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Interviews with Radio 786 (South Africa), LHV News, and Press TV

Three new interviews today: Muwajahaat – Is Palestine still the central cause? – Part 1 Muwajahaat – Is Palestine still the central cause? – Part 2 LHV News: Kevin Barrett: American culture has a long history of scapegoating black people   Press TV: US using terror alert to keep war on terror going: Barrett


Happy Quds Day!

Today is Quds Day – a day of Muslim led international resistance to Zionist occupation of the Holy Land. Here is my interview with the Tasnim News Agency: Also check out:Al-Qaeda pigs out on US taxpayer ice cream Coast to Coast “pulls it” after Dr. Kevin Barrrett query FBI Child-Pimp Raid Ignores Pedophile Elite


Richard Falk discusses trip to Lebanon; Klaus Dona says ancient artifacts challenge conventional chronologies

Fri.  5/31/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Richard Falk First hour: UN Special Human Rights Rapporteur Richard Falk visited Lebanon earlier this month for a conference on Palestinian refugees. Now, in the wake of Hezbullah’s decision to defend Syria against al-CIA-duh and the bankers behind it, peace advocates fear (and some Zionists hope) that the war in Syria may spill over into Lebanon. (I listened to NPR, National-socialist Public Radio, yesterday, and was appalled to hear the Zionist guests and hosts drooling at the prospect of destroying Lebanon again, barely able to suppress their chortles of triumph…


Historian Norton Mezvinsky joins the truth jihad – for two full hours!

Fri.  5/24/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Norton Mezvinsky is a history professor emeritus at Central Connecticut State University, and President of the Council for Middle East Studies. His areas of expertise include Zionism and the Palestine conflict, terrorism, Judaic history, and immigration history and policy. Norton Mezvinsky is organizing a private event next week at which my friend Gilad Atzmon will be speaking to and with a select group of high-powered movers-and-shakers in Washington, DC. (I took Gilad to Ragstock here in Madison to buy the suit and tie he needs for this event.) Dr. Mezvinsky…


Gilad Atzmon on free speech, self-censorship, and the legacy of George Orwell

Tuesday, May 21st, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast).Gilad Atzmon, who will be performing tonight in Madison, Wisconsin, says the loss of freedom in today’s world is being driven not just by overt power grabs, but by a sort of Orwellian self-censorship that is pervasive on the left.  His latest project is a re-reading of George Orwell – who, Gilad says, saw it all coming. By coincidence, my latest Press TV op-ed invokes Orwell: Unfreedom Tower casts a dark shadow over ‘Gulag America’ BBC bio: Gilad Atzmon (Hebrew: גלעד…


Alan Hart retires from activism; authors discuss romantic thriller “Postmark 9/11”

Mon.  4/29/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Call-in: 218-339-8525 First hour: Alan Hart is “withdrawing from the battlefield of the war for the truth of history…” That’s a big loss! A former BBC lead Mideast corresponded and back-channel negotiator, Alan Hart is the author of Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, the best introduction to the conflict in occupied Palestine. He is also one of the most eloquent broadcast voices in English. I hope he’ll return to the battlrfield one day!Second hour: Tara Young and Blake Watson are the authors of Postmark 9/11, a novel about…


The loopiest Zionist flack I have ever debated

I once thought Kenneth “you should be permanently removed from all media outlets everywhere in the world” Katzman was the nuttiest TV Zionist I would ever face. And then I met Stewart Stogel. Stewart Stogel is a walking, talking mishmash of non-sequiturs When I heard that my opponent on Press TV’s The Debate works for Newsmax, I realized that he probably wasn’t the brightest filament in the pack of journalistic flashbulbs. Even so, his idiocy far exceeded my expectations. I’ve debated a lot of goofy characters, but this guy takes the cake. Compared to him, Hannity and O’Reilly almost look…


“Truth & healing” with Kathleen Rosenblatt; Prof. Lawrence Davidson on Israel “skunking” Palestine

Wed.  4/3/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Call-in: 218-339-8525 Kathleen and fellow truth activist Graham Nash Read my Veterans Today article 9/11 truthers heal veterans with PTSD. First hour: Dr. Kathleen Rosenblatt, co-founder of the first acupuncture clinic in the US – and founder of LA 9/11 Truth – has been focusing on healing PTSD-afflicted veterans through acupuncture and audio-CD-supported meditation. (Listen to a sample CD here.) She has contributed to efforts to bring the real perpetrators of 9/11 to justice via people’s grand juries, and is a member of Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth. Second hour:…


Top Ten Reasons Why Israel Actually IS a Legitimate State

The Zionists finally convinced me they’re right. Here are the top ten reasons. 10) Hitler, Pol Pot, Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun all killed more people than Israel has. So why are you singling out Israel for criticism, you anti-Semite? 9) If you don’t accept our legitimacy, our friend Samson will nuke every major city in Europe. How’s THAT for legitimacy, you Jew-hater! 8) In 1947, the United Nations General Assembly “advised” stealing the 90% of Palestine owned by Palestinians, and giving most of it to the Jews. So why shouldn’t we follow their advice? Do you hate the…

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