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Richard Gage AIA, Roland Angle, and Wayne Coste on WTC-7 Study & New 9/11 Demolition Theory

Listen HERE First half hour: Richard Gage, AIA, and civil engineer Roland Angle discuss the newly-issued University of Alaska report showing that the only possible explanation for the observed collapse of WTC-7 on 9/11 is the simultaneous failure of every column in the building—in other words, a controlled demolition. Just like your lying eyes already told you, and your government strenuously and guiltily denied. Please take five minutes and email this announcement to your members of Congress and to share it widely via email and social media.  The full announcement for you to read and share is here.  Information for your…


Barbara Honegger Covid-19-9/11, E. Michael Jones on coronavirus culture war

Listen HERE First 30 minutes: Barbara Honegger discusses her new article “Here We Go Again: 9/11, Coronavirus and Another ‘New Pearl Harbor’.” In this interview she also references her 2008 article “The Scarlet A: Links between the Anthrax Attacks and 9/11.” Barbara worked as Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School, DoD’s premiere science, technology and national security affairs graduate research university. She is also a former White House Policy Analyst and Special Assistant to the Assistant to the President in the first Reagan Administration. Honegger is the author of the 9/11 expose “The Pentagon Attack Papers” and the book OCTOBER SURPRISE (Tudor,…


Four great guests on corona-9/11: Barbara Honegger, E. Michael Jones, Richard Gage AIA, and Wayne Coste

Listen live Fridays 7 to 9 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio — shows later archived at my Patreon page First 30 minutes: Barbara Honegger discusses her new article Here We Go Again: 9/11, Coronavirus and Another ‘New Pearl Harbor’. Second 30 minutes: E. Michael Jones on “The Coronavirus and the Culture War.” Third 30 minutes: Richard Gage, AIA: “Professor Leroy Hulsey and his team of engineers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks released the much-anticipated final report of their four-year study on the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7.” Final 30 minutes: Engineer Wayne Coste on his new paper “Why Were…


Brian Ruhe: Bjerknes and Hoffman Are Wrong, Hitler Was a Great Guy!

Listen HERE Brian Ruhe, who has (non-ironically) called himself a “Buddhist Nazi,” espouses a generally pro-Hitler position. In this interview, we’ll air our widely differing views on that…and also discuss the recent flurry of claims that Brian is secretly Jewish, which I guess would make him a “Jewish Buddhist Nazi,” which is even weirder than just a “Buddhist Nazi”—though unfortunately it seems that Brian was just dressing up as an Orthodox Jew for a theatrical event when the “incriminating” photos were taken. In any case, Brian has been persecuted, censored, silenced, fired from a job, and deplatformed for his odd…


Christopher Bjerknes: Hitler Was a False Flag

Listen HERE Researcher-historian Christopher Jon Bjerknes, author of Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist and other books, joins the debate on Hitler. Like my recent guest Michael Hoffman, Bjerknes thinks Hitler was indeed an “enemy of the German people”—and a very dubious character in many respects—whose reign was an unmitigated disaster for Germany and Europe in general. Now he’s under attack from Hitler fans! Adam Green recently wrote me: I enjoyed your interview with Michael Hoffman. The religious zealot nazi cult is viciously attacking Bjerknes and me after our videos about his new books too. Our videos were all top trending on bitchute…


Debate on Hitler Continues: Christopher Jon Bjerknes vs. Brian Ruhe

Broadcast live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived HERE First hour: Researcher-historian Christopher Jon Bjerknes, author of Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist and other books, joins the debate on Hitler. Like my recent guest Michael Hoffman, Bjerknes thinks Hitler was indeed an “enemy of the German people”—and a very dubious character in many respects—whose reign was an unmitigated disaster for Germany and Europe in general. Now he’s under attack from Hitler fans! Adam Green recently wrote me: I enjoyed your interview with Michael Hoffman. The religious zealot nazi cult is viciously attacking Bjerknes and me after our videos about his…


Radio Islam Interviews Kevin on Coronavirus Conspiracy; Ron Ridenour on the “Russian Peace Threat”

Listen HERE First 15 minutes: Radio Islam International interviews Kevin on his “coronavirus conspiracy theories” that were recently deplored by The Algemeiner. Final 40 minutes: Ron Ridenour discusses his book The Russian Peace Threat, which makes the case that the US has been the aggressor, and Russia the wannabe peacemaker, since at least the beginning of the Cold War. And when the Cold War finally ended, the more things changed, the more they stayed the same. Ron does not shy away from “conspiracy theories,” i.e. the forbidden truth about such events as the JFK and 9/11 coups. Below is the…


Peter Myers: “Covid-19 Was Made in a Lab”

Listen HERE Peter Myers argues that coronavirus was made in a lab—”most likely from Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)….All such P4 labs  (BSL-4 labs) develop both weapons and vaccines, the vaccines being a protection against the weapon. WIV would have many workers, not only virologists but also cleaners and people who look after animals (they do experiments on animals). Most likely, one of these workers was infected by the Coronavirus, and unintentionally took it outside. After a few contacts, it reached the nearby Seafood Market, which is a local gathering-spot. From there it disseminated in Wuhan. There’s no way Xi or other…


Prof. Kevin MacDonald on the Censorship Epidemic

Listen HERE Kevin MacDonald, Professor Emeritus of  Psychology at California State University–Long Beach, discusses escalating censorship, Trump and competing elites, the white identity movement circa 2020, the presidential race, and of course coronavirus and its implications. We also touch on his most recent book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future. “My own experience is basically being deplatformed. I edit the journal Occidental Quarterly, which until recently has been a print journal. But now it’s just going to be online because we haven’t been able to retain our subscriptions because the credit card companies won’t process…


Kevin MacDonald on escalating censorship; Peter Myers says coronavirus was made in a lab

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Kevin MacDonald, Professor Emeritus of  Psychology at California State University–Long Beach, discusses escalating censorship, Trump and competing elites, the white identity movement circa 2020, the presidential race, and of course coronavirus and its implications. We’ll also touch on his most recent book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future. Second hour: Peter Myers argues that coronavirus was made in a lab—”most likely from Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)….All such P4 labs  (BSL-4 labs) develop both weapons and vaccines, the vaccines being a protection…

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