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Alan Sabrosky: Is America Headed for Civil War?

Listen HERE Dr. Alan “The Most Censored Man in America“ Sabrosky thinks we might not even make it to the election…and even if we do, Civil War II could break out shortly thereafter. “Looking at Biden vs Trump almost makes me long for the days of the 2016 election – almost. As I have written, Trump is out of his depth dealing with these crises, and the generals who could have helped him are long gone – and gone on bad terms, at that. Biden is so visibly senile the only question is whether he drops out as soon as…


Ken McCarthy Compares Coronavirus Science to Nazi Science

Listen HERE Ken McCarthy of BrassCheck TV has compiled a list of sources for people skeptical of official pronouncements about the COVID pandemic. He writes: “Right now I’m in the ‘Bernays/Gobbels/Fauci PLUS the structure of Nazi Science and why US science is starting to look frighteningly similar’ mode.  Also, also, newish, it appears that the dreaded “Novo” Wuhan Virus was found in a March 2019 sewage waste sample taken in Spain. Not a surprise to honest virologists. But a big problem to the ‘New virus that ate the world’ fraud meisters.”


Art Olivier on “Coronavirus Transformation Ritual”

Listen HERE Former Libertarian Party VP Candidate and mayor of Bellflower, California Art Olivier  discusses his brand-new article “The Coronavirus Transformation Ritual.” In it he writes: “Masks are quite often required during a ritual to help create a new identity. From ‘Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 11, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, 2004, Ritual, Masks, And Sacrifices’, ‘Ritual is intimately connected with the mask, either in the wearing that hides the true face, or in the adoption of a public face. The mask makes the disengagement from ordinary time and the connection to the ancient and repetitive, which is the…


LIVE RADIO! Art Olivier on “Coronavirus Transformation Ritual,” Ken McCarthy on Nazi Science

First hour: Former Libertarian Party VP Candidate and mayor of Bellflower, California Art Olivier  discusses his brand-new article “The Coronavirus Transformation Ritual.” Second hour: Ken McCarthy of BrassCheck TV has compiled a list of sources for people skeptical of official pronouncements about the COVID pandemic. He writes: “Right now I’m in the ‘Bernays/Gobbels/Fauci PLUS the structure of Nazi Science and why US science is starting to look frighteningly similar’ mode.  Also, also, newish, it appears that the dreaded “Novo” Wuhan Virus was found in a March 2019 sewage waste sample taken in Spain. Not a surprise to honest virologists. But a big problem to the ‘New virus that ate the…


Debating Zionist Annexation and Hezbollah on Press TV

Listen HERE In two recent Press TV debates I sided with the Palestinian resistance and Hezbollah—not something one can do anywhere in the Zionist-dominated Western mainstream media.  First 25 minutes: “This edition of The Debate is about the US-engineered annexation of Palestinian territories to Israel. Political commentator William Spring and Middle East expert Kevin Barrett exchange views on this issue.” Second 25 minutes: “This edition of The Debate is about the United States’ claims of Lebanese Hezbollah misusing state funds. Kevin Barrett, Middle East expert, and Fredrick Peterson, senior US Congressional defense adviser, exchange views on this issue.” Speaking of…


Mark Bruzonsky on Anti-Zionist Jews, Failure of 9/11 Truth & Mideast “Peace Process”

Listen HERE Journalist, author, and Middle East expert Mark Bruzonsky shares his views and experiences of two of the most important initiatives of our time: The campaign for peace in Occupied Palestine, and the 9/11 truth movement. (Mark has been an important participant in the former, and a more peripheral participant-observer of the latter.) Tonight we’ll discuss American  Jewish journalist Peter Beinart’s NY Times op-ed calling for a binational one-state solution in Israel/Palestine, in the context of Mark’s own efforts to promote a viable peace accord, including: meeting with Anwar Sadat and helping convince him to visit Israel in 1977; authoring…


Fred Burks Questions Coronavirus Response, Describes “Best Health Practices”

Listen HERE First hour: Ex-State Department whistleblower Fred Burks posts at, one of the best compendia of important suppressed information. He recently published “Why I have questioned the response to the coronavirus from the beginning” featuring Derek Henry’s “Is It The Germ Or The Terrain That Determines Our Health?”  We’ll also discuss Fred’s health practices, many of which I too can vouch for. Fred’s “Resilience Guide for Coronavirus Times”: 1) Check-in so you don’t check-out – be mindful of when you feel afraid and overwhelmed and how that might affect your ability to balance your thinking with different perspectives. 2) Question…


LIVE RADIO! Fred Burks Questions Coronavirus Response; Mark Bruzonsky on Anti-Zionist Jews, Failure of 9/11 Truth, & More

Broadcasts live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: Ex-State Department whistleblower Fred Burks posts at, one of the best compendia of important suppressed information. He recently published “Why I have questioned the response to the coronavirus from the beginning” featuring Derek Henry’s “Is It The Germ Or The Terrain That Determines Our Health?”  We’ll also discuss Fred’s health practices, many of which I too can vouch for. Fred’s “Resilience Guide for Coronavirus Times”: 1) Check-in so you don’t check-out – be mindful of when you feel afraid and overwhelmed and how that might affect your ability to…


Discussing “War on Islamic Iran” with Press TV & Richie Allen

Listen HERE First five minutes: Today’s (July 7) Press TV monologue on US-Israeli economic warfare against Iran. Excerpt: “So, ultimately what we are facing is a situation in which, Israel—which greatly increased its power over the US after it was the key player in the September 11, 2001, coup d’etat featuring the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center—has realized that its whole plan, which was to radically reshape the region to its own benefit by taking out seven countries in five years, the seventh and most important being Iran, has run up into a dead end. They can’t stop…


Labeeb Uqdah and Rashid Dawud on BLM and Islam

Listen HERE Labeeb Uqdah and Rashid Dawud are long time activists focused on the African-American and Muslim communities. Labeeb writes: “Rashid Dawud’s  roots are in Mississippi and Detroit. I was born in New Orleans, and have lived in Los Angeles since 1963. “We met at Cal State Northridge in 1975.  In 1985 we published Hijrah Magazine, and later published a newspaper called The LA Maghreb which came into being after an officer-involved shooting of an African American Muslim bus driver named Yusuf Bilal. “Rashid’s reversion or entry to Islam was through the door of orthodox Sunni Islam. My beginnings were…

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