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Treasonous FISA Bill Passes

Blackmailed Pedophile Cabal that Owns USG Has Good Reasons to Need to Spy on Everyone Bitchute link Press TV The U.S. president has signed into law a bill that extends the government’s warrantless spying powers for two years. Joe Biden signed Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act after it passed the Senate by 60 against 34 votes. The move was slammed by privacy advocates inside and outside of Congress. They said that it allows intel agencies to spy on the communications of non-U.S. citizens, including communications on such service providers as Google. The activist group Demand Progress said…


Alan Sabrosky on Lawlessness & Civilizational Decline

Listen HERE Alan Sabrosky, former Head of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College, says the decline of the rule of law in today’s America has been gathering steam for over 150 years: “It would be comforting to many to blame all of our failings today on cultural Marxists, or the Democrats, or the disgusting Biden crime family (or Trump, for that matter), but it would be wrong to do so. The growing lawlessness of courts and country has been brewing since the end of the Civil War, if not before, with or without a rough-and-ready approach to criminal…


Peter Simpson on “Does It Matter Who Wins the Election?”

Listen HERE Philosophy professor Peter Simpson responded to my forthcoming Crescent International article “Does It Really Matter Who Wins the US Presidential Election?” (the short answer is no) writing: “Well I’m afraid I have to agree with your sentiments in the piece you posted (‘afraid’ because it would be nice if things were different). However untypical Trump is as president (for good or ill), he can’t break the system. The reason of course, in my view anyway, is the Constitution, which was written by oligarchs for oligarchs. You didn’t quite say that — perhaps that would really be going too far…


Nita Renfrew on “History of the American Militia Movement”

Listen HERE Nita M. Renfrew is the author of A History of the American Militia Movement: America’s Shooting Edge—completed in 1999, the first several chapters self-published in 2010. (Renfrew, an MSM insider, was shocked to discover that the militia movement was right about the Oklahoma City bombing, the Federal Reserve, and much more.) Today, as the militia movement is being recast as a leading MSM boogeyman, Renfrew’s book is an essential resource for those interested in the roots of our ever-worsening Constitutional crisis. Nita M. Renfrew was an independent journalist until 2000. Earlier, she had focused on stories having to do…


Bill Whitehouse on Roots of the Current Crisis

Listen HERE Bill “Anab” Whitehouse may be America’s most underrated Muslim political thinker. Like Peter Simpson he is a fan of the Antifederalists and their vision of limited government. He writes: “Any form of public policy, including health, gives expression to a species of religion which government officials are seeking to evangelically and forcibly impose on other individuals (i.e., citizens). No one – not governments (whether federal or state) and not individuals — can be shown to have a right under the U.S. Constitution — to establish the foregoing sort of religious perspective.” In this interview he discusses the political…


USA Needs Revolution! and other stories

Latest Press TV rant: Watch at: Please note that I was not saying the primary reason for revolution is to stop attacks on Muslims; instead, I was saying that these attacks won’t stop until a revolution overthrows the neocon regime that seized power on September 11th, 2001. The neocon criminals have looted and pillaged all Americans, not just Muslims; and they have shredded the US Constitution, demolished the rule of law, and bankrupted the country. No country in history has needed a revolution like the USA needs one now. * * * More recent writings and TV appearances: Charlie…


Rolf Lindgren names the best and worst US presidents

Broadcast Monday, Feb. 17th 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  Special Presidents Day show! Rolf Lindgren is a Libertarian activist and amateur James Madison scholar with a good background in US history. He discusses the ups and downs of the presidency, laments the worsening shredding of the Constitution by Bush and Obama,…


Shane Trejo: Let’s turn off the NSA – here’s how!

Broadcast Mon., Feb. 10th, 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  Shane Trejo of says let’s turn off the NSA – by nullifying it at the state and local levels! The OffNow coalition is introducing legislation all over the country to deny material support to the NSA, depriving it of the water,…


Phony unanimity proves Egypt’s “constitution” a sham

According to the al-Sisi junta, more than 98% of Egypt’s voters have approved a new “constitution” that establishes a permanent totalitarian dictatorship. That 98% figure says it all. Whenever 98% of voters supposedly vote for anything, you know the “election” is a sham. Fake unanimity is the hallmark of dictatorships. People like Stalin, Mao, and al-Sisi are always “elected” by near-unanimous “landslides.” Full article:


I’m interviewed by Dave Gahary of American Free Press

 AFP PODCAST: March Against Fear, Washington, D.C., 9/11/13, High Noon Kevin Barrett discusses the upcoming Million American March Against Fear in Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2013. Kevin also touches upon his introduction into the 9-11 truth movement, the enemies of the movement, and the plan to get back our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights that have been subject to a massive campaign of fear instituted by the powers-that-be, in this informative interview (18:47). Listen here:

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