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DDWN: False flags on four continents this week!

False Flag News 1) Hindu-supremacist false-flagger elected PM of India 2) India’s “Islamic Terror” mostly Hindu-Zionist false flags by Modi’s friends 3) Boko Haram is not the problem 4) Is Boko Haram a psy-op? 5) How Washington Hawks are using the girls to justify intervention in Nigeria 6) School closed, actors used; Robbie Parker, entertainer, exposed 7) Sandy Hook memorial stolen (mini false flag) 8) US staging nuclear war drill this week 9) New questions about FBI shooting of Boston suspect’s friend Ukraine Crisis Accelerating 10) Lugansk and Donetsk regions vote…


US false-flags ravage Afghanistan – Super Bowl next?

Summary by Jim Fetzer: The biggest alse flag ever? We began with the complaint from the President of Afghanistan that recent terrorist attacks were being perpetuated in his country by US forces, which makes excellent sense when you appreciate that the US wants to stay there to complete its looting of that nation’s vast mineral resources, including one of the world’s largest deposits of lithium, which is used in computers, in triggers for nuclear weapons and in electric car batteries.  So we (the US) are creating chaos in a desperate attempt to induce President Karzai to allow us to stay. …


I LOVE Big Brother – so don’t bother torturing me!

  “The concept of the ‘living will’ could also be applied to the issue of torture. Just as you might wake up some day as a human vegetable – who knows, bad things do happen to good people – you might likewise wake up some day strapped to a gurney in a cage in Guantanamo with spark plug wires hooked to your testicles. If that happened, wouldn’t it be great if you could say: ‘Don’t bother torturing me, I’ve already signed a document giving you everything you could possibly need!’” Full story:


My open letter to “Canada’s foremost philosopher of war”

Joshua Blakeney’s Open Letter to Dr. Viminitz inspired mine It never ceases to amaze me: The academy, whose job is to speak truth to power, has effectively banned serious questioning of what happened on 9/11/2001. If you’re a professor, you can say just about anything. You can even defend the mass slaughter of non-combatants on 9/11 and cheer the perpetrators – as long as you toe the party line that it was al-Qaeda that did it. Take Paul Viminitz – please. Viminitz, a pro-Zionist Jew who poses as a big al-Qaeda supporter, is regularly invited to lecture at universities around…