Friday 6/10 – Listen live – 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio: – moving to “Studio A” so click on the “Studio A” button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on and then archived at the usual spot.” Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – subscribe at or PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com.First 90 minutes: Fearless Palestinian blogger Maisoon Rice and former mayor of Bellflower CA and Libertarian Vice Presidential Candidate Art Olivier discuss the possibility that World War III will break out sooner rather than later, with satanic Zionist freemasons pulling…
FULL ARTICLETag: Gordon Duff
Welcome to the new False Flag Weekly News!
With guest news analyst Gordon Duff, Senior Editor, Veterans Today. TODAY’S NEWS STORIES AND THEIR SOURCE LINKS PSAs 1) False Flag Islamophobia Conference upstages mainstream academy 2) Exclusive! Fetzer Fired from FFWN – now interned in Wal-Mart re-education camp War on Syria 3) “EXCLUSIVE”: Sarin materials brought via Turkey & mixed in Syrian ISIS camps – Turkish MP to RT 4) Turkey Implicated in Sarin False Flag Attack on Syria and New Coverup 5) How John McCain Crippled Obama’s War on ISIS 6) McCain announces 100,000 foreign troops to invade Iraq 7) 4 US-led coalition jets seen over Deir ez…
FULL ARTICLEJim Dean on VT scoop: “Bombing of Russian plane highly probable”
Broadcast here November 6th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT). For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! What really happened to that Russian airliner? Don’t ask lying mainstream outlets. Instead, tune in to Truth Jihad Radio…and read Veterans Today, whose…
FULL ARTICLEGordon Duff: “The people in charge are WORSE than Satanists!”
Broadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on and then archived at the usual spot. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! (Note: This show was not broadcast live due to technical difficulties at Revolution Radio.) Guest: Gordon Duff, Senior Editor, Veterans Today. Gordon’s latest article is “Busted! Russians Catch US in Fake Bombing Campaign.” In this interview we discuss Gordon’s gunsmithing; his mission to Syria and interaction with top Syrian leaders; the ridiculously fake “policeman shooting” outside the Charlie Hebdo offices last January 7th; (for full documentation of the Paris false flag read We Are NOT…
FULL ARTICLEIsraeli journalist Barry Chamish “scrutinizes” Kevin Barrett
Broadcast here July 8th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT). For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! Israeli investigative journalist Barry Chamish just invited me for a special two-hour interview on his radio show. During this segment – the first…
FULL ARTICLEWilliam Blum on finding himself on Bin Laden’s bookshelf; Gordon Duff on “US General commanded ISIS”
Broadcast May 27th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! First half hour: William Blum, “the thinking man’s Chomsky,” expert on the crimes of Empire, has many admirers – including,…
FULL ARTICLEMy thoughts on the Veterans Today “mutiny”
Watch Jim Fetzer and I argue about Jade Helm during the second half of yesterday’s False Flag Weekly News (click HERE for story links). People keep asking me for my thoughts on the Veterans Today “mutiny.” It wasn’t a mutiny. Four people, out of dozens, have been fired or left. It started when VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff woke up and realized that Stew Webb is, shall we say, not exactly a reliable source. Webb has been making absurd, malicious allegations against retired FBI agent Ted Gunderson for years. There is no substance to these allegations. Check out the evidence…
FULL ARTICLEPatrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire on Texas false flag; Gordon Duff takes calls
Friday 5/8 – Listen live – 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio: – click on the “Studio B” button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on and then archived at the usual spot. Patrick Henningsen First hour: 21st Century Wire, one of the best alternative media outlets, has done a terrific job exposing the recent false flag in Garland, Texas. See: Hebdo Redux in Garland, Texas? ‘Mohammed Cartoon’ Shooting Reeks of a Staged False Flag. Founder Patrick Henningsen joins Truth Jihad Radio to discuss the latest in false-flaggery, the rise of truth-telling alternative media, and more.…
FULL ARTICLEDebating Jade Helm with Jim Fetzer on FFWN
Jade Helm & anti-police riots: A perfect storm? 1) Firestorm over Jade Helm document 2) Anti-police protests gain momentum across US False flag warnings 3) Warning of “immanent ISIS attack” – be very afraid! 4) Oilfield explosives go missing from Halliburton Jade Helm firestorm 5) Governor orders Texas National Guard to monitor JADE HELM 6) Army to hold public meeting to dispel Jade Helm hoax 7) Ex-CIA Clandestine Services Officer: Jade Helm NOT a plan for martial law, BUT…. 8) JADE HELM, FEMA CAMPS and Posse Comitatus 9) US drills aimed at domestic “dissidents” Anti-Police…
FULL ARTICLEJames Tracy among the “conspiracy theory” theorists; Gordon Duff on German plane & Bibi’s Samson option
Friday 3/27- Listen live – 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio: – click on the “Studio B” button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on and then archived at the usual spot. Dr. James Tracy First hour: Professor James Tracy is back from an academic Conference on Conspiracy Theories at the University of Miami. (He wasn’t sure whether he was invited as a colleague or a specimen.) While the majority of the attendees wrung their hands at the baleful effects of conspiracy theorizing, a few brave souls like Professor Tracy pointed out that many of…