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John Shuck on his pilgrimage to Karbala; Cat McGuire and Andrew Blair debate the term “holohoax”

Listen HERE First hour: John Shuck is a Presbytarian pastor and KBOO Portland radio host with an exemplary commitment to truth and justice. (Check out his Palm Sunday and Easter sermons.) We discuss his Arbaeen pilgrimage to Karbala, the subject of his new documentary film For Love of Hussain (A.S.)…as well as the subject of my article “Arbaeen: The World’s Biggest Event.” We also discuss the ongoing annihilation of free speech and free thought by the forces of Orwellian censorship—including those that pressured the KBOO board to force John to cancel his planned interview with me. (Negotiations aimed at rescinding…


Andrew Blair: The Holocaust is NOT a hoax!

Archived HERE First twenty minutes: Monologue on the downside of technological progress while attempting  to make contact with scheduled guest Andrew Blair, using a new updated-and-ruined-by-Microsoft version of Skype. Next 35 minutes: Andrew Blair carries forward my recent discussion with Joel Simpson on Holocaust controversies.  Andrew writes: “Though I am still agnostic on much of the history I do have a definite opinion on whether the story of the holocaust should be called a ‘hoax.’ It should not be, because that implies deliberate deception. Nor should it be called a ‘lie’ because that implies intent to deceive. People who believe…


Joel Simpson recommends Thomas Dalton’s “Debating the Holocaust” – but NOT the expression “holohoax”

Listen HERE Joel Simpson, a former professor who now earns his living taking amazing art photographs of earthforms, can afford to be a truly independent thinker. So he’s free to recommend Thomas Dalton’s Debating the Holocaust—a book that even tenured professors are probably better off not endorsing if they want to keep their jobs and collegial relations with their peers. Joel, who is from a Jewish background, agrees with Dalton that the revisionists appear to be winning the scholarly argument. But he disagrees with the use of the term holohoax, which he finds disrespectful, inaccurate, and rhetorically counterproductive. He also…


Jonathan Revusky on people who are so ignorant they don’t even know they’re ignorant; Eric Zeusse on MH-17, 9/11, Chomsky, Syria, and the Holocaust

Listen live, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, on Revolution.Radio First hour: Scheduled guest Dane Wiggington didn’t show up due to an emergency. (He’s OK and will be joining us in the near future.) So Jonathan Revusky of joins us to discuss various matters including the problem of  people ignorant of their own ignorance…then hangs around for the conversation with Eric Zeusse. Second 90 minutes: Investigative historian Eric Zeusse writes for and GlobalResearch among other outlets. He is the author of several books, including They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created…


Will US Congress finally end Saudis’ holocaust of Yemen?

Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The United Nations is finally facing the facts: The Saudi war on Yemen is turning into a holocaust. But it is the US Congress that has the power to stop the war. Will Democrats and Republicans unite to deliver a slap in the face to Trump-Kushner and their Saudi partners in crime? If a bipartisan coalition could pass the JASTA bill opening the way to expose Saudi participation in the 9/11 neocon coup d’état, why can’t they also unite to save the children of Yemen?


Why is our disproportionately Jewish MSM obsessed with “Nazi holocaust” not “Rohingya holocaust”?

“Aid groups and humanitarian agencies have warned about “dangerous” plans of repatriation of thousands of Rohingya Muslim refugees to their home country Myanmar, where they faced unimaginable atrocities at the hands of military.” –Press TV In this interview I bring up the very dangerous, taboo topic of comparative holocausts and genocides. Why is everyone so afraid to point out that Hollywood’s relentless mythologizing of the sacred Nazi Holocaust has distracted us from all of the other genocides and crimes against humanity, including those that we are actually perpetrating ourselves, right now?


Nick Kollerstrom on 9/11, World War 2, and more

Listen HERE Nick Kollerstrom was a major early force in the British 9/11 truth movement. He wrote Terror on the Tube, the best analysis of the 7/7 London false flag bombings. He has also written on How Britain Initiated Both World Wars and offered a controversial analysis of the holocaust in Breaking the Spell. In this interview we discuss 9/11 truth, Robert David Steele’s push to convince Trump to reopen 9/11,  alternative thinkers’ conferences in Iran and the apparent demolition of the Plasco building in Tehran, the history of Israeli false flags, and World War revisionism.


Gilad Atzmon censored in Madison, WI – Thursday’s event will happen nearby at undisclosed location

Hope to see you at this event! Free, lots of really good food and music. Please forward to anyone you know who lives anywhere near Wisconsin. Best, Kevin Barrett Re: Wil-Mar Center censors a peace & justice leader.* Gather this Thursday, May 10, 6 pm, sidewalk in front of Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St., Madison WI ­– Gilad Atzmon event follows at nearby location Gilad Atzmon’s great grandmother died in the Nazi holocaust. But the Wil-Mar Center, citing lies about Atzmon’s views on the holocaust in which his great grandmother died, refuses to let him speak. Atzmon’s talk in Madison this…


Spielberg urges mandatory holocaust education theme parks

Expanding his recent call for mandatory holocaust education, Edward Bernays Award-winning filmmaker Steven Spielberg yesterday demanded that the US government build thousands of Holocaust World theme parks. “They would basically be like Jurassic Park, taking you back in time and terrifying the living daylights out of you,” Spielberg explained. He added that instead of killer dinosaurs, the parks would feature AI-driven Nazi androids who would round up visitors, strip them of their clothing, and herd them into ultra-realistic gas chambers. Spielberg cited polls showing that a substantial number of Americans do not know or care about the holocaust, while a…


Bruce Leichty and Henry Herskovitz on getting arrested at a Mennonite holocaust conference; Robert Mendelson on universality of God/Creator/Spirit

Listen HERE First hour: Mennonite attorney Bruce Leichty was recently arrested for participating in a holocaust conference at Bethel College in Kansas for which he had paid and registered. His crime? Handing out fliers until he was asked not to, then participating in Q&A and posing questions that made people uncomfortable. Since when was it illegal to ask questions? Since the West traded Enlightenment (post)-Christianity for the new holocaust religion, or so it seems. Anti-Zionist (ex?)-Jew Henry Herskovitz, who was denied access to the conference, also joins us to discuss our culture’s biggest sacred cow, and what happens when you…

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