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Greg Felton: “The United States is a Stupid Country Run by Stupid People”

 Listen HERE Canadian ex-MSM journalist Greg Felton says: “The United States is a stupid country run by stupid people who have no respect for reason.” WHAT?! Them’s fightin’ words, pardner! We also argue about religion, sacred violence and sacrifice, and the moon landings…but largely agree about Zionism and the 9/11 wars.


Trump should go back to Israel, where he comes from: Analyst

Press TV If US congresswomen from other descents need to go back to their countries as US President Donald Trump has suggested, then the American head of state himself should go to Israel where his allegiance lies, says an American scholar. Dr. Kevin Barrett, an academic and political scholar based in Wisconsin, made the remarks in the aftermath of racist tweets by Trump, who has called on several female lawmakers critical of his policies to return to their countries of origin. In a series of tweets on Monday, Trump said the congresswomen — three of them Muslims — were “spewing” “racist…


Will Trump visit Tehran for “Victory over DAESH” Parade?

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Trump is being led by the nose. The neocons are dragging him into war with Iran. Such a war would likely blow up the Middle East, cost thousands of American lives and trillions of dollars, and ruin Trump’s re-election chances. In a worst case scenario, it could turn into World War III. There is zero chance the Iranians will back down. Their role model is Imam Hussein. They are not afraid of dying for a just cause. And what cause could be more just than defending ones own country from an aggressor? There is…


Tom Mysiewicz on “The Hidden Side of the Mueller Report”

Listen HERE Red-pilled former MSM journalist Tom Mysiewicz argues in “The Hidden Side of the Mueller Report” that Mueller was barking up the wrong tree: “There is, I believe, considerable evidence that non-governmental forces acting on behalf of Israel succeeded in placing an individual in charge of the U.S. who is currently redirecting the power and financial resources of the nation to almost entirely serve the interests of a foreign power. (And that entity is not Russia!)” Did JINSA, AIPAC and the Chabad Lubbivitcher sect of fanatical messianic millenarian Zionists—perhaps in conjunction with the Russian-Israeli mafia—insert Trump into the Oval Office? That…


Michael Brenner on Trump-Russia: It’s about the Russian mob, not the Russian government—but Mueller won’t go there

Listen HERE Will Trump’s organized crime activity be buried by a bipartisan coverup? International Affairs professor Michael Brenner writes: “Mueller supposedly has forwarded some material to federal and New York State prosecutors who have clear legal authority in those domains. It has been known for at least two years, though, that substantial grounds (and evidence) already existed to bring several cases to a grand jury. That suggests that serious action never will be taken. For one things, a number of prominent people would be exposed: e.g. Bibi Netanyahu, the heads of the Russo-Israeli mafias, Felix Sater, the twice convicted felon…


“Some People Did Something” on 9/11—Here’s Who Did What

Interview with Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Press TV‘s “We The People” covers Trump’s use of 9/11-triggered Islamophobia against Ilhan Omar…and asks who really did what on 9/11. Also check out Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth’s “Ilhan Omar Is Right: Some People Did Something on 9/11”  


Trump Banned from Twitter after Homophobic Attack on Pete Buttigieg

Dissociated Press After repeatedly tweeting inflammatory attacks on blacks, Muslims, hispanics, women, Democrats, Trump-haters, and other minority groups, President Trump has finally been banned from Twitter—for homophobia. His offense: Yesterday’s tweet featuring a homophobic limerick attacking Democratic presidential contender Pete Buttigieg. The closure of Trump’s account marks the first time that a head of state has ever been banned from a major social media platform. Twitter spokestwit Tuinda Twatt tweeted: “After years of ponderously sincere reflection, Twitter has finally decided that the President has crossed the line. Attacks on the excretory organs of homosexuals cannot and must not be tolerated.”…


Trump’s belief that Golan Heights belongs to Israel is ‘delusion’: Scholar

US President Donald Trump’s belief that the occupied Golan Heights belongs to Israel is a “delusion” and underscores the US leader’s mental instability, an American scholar and political commentator says.  Trump signed a proclamation on Monday recognizing Israeli “sovereignty” over the Syrian territory of Golan Heights, triggering a global outcry. Trump signed the decree at the start of a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House. “Trump’s belief that the Golan Heights belongs to Israel is very much a delusion, sort of like [Venezuelan opposition leader] Juan Guaido’s belief that he is the president of Venezula,”…


Veterans Today Editors Gordon Duff and Jim Dean on anti-Iran false flag, Trump crimes, and more

Broadcast Fridays live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Jim Dean, Managing Editor of Veterans Today, is well known for his pithy introductions to articles exposing what’s really going on in the world, especially the Middle East. Recent topics he has covered include: The launch of INSTEX, a European instrument designed to bust Trump’s anti-Iran sanctions; US-run concentration camps in Syria; the indictment (and hopefully conviction and ruination) of 9/11 suspect “Bibi” Netanyahu; the collapse of Pompeo and Bolton’s anti-Iran Warsaw conference; and more. We will presumably also discuss the Trump regime’s witch-hunt against the Tehran-based New…

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