Listen HERE Gerard Menuhin descends from an illustrious line of rabbis. Both his father (the famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin) and grandfather (Moshe Menuhin) were peace activists and anti-Zionists. Gerard has taken their activism several steps further. His 2016 book Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil (read it free here, buy it here) is eloquent, incendiary, and infused with the kind of prophetic rage that gatekeepers, censors, and inquisitors falsely label “hate.” It has been banned from various nations and platforms, and was even the object of a police raid on his house. His two new books, the darkly humorous play…
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
Four Arrows: Beware of Fear-Based Hypnosis (9/11, Coronavirus, etc.)
Listen HERE Four Arrows aka Don Trent Jacobs has been a professor at Fielding Graduate University for 17 years. He is the author of 21 books, including American Assassination: The Strange Death of Sen. Paul Wellstone, and a contributor to others including the critically important The Hidden History of 9/11. Tonight’s discussion also features Rafiq, who recently reviewed Michael Fisher’s book on Four Arrows. (Listen to my interview with Michael Fisher and Rafiq HERE.) In this interview I ask Four Arrows: “We’ve been through a couple of decades bookended by 9/11 on one end and what looks like coronavirus biowar…
FULL ARTICLE“Fearless Engagement” with R. Michael Fisher, Rafiq
Listen HERE We’ve been ruled by the politics of fear since 9/11. Now coronavirus is inciting even more fear. Is there an antidote? This show features R. Michael Fisher discussing his book Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows with Robert “Rafiq” Lewis, who just reviewed that book. R. Michael Fisher is the founder of The Fearology Institute, Founder and Senior Editor of the International Journal of Fear Studies, and author of The World’s Fearlessness Teachings, Philosophy of Fearism: A First East-West Dialogue, Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows: The True Story of an Indigenous-based Social Transformer, Fear, Law and Criminology: Critical Issues in Applying the Philosophy of Fearism,…
FULL ARTICLEA Night of Fearlessness with R. Michael Fisher, Rafiq, and Four Arrows
Broadcasts live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at my Patreon page. First hour: R. Michael Fisher is the founder of The Fearology Institute, Founder and Senior Editor of the International Journal of Fear Studies, and author of The World’s Fearlessness Teachings, Philosophy of Fearism: A First East-West Dialogue, Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows: The True Story of an Indigenous-based Social Transformer, Fear, Law and Criminology: Critical Issues in Applying the Philosophy of Fearism, and India, A Nation of Fear & Prejudice. Tonight we will be discussing Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows with Robert “Rafiq” Lewis, who just reviewed that book. Second hour: Four Arrows,…
FULL ARTICLEDouglas Valentine: The CIA Runs the Global Narcotics Trade—My “Novel” TDY Is a True Story
Listen HERE Douglas Valentine just republished his classic action “novel” TDY—a barely fictionalized true story about an amazing Vietnam War era black op involving horrific blood, gore, trauma, and CIA drug dealing. Below is a transcript of the first 20 minutes of the interview, during which Valentine describes how he learned about the CIA’s domination of the global heroin trade directly from ex-CIA director William Colby and high-level associates—and how he met “Pete,” the photographer whose inadvertent plunge into the heart of black-ops darkness became the “novel” TDY. Kevin Barrett Interviews Douglas Valentine About His “Novel” TDY Kevin Barrett: Hello,…
FULL ARTICLEProfessor Anthony Hall: We Need Free Speech on Coronavirus
Listen HERE Anthony Hall, Professor Emeritus of Globalization Studies (University of Lethbridge) and editor of American Herald Tribune, is the author of a brand-new six-part series on Wuhan virus “conspiracy theories” and free speech: [Complete article] [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] Mainstream media have used the Wuhan coronavirus crisis as a cudgel to bash China. The main talking point: China’s authoritarian system, with its restrictions on free communications and freedom of the press, has supposedly impeded an effective response to the pandemic. Yet these same MSM outlets have also tried to restrict the debate—by labeling uncensored speech on…
FULL ARTICLENick Bryant on Franklin Scandal & Jeffrey Epstein: “Demand Justice for Epstein’s Victims!”
Listen HERE Please sign the petition Stop the cover-up. Demand justice for Jeffrey Epstein’s victims. Nick Bryant, author of The Franklin Scandal, is one of the world’s leading investigative journalists on elite pedophile networks—a topic that has gone mainstream in the wake of Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide.” Three weeks prior to Epstein not hanging himself last August 10th, Vanity Fair published a piece on Bryant’s nearly decade-long Epstein investigation: “Bryant first got his hands on a copy of the black book in 2012, after the feds caught Epstein’s former house manager trying to peddle it for $50,000….Three years later, when Epstein was…
FULL ARTICLESteve Brown on the Corporatist Coup at Pacifica
Listen HERE Steve Brown has been involved with debates at the Pacifica network for many years. He writes that Pacifica members are now being “asked to vote for new bylaws that will allow Pacifica’s stations to be sold and the network to be broken up.” He describes this as a coup by “corporatists” who are trying to seize centralized control of the valuable but debt-ridden network…even as they censor such non-mainstream voices as Bonnie Faulkner and Gary Null. Below is his email. * Dear Friend of WBAI and Pacifica– If you are a Pacifica member, you will soon receive (today…
FULL ARTICLEHistorian Michael Hoffman Gets Hate Mail from Hitler Supporters
Archived HERE First hour: Michael Hoffman , author of the new book Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People, recently elicited over 600 comments with his Unz Review post mourning the victims of the firebomb holocaust of Dresden. (Read “The People Who Were Burned to Ashes on Ash Wednesday.”) A fair number of comments espoused a pro-Hitler position. The uproar continued as Hoffman received hate mail objecting to his strong disagreements with the neo-Nazi current. In this interview Michael Hoffman explains: “I recognize that there are plenty of decent people who are confused, or have been spoonfed disinformation—and some of my fellow revisionists…
FULL ARTICLEIan Henshall on BBC: Coronavirus Scare Stories are “Rubbish”
Listen HERE Ian Henshall of, author of 9/11: The New Evidence, unwittingly found himself with a front row seat at the coronavirus-panic media carnival: “By a stroke of chance my next door neighbour is the guy who accidentally infected people here in the UK with the corona virus. This has meant that there are lots of newshounds from the MSM hanging around in the street outside with an agenda to create panic. “They were talking about ‘panic in Brighton.’ But the only panic was coming from the Daily Mail correspondent. (See screenshots below. -KB) I thought the important thing…