Listen HERE First hour: Geopolitical analyst Eric Walberg, author of The Canada-Israel Nexus, From Postmodernism to Postsecularism, Islamic Resistance to Imperialism, and Postmodern Imperialism, discusses his recent travel article “Pilgrimmage to Christian Island.” Second hour: Republican Party activist Rolf Lindgren argues that the rash of pipe bombs sent to Democrats and Trump opponents has all the earmarks of a false flag. Halfway through the hour, red-pilled ex-mainstream Canadian journalist Greg Felton joins us to agree that the pipe bomb affair doesn’t quite pass the smell test—but also to strongly disagree with Rolf’s pro-Trump views.
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
E. Michael Jones: Kavanagh battle = “Catholics vs. Jews”—why can’t we talk about this?
Leading Catholic intellectual E. Michael Jones discusses his new article “The Hidden Grammar of the Kavanagh Hearings,” published in the November issue of Culture Wars. Jones first cites Pat Buchanan: “They rejected Brett Kavanaugh the day he was nominated. Why? Because the judge is a conservative and a Catholic, hence an unreliable vote to sustain Roe v. Wade…” Jones says Buchanan only tells half the story: “It was ultimately a Muslim who supplied the missing term to this equation. Kevin Barrett, who has been described as the Muslim H.L. Mencken, wrote a satirical piece for Veterans Today which portrayed the hearings as…
FULL ARTICLELouisiana State Senator John Milkovich; Gordon Duff and Ian Greenhalgh on “Trump killed Khashoggi”
Listen HERE First hour: Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich is an uncommonly honest politician. He is a conservative family values guy who actually cares about ordinary working class folks and votes in their interests. But his uncommon courage goes beyond that. Exhibit A: Sen. Milkovich’s new book Robert Mueller: Errand Boy for the New World Order. As Sander Hicks reports, John Milkovich “gave the eulogy at the funeral of Dr. David M. Graham, who was killed for knowing too much about the 9/11 cover-up. Graham actually met two of the (alleged) 9/11 hijackers, ten months before 9/11, and reported to FBI…
FULL ARTICLETribute to “Truth Troubadour” Vic Sadot (d. 10/6/18)
Will be posted HERE I’m very sorry to report that Vic Sadot, the “Truth Troubadour,” passed away this past weekend of as-yet-unknown causes. On Saturday October 6, Vic was supposed to show up at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, California with musical equipment for the “Was the 2016 Election Stolen?” event. When he failed to make it, a friend and colleague drove to his apartment, knocked on his door, and received no response. It took almost two hours to find a building manager to open the door. When they entered the apartment, “Vic appeared to have pushed his chair…
FULL ARTICLEElizabeth Woodworth on “9/11 Unmasked” (her new book with David Ray Griffin)
Listen HERE Elizabeth Woodworth is the co-author (with David Ray Griffin) of 9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation. Sociology prof Edward Curtin has called it “the definitive book on the defining event of the 21st century.” Alongside Curtin’s outstanding review, we must also mention the extraordinary review by another professor, Philip Roddis, who had always scoffed at the 9/11 truth movement until 9/11 Unmasked fell into his hands. (Dr. Griffin himself has published an appreciation of Roddis’s review.) In this interview Elizabeth Woodworth and I discuss the Consensus Panel’s methodology and why it is important; which issues were easy or…
FULL ARTICLEJonathan Simon: Was the 2016 election rigged for Trump? Will the midterms be rigged too?
Listen HERE Guest: Jonathan Simon of the Election Defense Alliance. Even Donald Trump noticed that rigged voting machines stole the 2016 Democratic primaries from the real victor, Bernie Sanders. But did the same corporate hackers also rig the November 2016 election for Trump? Prima facie evidence, in the form of a massive “red shift” (discrepancy between exit polls and “results”) in key swing states, suggests they did. So will the usual suspects rig the midterms to prevent a Democratic sweep? And will the American people ever wake up to the fact that black box voting machines have been rigging all…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Koenig on US (trade) wars on China, Iran, Syria, Russia…and pretty much everybody else
Listen HERE Guest: Ex-World Bank economist Peter Koenig. Under Trump the US is picking a trade war with China, the rising #1 threat to American global hegemony…and getting ready to confront the Middle Kingdom militarily, not only in the South China Sea, but also along the “string of pearls” of the Indian Ocean region, and the larger Belt and Road initiative to unite Eurasia free of Atlanticist influence. But the Americans can’t ever seem to get enough enemies, so they are simultaneously fighting Russia, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and even launching trade wars against their own occupied “allies”! But…
FULL ARTICLEArt Olivier on freemasonry & NWO, “DC Dave” Martin on Brett Kavanagh’s coverup of Vince Foster murder
Listen HERE First hour: Art Olivier, producer of the 9/11-truth-based Hollywood-style thriller Operation Terror, joins us to discuss his favorite research topic: freemasonry and the New World Order, symbolism and numerology division. Art recently returned from travels during which he “drove by Stonehenge, went to the Ring of Brodgar and the Standing Stones of Stenness. We went to the Palace of Scone where the English stole the Stone of Scone which is allegedly Jacob’s Pillow and is allegedly a meteorite. The English took the stone exactly 250,000 (500 squared) days before the day Charles and Diana got engaged. William was born…
FULL ARTICLEMassimo Mazzucco on his long awaited “American Moon”
Listen HERE Did Neil Armstrong really take that “one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” on the moon? Or was the whole thing shot in a studio? In his brand-new long-awaited release of American Moon, Massimo Mazzucco, the filmmaker who gave us September 11, the New Pearl Harbor, meticulously examines the debate between “moon landing skeptics” and “debunkers.” The result is eye-opening to say the least. American Moon covers all of the key questions, offering new insights in several areas, especially the question of the authenticity of the moon landing photographs. A successful professional photographer himself,…
FULL ARTICLEEllen Brown says China may put banks out of business; Charles Hudson asks “Could Jared Kushner be the Antichrist?”
Listen HERE First half hour: Banking expert Ellen Brown recently published “Banks Are Becoming Obsolete in China—Could the U.S. Be Next?“: “The US credit card system siphons off excessive amounts of money from merchants, who must raise their prices to cover this charge. In a typical $100 credit card purchase only $97.25 goes to the seller. The rest goes to banks and processors. But who can compete with Visa and MasterCard? It seems China’s new mobile payment ecosystems can.” But will that little smartphone bar code thingie become THE MARK OF THE BEAST? Second half hour: Speaking of The Beast…now that we’re getting close to…