remembering the Liberty,” admirably summarizes the best available information on Israel’s June 8, 1967 attack on the unarmed spy ship USS Liberty. Ron apparently agrees with me that the single most important book on the incident is Peter Hounam’s Operation Cyanide, which offers strong evidence that then-US-president Lyndon Johnson conspired…


Attorney Thomas Willcutts Cross-Examines Ron Unz’s COVID Origins Theory

Listen HERE Attorney Thomas Willcutts discusses his new article “Ron Unz’s COVID-19 Bioweapon “Blowback” Theory Is Not Supported by the Best Logic and Evidence.” Though I agree with Unz more than Willcutts, I want to hear the best available counterarguments. After all, the best way to get at the truth (absent direct personal experience) is free and fearless debate. In his article, Part 1 of what will be a two-part series, Thomas Willcutts argues that the global COVID-19 pandemic did not emerge as unintended blowback from a US neocon attack on China and Iran, as Run Unz has argued, but…


Ron Unz’s COVID-19 Bioweapon “Blowback” Theory Is Not Supported by the Best Logic and Evidence —Thomas Willcutts

Listen to Thomas Willcutts and Kevin Barrett debate this article live tonight on Revolution.Radio, 8 to 10 pm Eastern (Willcutts is the second hour guest). The best way to get at the truth (absent direct personal experience) is free and fearless debate. In this article, Part 1 of what will be a two-part series, attorney Thomas Willcutts argues that the global COVID-19 pandemic did not emerge as unintended blowback from a US neocon attack on China and Iran, as Run Unz has argued, but instead was the intended result of a larger plan by an international bankster elite. Part 2…


Ron Unz on “Waging Biological Warfare”

Has the US repeatedly used bioweapons in anger? Is COVID-19 just the latest episode? Listen HERE Ron Unz, who has written about the Suvorov thesis (discussed in my previous interview with Sean McMeekin) discusses his most recent article “American Pravda: Waging Biological Warfare.” In it he summarizes material from Nicholson Baker (author of “The Lab Leak Hypothesis“) and other mainstream authors who have recounted bits and pieces of the suppressed history of US biological warfare programs. Does biological warfare represent a much greater threat than is commonly understood? And did the COVID-19 pandemic emerge from a biowar lab leak, as Baker surmises—or…


LIVE RADIO! Sean McMeekin on “Stalin’s War,” Ron Unz on “Waging Biological Warfare”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Bard College history professor Sean McMeekin discusses his new book Stalin’s War: A New History of World War II. McMeekin’s engrossing narrative presents an implicit and sometimes explicit argument that the war’s primary instigator and villain was Stalin, not Hitler. For while the Fuhrer may have been an aggressor, dictator, human rights abuser, and general villain, it was the Vozhd not the Fuhrer who desired, orchestrated, and won the war, commanded its biggest armies in the most theaters across most of the Eurasian landmass, and emerged with…


Richie Allen & Rasheed Muhammad interview Kevin Barrett on COVID/geopolitics

Listen HERE Much of the alternative media analyzes the COVID-19 plandemic and Great Reset from a West-centric perspective: “They” are trying to reduce or eliminate freedom. But who precisely is this “they,” and in what historical and geopolitical context do “they” operate? And what are “their” real goals?  In today’s (Wed. June 9) interview with broadcaster Richie Allen, as well as a May 18 interview with Rasheed Muhammad of The Red Pill Diaries, I make the case for viewing COVID-19 in historical and geopolitic context, beginning with the Ron Unz hypothesis that COVID was first unleashed in a neocon biowar…


Ron Unz on “The Truth” and “The Whole Truth” About the Origins of Covid-19

Listen HERE Alternative media legend Ron Unz, the world’s most important writer on the origins of COVID, returns to Truth Jihad Radio to discuss his latest:  “American Pravda: ‘The Truth’ and ‘The Whole Truth’ About the Origins of Covid-19.” In it he updates his analysis citing important new sources including Nicholas Wade’s work. As I wrote in my latest American Free Press op-ed: Wade’s new article “The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?” makes the strongest case yet for the laboratory origin hypothesis. Wade begins by exposing mainstream attempts to debunk the lab origin hypothesis…

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