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Is the Pentagon developing genocidal anti-Islam bio-weapons?

  Press TV   An apparent Pentagon video, leaked by the hacker group Anonymous, details US military plans to develop and deploy a biological weapon that would destroy people’s receptivity to religion in targeted Muslim populations. The proposed bio-weapon would be distributed in flu vaccines in Muslim countries. It would alter human genomic expression to produce a sort of “chemical lobotomy,” destroying the part of the brain associated with religiosity and spirituality.  (read my Press TV article)


Deface 9/11!

A genocidal satanic icon, erected by war criminals, was recently greatly improved by someone with a can of spray paint. The official story of 9/11 is a satanic, idolatrous false religion. It is an evil idol, and it must be smashed. The story that Muslims did 9/11 is patently false. Yet this big lie launched the mass murder of more than a million Muslims – an act of genocide. Imagine: A group of Nazis slaughters 3,000 innocent Christian children, drains them of blood, and sells the “official story” that Jews butchered the children and drank their blood. A war on…


My letter to journalists covering 9/11

See the original of this amazing image full-scale – and zoom in to look at the pixels! I have sent the letter below to many dozens of journalists who have requested interviews with 9/11 family members, and copied it to those organizing 9/11 remembrance events. I have also taken to posting a short version as a comment on offending articles (example here). Dear (name of journalist), One of the approximately 50% of 9/11 family members who rejects the official story of 9/11 informs me that you are a journalist who is covering the 10th anniversary of 9/11. You and other…


Tuesday: Nagasaki Day special with Anthony Hall and Joshua Blakeney

Tuesday, August 9th, 9-10 a.m Pacific (noon Eastern) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Nagasaki Day special with Professor Anthony Hall and Joshua Blakeney. Anthony Hall is Professor of Globalization Studies, University of Lethbridge; author, The American Empire and the Fourth World and Earth Into Property. Tony Hall’s two-volume revisionist history of recent centuries, told with an emphasis on the perspective of indigenous peoples, is essential reading for anyone who wants to know what is really going on on this troubled planet. His latest article From Hiroshima to Fukushima, 1945-2011: A Nuclear Narrative of Hubris and Tragedy…


Benny Morris: Hero or Psychopath?

I have a high regard for truth – so high that my dear friend Shaykh Yusuf Estes says I should change my name to Abdulhaqq, “The Slave of Truth.” (In Arabic, the word al-Haqq, meaning “Truth” or “Reality,” is one of the most beautiful names of God.) I told Shaykh Yusuf that yes, truth has made me its slave: I’ve done a whole lot of work on behalf of truth without being paid a penny. But is dedication to truth enough? Take Benny Morris – please. From the standpoint of dedication to truth, Benny Morris is one of the greatest…