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Paradigm Shift Alert! They CAN keep a secret

“Dr. Cornellius Cotter, Professor of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin, appeared before a special Senate committee in April, 1973. He remarked: ‘You know, Senator Mathias, it has been said—and, I think wisely so—that if the United States ever developed into a totalitarian state we would not know it. We would not know that it had happened. It would be all so gradual, the ritualism would all be retained as a facade to disguise what had happened. Most people in the United States, in official position, would continue to do the sorts of things that they are doing now.…


Lee Whitnum’s “whore for AIPAC” comment draws protests

My recent interview with Lee Whitnum is posted here; listen: here.  * * * The Zionist-dominated media professes to be shocked – SHOCKED – that Connecticut Senate Candidate Lee Whitnum called US Rep. Chris Murphy “a whore for AIPAC.” I’m shocked too. Calling Congress-critters rolling in Zionist dough “whores” is an insult to prostitutes everywhere. I understand that the International Union of Sex Workers will be lodging a complaint against Whitnum. A prostitutes’ spokesperson writes: “Chris Murphy and the other Representatives and Senators who take big money from Zionists are not whores, they are traitors. Calling them ‘whores’ demeans the…


US supports human rights and democracy? Tell it to al-Khawaja!

My interview with Press TV on Bahrain, where hunger-striking freedom and democracy activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja is becoming an icon of resistance, is now up: ‘US strikingly hypocritical towards Bahraini hunger striker’  WATCH VIDEO The US behavior towards Bahraini hunger striker Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, a “classic nonviolence and pro-democracy activist,” is a clear example of the US hypocrisy on rights issues, an analyst tells Press TV. The comment comes as the prominent Bahraini human rights activist’s health remains at risk as he enters the 57th day of his hunger strike in jail. Khawaja was transferred to the prison hospital on April 3…


Pentagon desecration of 9/11 victims’ remains: Proof that WE are “the enemy”

The New York Times has reported that Pentagon officials considered burying the remains of Pentagon 9/11 attack victims at sea. But they decided that would be too honorable. So they burned them and dumped them with the other garbage in a landfill. How to explain such disrespect? Were they in a rush to get rid of evidence? Maybe. After all, the family members of the 19 identity-theft victims who took the rap for 9/11 have been begging for DNA testing, and the US government has repeatedly turned them down. Perhaps the coverup team did not want any evidence about who…


Anarchy in the UK! Brits declare official end to free speech

They don’t want to hear the truth London, UK The country that gave the world free speech has decided to take it back. That, at least, is the implication of two unsettling developments: *The arrest of a teenager for posting a Facebook comment “All soldiers should DIE & go to HELL!” in response to the recent massacre of Afghan women and children. * The UK government’s revoking Press TV‘s license in Britain, followed by its threat to seize their equipment and shut them down. In the first case, the UK government has made it a criminal act to express any…


Zimmerman does NOT represent all Jews!

In the wake of the horrific murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by Jewish terrorist George Zimmerman, it is critically important that we all recognize that not every Jew is a cold-blooded murderous terrorist like Zimmerman. We cannot repeat too often that Judaism is a religion of peace. Yes, there are a small number of Jewish extremists out there who support child-murdering terrorist organizations like the State of Israel; who shoot innocent black kids down in cold blood; who call for the murder of the President of the United States; and so on and so forth. But most Jews are law-abiding…


My latest Press TV interview (and a couple of others)

Watch the interview: It has been one year since Saudi Arabian forces entered Bahrain to rescue the dictatorial Bahraini regime against a people’s popular revolution for democracy. Press TV has interviewed Dr. Kevin Barrett, author & Islamic Studies expert from Wisconsin about the relationships between the Al-Khalifa regime, Saudi Arabia and the US and how these external partners have influenced the popular revolution in Bahrain. He also discusses the muted way which the UN as well as other human rights organizations are responding to the human rights violations being carried out by the Bahraini rulers against the people. What…


Hey NSA: Intercept THIS!

James Bamford, author of A Pretext for War and upcoming guest on my radio show, just revealed in Wired Magazine that the National Security Agency is building a gigantic Message Intercept Center in the Utah desert. The NSA will be able to read all your emails and listen to your phone conversations. Breakthroughs in decryption will make codes like Pretty Good Privacy worse than useless, since the NSA will pay special attention to encrypted stuff, assuming that you must have something to hide. The NSA’s untold acres worth of supercomputers will ferret out your psychological state and decide whether or…


The Truthman Show: Is Reality Locked in a Detention Camp?

Propaganda strategy deployed against 9/11 truth: Build walls around it to prevent contagion of the illusion-dwelling masses; divide-and-conquer various truther factions by driving wedges and confining each faction to its own ghetto. In short, build a hermetically-sealed prison, and lock the truth inside. In the film The Truman Show – possibly inspired by Philip K. Dick’s novel Time Out of Joint – an ordinary guy begins to notice his own life exuding a faintly sinister whiff of artificiality. It turns out that Truman’s life is a reality TV show, his neighborhood a sort of stage set doubling as a detention…


Gilad Atzmon serenades Madison, Wisconsin!

Topnotch saxophone player & fearless philosopher Gilad Atzmon blew Madison away Friday night with a powerful lecture at the University of Wisconsin, then a jam session with members of Madison’s premiere dance band, VO5, at the Weary Traveler Freehouse on Williamson Street. Gilad is currently being witch-hunted by a bunch of folks who are apparently too fearful to think clearly. Their attacks on him don’t hold up to scrutiny.  Since I know what it feels like to be witch-hunted by the forces of ignorance – and since I love Gilad as a person and respect his work – I am…

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