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LIVE RADIO! Eric Walberg on Miracles; Christianity, Spirituality, and Guyénot’s Marcionism

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Last week’s interview with Laurent Guyénot stimulated much discussion and controversy. Some listeners wanted to hear more on miracles and what Islam says about them, while others insisted that Guyénot’s critique of Christianity is misguided. Rumble link  Bitchute link First hour: Canadian Muslim author Eric Walberg and I discuss miracles. Walberg discussed anomalous events in general, and miracles in particular, in his review of  Jeffrey Kripal’s How to think impossibly about souls, UFOs, time, belief, and everything else. Since my doctoral dissertation compares medieval Moroccan miracle stories to contemporary…


LIVE RADIO! James Perloff on “Donald Trump: Rebranding Globalism as Nationalism”; Eric Walberg on Hamas Victory; Richard Cook on Trumpian Restoration in Historical Context

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at PSA: I’ve been debanked from Substack, so please try my new 100%-free-speech supporting donation platform!   First hour: James Perloff leads off with a discussion of  “Donald Trump: Rebranding Globalism as Nationalism.” Then Eric Walberg weighs in on the Hamas victory that has unsettled “Israel.”   May the unsettlement be completed soon. Second hour: NASA whistleblower Richard Cook critiques Alexander Dugin on Trump’s revolution and notes Blinken/Biden’s blood-soaked legacy.


LIVE RADIO! “Anti-Semitism” Debate with John Kaminski; Eric Walberg (and ?) on Peter Turchin’s Cliodynamics & Looming WW3

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour guest: John Kaminski, author of the brand-new article “The New Nakba”. As the mass-murder of Palestinian women and children accelerates, MSM genocide propagandists are protected. But truth-tellers whose only crime is being a bit too excitable, like today’s Truth Jihad Radio guest John Kaminski, face career destruction and sometimes legal jeopardy. Kaminski, a former mainstream journalist exiled from the field for “anti-Semitism,” was my first-ever Truth Jihad Radio guest almost exactly 17 years ago. I kicked him off the show because what he was saying about “the Jews”…


Eric Walberg on Rainbow Flag vs. Islam (& HUGE Canadian Muslim-led anti-woke demonstration)

Listen HERE Canadian Muslim Eric Walberg‘s “Reinventing the wheel: Islam and homosexuality” critically reviews Scott Kugle’s books Homosexuality in Islam: Critical reflection on gay lesbian, and transgender Muslims (2010) and Living out Islam: Voices of gay, lesbian and transgender Muslims (2014). Eric notes that “Kugle’s sifting through Islamic history and jurisprudence reveals that this whole debate took place at various times in Islamic history, starting with the time of the Prophet, the first caliphs, and the debate continued until at least the 12th c.” So why reinvent the wheel? Is there a not-so-hidden agenda? Eric’s conclusion: “Kugle calls his (sodomy-permitting) version…


LIVE RADIO! John “Barsoom” Carter on Jabs vs. IQ & Left vs. Right; Eric Walberg on Rainbow Flag vs. Islam (& HUGE Canadian Muslim-led anti-woke demonstration)

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: John Carter‘s Postcards from Barsoom Substack is always well-written and provocative. His recent essays on “Why Smart People Do Stupid Things (Like Getting mRNA Injections)” and “The Internet is a Brain With Schizophrenia” are apt ripostes to the MSM talking points “smart people are the first in line to get vaccinated” and “the left is smarter than the right.” (Note that like John Carter, Eugyppius has lately been debunking the alleged intelligence-vax link.) Second hour: Canadian Muslim Eric Walberg‘s “Reinventing the wheel: Islam and homosexuality” critically reviews…


LIVE RADIO! Josh Mitteldorf on the Origin of Life; Eric Walberg on Qur’an as Epic Enchanter

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Anti-aging scientist Josh Mittledorf discusses his article “The Origin of Life…Unsolved or Unsolvable?” He writes: “I believe that a bird’s eye view of innovative research over the last 70 years supports the assertion that life could not have arisen from inorganic matter by any known chemical process.” He backs up that statement by summarizing findings on auto-catalyzing hypercycles, chirality, amino acids’ information storage, self-replicating RNA, nanobes, jeewanu, and more. Bottom line: James Tour is right, life couldn’t have arisen randomly. Well, then, how did it arise? “I…


“The Evolution of Beauty” with Eric Walberg and Josh Mitteldorf

Listen HERE Should Darwin’s thesis be rewritten as “the survival of the most gorgeous”? That’s the takeaway from Richard Prum’s The evolution of beauty: How Darwin’s forgotten theory of mate choice shapes the animal world—and us (2017), at least according to Eric Walberg‘s new review. Joining Eric to discuss Prum’s book is anti-aging scientist and evolutionary theorist Josh Mitteldorf.


LIVE RADIO: “The Evolution of Beauty” with Eric Walberg and Josh Mitteldorf; Thaddeus Kozinski Asks “Are You Aware?”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Should Darwin’s thesis be rewritten as “the survival of the most gorgeous”? That’s the takeaway from Richard Prum’s The evolution of beauty: How Darwin’s forgotten theory of mate choice shapes the animal world—and us (2017), at least according to Eric Walberg‘s new review. Joining Eric to discuss Prum’s book is anti-aging scientist and evolutionary theorist Josh Mitteldorf. Second hour: Thaddeus Kozinski wonders “Are You Aware? And are you aware of your unawareness?” His essay begins: “There is a broad spectrum, as broad as the distance between heaven and…


Eric Walberg on Gender Madness; Eric Zuesse Nominates Gen. Douglas Macgregor for President

Listen HERE First half-hour: Eric Walberg discusses his latest book review “The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl” and expresses his dismay with the media’s moronic anti-Russia propaganda. Second half-hour: Eric Zuesse nominates Douglas Macgregor! From Eric Zuesse: We need Douglas Macgregor for U.S. President. Here is why: Democrats, Republicans, and independents, all need this person in the U.S. White House. We are the American people; and he represents, more articulately than anybody else does, on the most urgent and important issue confronting the world, what all Americans — and all of the people in the world — need.…


LIVE RADIO! NASA Whistleblower Richard Cook on “Zionist War on Russia”; Eric Walberg on Gender Madness; Eric Zuesse Nominates Gen. Douglas Macgregor for President

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Richard Cook, the NASA whistleblower who stopped the Challenger disaster coverup, discusses his latest article “Pro-Zionist U.S. Politicians Dead Set on War with Russia.” It begins: “World affairs are rapidly moving toward their culmination as the U.S.-instigated war between Russia and Ukraine threatens to escalate into a nuclear conflagration. The charge to world war is being led by U.S. Zionist politicians and bureaucrats, especially President Joe Biden and his chief implementer, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. As usual, the dirty work on the ground is being carried out…

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