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New Years Eve special with E. Michael Jones: Are we winning the “culture wars” ?

E. Michael Jones and yours truly at the Hollywoodism conference in Tehran, Feb. 2013 Broadcast Tues., Dec. 31st 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars magazine and author of many books, may be America’s leading Catholic intellectual. In this interview, he suggests that 2013 was the year…


Christmas letter from a Muslim

As-salaamu alaikum and a very Merry Christmas! American Christians often send each other Christmas letters. Oddly, these letters rarely reference Jesus – or any of the other messengers of God, peace and blessings on all of them. Christmas letters usually just provide a superficial summary of what the letter-writer and family have been doing during the previous year. Most of them are devoid of spirituality. You’d think a Christmas letter would invoke angels,  blessings, self-sacrifice, holiness, purity, miracles, redemptive love, dreams and visions, divine healing, hopes of paradise and aversions to hellfire, and so on. You’d expect a Christmas letter…


Mainstream journalist exposes 9/11!

Broadcast Saturday 10/19/13 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! When you see the show posted here, that means it is already available to subscribers. If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Sherwood Ross is a (former?) mainstream journalist who is still writing his columns – but Reuters, the big international wire service owned by the Rothschilds, has stopped distributing…


Is Alex Jones a complete idiot?

“Thumbs up” to the NWO’s murder of Hugo Chavez?! No! Absolutely not. He’s only a partial idiot. In some ways, Alex is a genius. He figured out 9/11 was an inside job before it even happened. Me, I’m a slow learner. It took me two years to be sure. Alex is also a genius of an orator, like William Jennings Bryan on bad acid. He doesn’t just talk your socks off, he talks your socks into ripping themselves off your feet and fleeing in terror from the coming New World Order dictatorship with its billions of hollow-point bullets, techno-torture machines,…


And blessings of the Holy Prophet Jesus to you, too!

Congressman Mark Siljander explains why educated Muslims and Christians share    a virtually identical faith…and ought to unite against the values of Anti-Christ. “Merry Christmas!” “And a Merry Christmas to you, too!” That, of course, is the traditional Christmas greeting and response. But somewhere along the line, “Merry Christmas” became…shall we say…politically incorrect. It was deemed offensive to the atheist extremists who want to remove religion from public life; and to Jews, who generally take a dim view of Jesus. (The Talmud has Jesus being boiled eternally in excrement.) Since atheists and Jews, though tiny minorities, are so wildly over-represented…


“Jewish superiority” – or ethnic networking? Let’s ask Prof. Kevin MacDonald!

Bad people love him, so ignore his research! Tuesday, December 18th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Excuse us for noticing, but Jews (i.e. people who would be considered automatic citizens of Israel) are wildly over-represented in American society’s most desirable, powerful and privileged positions. Of the 100 richest Americans, somewhere in the neighborhood of 30% to 50% are Jewish – not bad for a group that makes up less than 2% of the population! Jews completely dominate Hollywood and the media, contribute close to half of the bribes…


Top ten anti-Semitic NY subway ads

Bigotry against Muslims, and Jews, is nothing new. But when the city of New York starts putting insanely bigoted ads in the subways, pleading that they are helpless and cannot refuse…well, we’re halfway to an “Escape from New York” zombie apocalypse. Here is the New York Times story on the bigoted subway ads:Ad Calling Jihad ‘Savage’ Is Set to Appear in Subway  By MATT FLEGENHEIMER  September 18, 2012        As violent and sometimes deadly protests consume much of the Muslim world in response to an American-made video mocking the Prophet Muhammad, New Yorkers will soon encounter another potentially inflammatory rendering of Islam:…


Jews Must Root Out Radical Jewish Extremists from their Communities

The Jewish-dominated corporate mainstream media often admonishes us that we Muslims have a duty to root out radical Muslim extremists from our communities. The problem is, I don’t know any radical Muslim extremists. All of the Muslims I know are kind, polite, timid souls who wouldn’t hurt a fly. Oops, I take that back — my irrepressible co-host on the Garden of Truth TV show, Abdullah Champeon, can be kind but is rarely polite or timid. It requires no stretch of the imagination to envision Abdullah harming a fly, though I am sure he would only do it in self…

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