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LIVE RADIO! Robert Fantina and Sam Husseini on Western Media’s Incitement to Genocide

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: I have spoken with author, journalist, and human rights activist Robert Fantina often on Press TV—most recently last week.  Today he joins my radio show for the first time. We’ll discuss his new article “Gaza and the Israeli War.” Excerpt: “Major news outlets are treating this as a ‘terrorist’ act, Israel’s ‘9-11’, and not the response of a people who have suffered greatly under the brutal hand of an occupying nation for decades. They decry Palestinian violence, as they ignore that of Israel. Few, if any, journalists…


FFWN: Gaza Concentration Camp Breakout! Is Genocidal “Israel” Unraveling? (with J. Michael Springmann)

Watch on Bitchute Watch above Saturdays after 1 pm Eastern. PSAs 1) Break out of MSM Prison, Support FFWN!  2) Kevin Back to Work (Unpaid of Course) at Press TV: Article:‘Israel-faces-hopeless-situation-in-Gaza’–Scholar%C2%A0 Video: Breakout 3)  Gazans Break Out of World’s Biggest Concentration Camp: Nonviolence didn’t work, so they had to shoot their way out 4) Across the Mideast, a Surge of Support for Palestinians as War Erupts in Gaza (NYT) Blame Iran? 5) Wall St. Journal Article Claims Iran Orchestrated al-Aqsa Flood 6) Early Intelligence Shows Hamas Attack Surprised Iranian Leaders, U.S. Says (NYT) Atrocities 6.5…


Jafar Ramini on 75th Anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba—Which He Experienced at Age 5

Listen HERE Jafar Ramini, Palestinian writer and political analyst, joins us from Australia to discuss the recent 75th anniversary of the Nakba—the “Palestinian Holocaust”—which he experienced personally: “Jafar was born in Jenin, Northern Palestine on May 21st, 1943. He was 5 years old when he and his family had to flee the terror of the Zionist militia. He lived in London for 53 years, before emigrating to Perth, West Australia two years ago. Jafar will be 80 years old tomorrow. Justice for the people of Palestine is his life-long commitment.” For more on this issue, check out my new American…


Holocaust in Palestine: 75 Years (with Palestinian refugee Johnny Punish on VT Radio)

VT Radio Al-Nakba  (The Nakba), also known as the Palestinian Catastrophe, was the destruction of Palestinian society and homeland in 1948, and the permanent displacement of a majority of the Palestinian Arabs by Euro Colonists with guns and ideas of Judenstat built on the blood of a people who had ZERO to do with the German Euro-Holocaust.


LIVE RADIO! Mathew Crawford on World War E “Globalists vs. Globalists” Hypothesis; Jafar Ramini on 75th Anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba—Which He Experienced at Age 5

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Mathew Crawford of Rounding the Earth recently emailed me: “What are the chances that World War E is ‘globalists trying to pilot China’ vs. ‘other globalists trying to pilot America’, where the Rothschilds are the most likely source using China and perhaps Elon has taken control of American machinery by virtue of having the satellite system that breaks the symmetry. Thoughts?” My first thought was: “I’d better invite Mathew on the show to talk about this.” Mathew Crawford is an “Educator, Entrepreneur, Statistician, Finance Specialist, and Founder of…


E. Michael Jones on “Antisemitic Elon,” Trans Terror, 75th Anniversary of Palestinian Nakba, and More! (False Flag Weekly News)

Full uncensored FFWN posted above by noon Central time Saturdays. PSA 1) Don’t Let the Zionists Shrink FFWN or police our thoughts 1.5) And Relocate to Become Sustainable Nakba’s 75th 2) Abbas calls on UN to oust Israel at world body’s first ‘Nakba Day’ commemoration 3) “We left everything behind” — the Nakba at 75 4) OUR CATASTROPHE: A photo essay to mark the 75th anniversary of the Nakba. Debt Ceiling 5) GOP plans to cut defense suddenly lost in debt ceiling debate Who Will Lead Turkey and Pakistan? 6) Erdogan ahead in first round of Turkey…


Henry Herskovitz on Vandals vs. Ann Arbor Protests

Plus: Rolf Lindgren and Hanna Bettner on “Devil Stole Votes in Georgia” Listen HERE Henry Herskovitz reports from Ann Arbor, where his weekly protests against the Beth Israel synagogue recently drew the attention of the ADL , which is also targeting my Substack. (Click HERE and scroll down for his full report.) Final half-hour: Rolf Lindgren and Hanna Bettner discuss their new election denial conspiracy song “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.”


LIVE RADIO! Anthony Hall on the Permanent Emergency; Ken Meyercord on Multipolarism vs. DC Think Tanks; Henry Herskovitz on Vandals vs. Ann Arbor Protests; Rolf Lindgren and Hanna Bettner on “Devil Stole Votes in Georgia”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First half hour: Prof. Anthony Hall has a new Substack “Looking Out at the World from Canada.” We discuss his recent pieces on the permanent emergency, his sojourn through the world of advertising, and the war on terror as a war on humanity. Second half hour: Retired Washington, DC TV host Ken Meyercord points out that “no American carrier has entered the Persian Gulf since 2020. Do we fear Iran’s enhanced military capabilities make any carrier stuck in the confined space of the Gulf a sitting duck?” He also…


Zionists Continue to Get Away with Murder

Press TV interviews Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett from Wisconsin and Sondoss Al-Asa’ad from Beirut Baruch-Goldstein-worshipping Ben Gvir demands mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners, then storms and threatens al-Aqsa. Netanyahu punishes the PA for taking Israeli genocide to the International Court of Justice. Israel continues to enjoy complete impunity for its deliberate murder of Shireen Abu Akleh…and for JFK, RFK, the USS Liberty, 9/11, and so much more. When will Americans wake up and put the Genocidal Zionist Entity (GZE) out of business?


Why Is Israel Raiding Human Rights NGOs?

Aug 22, 2022 – Press TV Palestinian authority chief has lashed out at Israel for closing seven NGOs in occupied West Bank. European states expressed deep concern over Israeli regime’s attack on Palestinian NGOs. Israeli troops ransacked offices of Palestinian NGOs in occupied West Bank and confiscated their equipment. Israeli regime designated Palestinian rights bodies as “terrorist” groups last October, while the EU dismissed Israeli allegations against Palestinian NGOs as ‘unsubstantiated’. 

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