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What have Palestinians ever given the world?

Watch False Flag Weekly News above, click HERE for a list of the stories we covered Why do we pay so much attention to Palestine vs. Zionism at False Flag Weekly News? A Zionist, desperate to excuse his participation in the genocide of the Palestinians, recently asked on Quora: What have Palestinians ever given the world? My answer (upvote it HERE): Palestinians have given the world something more precious than any technological innovation or social advance. They have given us the greatest example of resistance to genocide in all of human history. Never has there been such an amazing and…


Ilhan Omar’s “Tropes” Are True — Kevin Barrett on Radio Islam South Africa

Ilhan Omar’s Tropes Are True Unz Review Some people just can’t handle the truth. Case in point: America’s Jewish Establishment and the Shabbat goys on their payroll, who are all squealing like stuck pigs in response to Rep. Ilhan Omar’s pointed remarks about Jewish-Zionist power. I wrote about Rep. Omar’s first (February 10) Twitter outrage in the new issue of Crescent Magazine: Ilhan Omar’s ‘all about the Benjamins’ tweet, and the media feeding frenzy that followed, unleashed an unprecedented exposé of Jewish-Zionist money power in America. (“Benjamins” refers to $100 bills; Omar borrowed the line from a hip-hop song by…


Ex-BBC journalist Tony Gosling targeted in censorship witch-hunt

Listen HERE First 12 minutes: South Africa based Radio Islam International interviews Kevin Barrett on Hakeem al-Araibi, the exiled Bahraini soccer player who has been singled out for detention and torture by Bahrain’s ruling al-Khalifa dynasty. His crime? Speaking out for freedom and justice way back in 2011! Final 45 minutes: Former BBC journalist Tony Gosling discusses the war on alternative media—specifically, the witch-hunt against his radio program, Politics This Week, broadcast out of Bristol, UK. It seems that a group of subversive foreign agents called UK Lawyers for Israel has filed a complaint against Tony, alleging that his show is “being…


Ultra-Zionist Howard Schultz presidential bid: A ploy to re-elect Trump?

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor It’s a cold world out there. My home town of Lone Rock, Wisconsin is expecting subzero temperatures till Friday. Tomorrow night we’re heading for –36f (= –38c). But it could be worse. I could be living in Astanah, Kazakhstan—which makes Lone Rock look like a tropical paradise. In 2008 I was flown to Washington DC and put up at a trendy hotel on the Kazakh taxpayers’ dime. It was an interview junket. My prospective employer: the University of Kazakhstan. Long story short: They didn’t hire me. Maybe I shouldn’t have talked so much about…


Netanyahu rules out resignation if indicted

“A criminal leader for a criminal ‘state.’ How appropriate.” Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he will not step down even if the regime’s attorney general seeks to indict him for corruption. “No, I don’t intend to resign,” he told a news conference in Rio de Janeiro in response to a question whether he would take the decision if Attorney General Avichai Mandeblit acted on the police’s recommendation that the premier be indicted. Netanyahu faces three corruption cases. In Case 1000, he is suspected of receiving gifts from businessmen overseas. He…


Israeli PR jumps the gun (as usual) on Strassbourg false flag

“Like 9/11, Nice, and Munich, the January 7 2015 Charlie Hebdo massacre, November 13 2015 Paris attacks, and the March 22 2016 Brussels Airport attacks all featured pre-positioned publicists who appeared to be Israeli agents.” –False Flag Trilogy v.3, Orlando False Flag, p.200 By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Readers of my False Flag Trilogy know that Israel’s fingerprints are all over the most spectacular recent “terrorist attacks” in France, including the Mohamed Merah affair, the Charlie Hebdo spectacular, the 11/13/15 follow-up, and the 2016 Nice truck attack. So it shouldn’t surprise us that the perfectly timed (for Macron) Strassbourg…


Brett Favre endorses Goyim Defense League: “Don’t ever forget the USS Liberty!”

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Brett Favre was the ultimate indestructible quarterback —the guy who could take a licking and keep on ticking. Even after he got old and became a Minnesota Viking, we outraged and betrayed Packer fans had to admire the way he could finish a game against a gang of cheating killers who’d put a bounty on his head. Now we’re hoping the JDL (Jewish Defense League) doesn’t put a bounty on his head. Favre appears to have endorsed the JDL’s arch-rival and nemesis, the GDL (Goyim Defense League): “Brett Favre here with a shout out…


US war on terror orchestrated by Israel First neocons: Scholar

Press TV America’s so-called war on terror, which some studies show has cost nearly $6 trillion and killed about half a million people, was orchestrated by Zionist neoconservatives in the US to destroy Muslim nations, a US scholar says. “9/11 was a neoconservative coup d’état to make the US keep fighting perpetual wars, whose only real geo-strategic beneficiary is Israel.” said Kevin Barrett, an author, journalist and radio host with a PhD  in Islamic and Arabic Studies. “It was orchestrated by Israel First neocons and to some extent hard-line hawks in the US military establishment,” Barrett told Press TV on…


Why Bibi LOVES the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre

If It Didn’t Exist, He Would Have Had to Invent It By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor When Bibi Netanyahu first heard the tragic news from America, he was asked his reaction. Bibi smirked and barked out: “It’s very good!” Then a faint light of awareness dawned in his beady little pig eyes: an understanding of how bad that sounded. So he caught himself and said: “Uh…well, it isn’t good…but it’s good for Israel!” That was Bibi’s reaction to 9/11. But it also represents his likely response to the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre. Netanyahu is a gangster. “Israel” is a global…


Manafort pleads guilty as “unregistered agent”—now let’s round up the Israel lobby

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Paul Manafort’s guilty plea might bring down the Trump Administration. But it should also take down a more powerful and dangerous gang of crooks and extremists: the unregistered agents of the Israel lobby. According to The Washington Post, the key admission in Manafort’s guilty plea is his acknowledgement that as the agent of a foreign government (Ukraine) he was required to register with the Justice Department. “Seldom enforced until recently” is an understatement. The US government has been overrun by a swarm of lobbyists paid by Israel and its appendages, the “major Jewish organizations.”…

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