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Alan Sabrosky on “Germany Renewed: A Case for Disunion?”

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at In a special two-hour “long form podcast” Alan Sabrosky discusses current events alongside his latest article “Germany Renewed: A Case for Disunion.” It explores the question: Why has the once-promising 1990 reunification of Germany been such a disaster? What remedies are available? Sabrosky writes: “Elon Musk was correct: the AfD is the last hope for Germany, while the path any combination of the other parties will take leads to a slow-motion catastrophe. The only alternative I can see to accepting this dismal outcome is disunion: the re-separation of the…


THE DEBATE: Germany Bans Hezbollah — Kevin Commits Civil Disobedience with Headband

In this edition of The Debate, Press TV interviews Kevin Barrett, editor at Veterans Today from Madison and Michael Lane, political analyst from Washington DC to look at whether Germany’s anti-Hezbollah decision was made as a result of US and Israeli pressure or it is to help US hegemonic plans for the region.


Germans threatened with “mandatory yarmulkes” to “make Jews feel safer”

Watch False Flag Weekly News above, and click HERE for links to the stories we covered, including Germany’s Antisemitism Czar Wants Every German to Wear Yarmulkes to Make Jews Feel Safer  In Germany you can be imprisoned for refusing to kowtow to the sacred Holocaust myth. If you treat the Holocaust as debatable history, rather than sacred myth, you may join lawyer Sylvia Stolz in maximum security lock-up. (Stolz’s crime was representing accused “Holocaust deniers” in court.) It’s bad enough being forced to worship the idol of someone else’s sacred narrative. But it gets worse. Now Germans may be forced…


Elias Davidsson, son of Holocaust survivors & 9/11 truth advocate, visits Iran

Guest blog by Elias Davidsson, who will join me to discuss his visit to Iran on Truth Jihad Radio today.  -KB Elias is on the far right  Report on a visit to Iran by Elias Davidsson, 6 May 2012 Between 19 and 29 April 2012, I had the opportunity and pleasure to visit the Islamic Republic of Iran with a group of 15 German intellectuals. I will attempt to summarize my numerous impressions. Preparations In 2011 I was invited by Dr. Yavuz Özuguz (the tall person with the gray beard) , who manages the Muslim website Islam-Market and leads a…


En route to the New Europe (leaving tomorrow)

Perhaps you are old enough to remember 2002, when Thierry Meyssan’s 9/11 truth classic L’Effroyable imposture (The Hideous Fraud) sold more copies upon publication than any other book in French history, Chirac was saying “non” to the Iraq invasion, and Germany’s former intelligence chief Andreas Von Bulow was saying that the Mossad and CIA had collaborated to perpetrate the 9/11 attacks. In January 2003, a frustrated Donald Rumsfeld launched an angry diatribe against “the old Europe,” suggesting that European opposition to the American Reichstag Fire and subsequent “war on an expanding Islam” was somehow…passé. In reality, Rumsfeld had it backwards.…


Naksa Day surprise: I now support a Jewish state!

From the moment I started learning about the question of Palestine until today, I never supported the idea of a Jewish State. Instead, I always supported the One State Solution: Let Israel-Palestine be a state for all its people, including the Palestinian ethnic-cleansing victims, without any discrimination based on religion or ethnicity. But as of today, Naksa Day 2011, I have changed my mind. I now support a Jewish State. What changed my mind? Today I read a terrific article by Franklin Lamb (who will insha’allah be a guest on tomorrow’s radio show) and watched the famous video of Helen…