Listen HERE Philosopher David Skrbina, author of The Metaphysics of Technology, joins us to ponder the corona-technology interface. Much of the world is looking for technological solutions to the coronavirus problem. But what if technology IS the problem? Even in the unlikely event that COVID-19 wasn’t made in a lab, its pandemic global transmission could only happen in an urban, densely-populated, hyper-connected hi-tech society. What’s more, the techno-solutions—building an Orwellian surveillance state where anyone who coughs gets tested and quarantined, injecting everyone with a possibly toxic vaccine, etc.—may do more harm than good, if human psycho-spiritual well-being is our highest…
Anthrax Expert Barry Kissin: “Slow Down! COVID-19 May NOT Be a Bioweapon”
Listen HERE Barry Kissin is an attorney who lives near the Ft. Detrick biowar facility where the 2001 false flag anthrax was made. He is an expert on the anthrax aspect of the 9/11-anthrax false flag, and is knowledgable and deeply concerned about our desperate need to ban biological weapons while there is still time. But he is not convinced by Larry Romanoff’s arguments that COVID-19 is a US bioweapon. He isn’t even sure about Meryl Nass’s refutation of the “can’t be a bioweapon” propaganda push. What’s more, he argues that we shouldn’t be highlighting the “it looks like a…
FULL ARTICLEWhat Noam Chomsky won’t tell you about COVID-19
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, interviewed by Press TV Well, Noam Chomsky, at 91 years old is still doing his thing. He recently blasted Donald Trump and spoke out against the criminal sanctions against Iran. And that’s all to the good. Chomsky is a very interesting, well informed for the most part, and acerbic commentator, and I have to agree with much of what he said, including when he called Donald Trump a “sociopathic buffoon.” I think that’s quite accurate. He pointed out that the US response to the Coronavirus pandemic has been the worst in the world, which is probably…
FULL ARTICLEBill Gates Expresses Remorse for Unleashing COVID-19
Dissociated Press At a press conference this morning outside his 350-billion-dollar mansion sprawling across three of Seattle’s poshest neighborhoods, philanthropist Bill Gates tearfully confessed: “Woe unto me! Would that I had not hired the CIA to take Event 201 live!” Spluttering, bawling, and blubbering, Gates toweled tears off his face and explained: “But it was…it was supposed to help with depopulation! They promised me it would! Instead, the whole world is locked down with their spouse or significant other, with nothing left to do but make babies! Horrible, awful little human babies! And there are no more condoms left, it’s…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO: Barry Kissin on Coronavirus & 2001 Anthrax Attacks; Linh Dinh on “Coronavirus Missives from 5 Countries”
Broadcasts live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived HERE First hour: Barry Kissin is an attorney who lives near the Ft. Detrick biowar facility where the 2001 false flag anthrax was made. He is an expert on the anthrax aspect of the 9/11-anthrax false flag, and is knowledgable and deeply concerned about our desperate need to ban biological weapons while there is still time. But he is not convinced by Larry Romanoff’s arguments that COVID-19 is a US bioweapon. Second hour: Linh Dinh, the great exiled Vietnamese-American writer and world traveler, reports live from…where the heck is…
FULL ARTICLEBiowar Expert Dr. Meryl Nass: Lancet’s “COVID-19 Is NOT a Bioweapon” Is a Ludicrous Fraud
Listen HERE Dr. Meryl Nass is a world-class bioweapons expert. She recently published a must-read article: Why are some of the US’ top scientists making a specious argument about the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2? It seems that the usual-suspect Lancet authors who were trotted out to dismiss the “bioweapon conspiracy theory” are the same kind of so-called scientists as the NIST “experts” who assured us that WTC-7 miraculously disappeared at free-fall into its own footprint due to minor office fires. Q: Why are five dubious, germ-warfare-linked, cover-up specialist scientists telling us this could not possibly be a bioweapon, and yet obviously…
FULL ARTICLEWho’s behind COVID-19 pandemic: Are the chickens coming home to roost?
By Kevin Barrett for Press TV The question of whether the chickens are coming home to roost was famously posed by Malcolm X. And that was shortly after the JFK assassination. Malcolm X was suggesting that the same forces that the US had deployed to attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro, among others, may have bounced back in a case of blowback and killed President Kennedy. And of course, we know that there’s a certain amount of truth to that. Today we know that the same CIA assassination squads that were unsuccessfully attempting to kill Castro were in fact involved in…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: Coronavirus Wars Escalating
Broadcast live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Help FFWN Report on Coronavirus Wars …you’ll also be helping me do Press TV interviews like the new Coronavirus Chickens Coming Home to Roost? True Conspiracy Theories 2) WTC 7 Not Destroyed by Fire, Concludes Final University of Alaska Fairbanks Report 3) Bob Dylan Releases 17-Minute Song About JFK Assassination Listen to it, it’s a masterpiece: 4) Coronavirus: What Newsweek Failed to Mention About “Continuity of Government” “Probably True” Conspiracy Theory: Corona = Botched US-Israeli Bio-Attack on China & Iran 5) Trump Denies VT Story on US Military Source for CV19-Further Confirmation from ‘Liar…
FULL ARTICLEUS has to shut down biowarfare labs to save the world from pandemics
By Kevin Barrett, for Press TV The coronavirus is spreading here in the United States in an alarming fashion and the government is now moving into crisis mode. Nearly 15,000 people have been tested positive as of today, Friday, and it’s increasing exponentially. So the question becomes what went wrong? The US had plenty of warning on this. The Chinese figured out it was a problem back in January. And at that point, measures could have been taken that would have kept the problem very, very small. And that didn’t happen. I think we can look at this from a…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: 9/11 Truth, Coronavirus Truth
Broadcasts live Saturday 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Don’t Let Them Lock Down Your Mind—Support FFWN! and help AE911Truth publicize next week’s release of Hulsey Report on WTC-7: Corona Geopol 2) China locked in hybrid war with US 3) NYT: China Spins Tale That the U.S. Army Started the Coronavirus Epidemic 4) Zionist Algemeiner Waxes Hysterical Over Kevin Exposing 9/11-Anthrax on Press TV 5) 9/11 Truth, Coronavirus Truth: Zionist Hysteria, MSM Lockdown—War on the Horizon? 6) Iranian Doctors Urge Neighbours to Liquidate Any US Biological Labs Amid Coronavirus Fears See also: 7) Oil price crash: 50% of US shale could…